Today, in the 1940s, World War II is coming to an end.

The captain of the lighthouse country in front of him is the spiritual symbol of the lighthouse country! An idol of countless people!

He was an ordinary patriotic youth.

After being injected with “Super Serum”, he was transformed into a Super Soldier.

It became the perfect embodiment of the so-called “freedom” and “justice”.

But so what?

The Red Skull is to look at this spiritual symbol of the Lighthouse Country, step by step into the abyss, and stand with him!


“Come on! Join us!

Just join the Twilight Sect and believe in the great god of fear.

You will gain even greater power, even immortality!

Come on! Join us! ”

The seductive voice of the Red Skull sounded in the ears of the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation.

Hearing this, the captain of the lighthouse country was full of confusion and seemed to be somewhat moved.

Seeing this, the Red Skull stepped forward, intending to pull him up from the ground.

But just as he approached, the Lighthouse Nation Captain suddenly burst out and swung his shock shield at him!


A muffled sound.

The unsuspecting red skull was smashed and flew out.

Fortunately, at this time, the strength of the Lighthouse Nation Captain was only 30% or 40%, so he was not too seriously injured.

After smashing the Red Skull with one blow, the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation immediately fled outside the base.

He knew he was no longer the Red Skull’s opponent.

Moreover, he learned so much information from the Red Skull, as long as he went back to report it, it would be a great achievement!

Even more than the credit for capturing or killing the Red Skull!


“FK! Damn it! ”

After the lighthouse captain escaped, the red skull covered his wounds and was furious.

This injury is fine.

But if you let the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation run away and poke out the Twilight Sect’s affairs…

Thinking of this, the Red Skull couldn’t help but shiver, as if thinking of something incomparably terrible.

In order to prevent the terrible thing he imagined from happening, the Red Skull immediately chased after him, trying to take down the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation.

But under the threat of death, the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation exploded with amazing potential and frantically escaped in an ice field.

The Red Skull chased all the way for several minutes, but did not catch up.

If you continue to chase like this, the reinforcements of the lighthouse country will come!

Thinking of this, the red skull’s flushed face couldn’t help but glow a little pale.


On the other side, Lighthouse Nation Captain Steve flees more and more excited, already seeing the dawn of hope!

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a large number of lighthouse country troops arrived, still driving tanks and planes!

This scene made the face of the red skull who was about to chase the captain of the lighthouse country change greatly.

He and the Lighthouse Nation Captain are almost as strong as B- to B-Class.

It is impossible to completely ignore the heavy firepower of tanks, aircraft, and machine guns.

This means that the Red Skull can’t get the Lighthouse Nation Captain back!

At this point, he was in a dilemma.

Go, the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation leaks the Twilight Sect, and the Red Skull will be eaten alive by his superior, the Flying Cloud God, one of the Ten Great Divine Messengers!

Stay, the Red Skull is not the opponent of the Lighthouse Nation Captain plus this army.

It made him very uncomfortable!

The Captain of the Lighthouse Nation seemed to see the entanglement of the Red Skull and sneered:

“Otherwise, you join our lighthouse country.”

As long as you tell us all the information related to the Twilight Sect, you will be made to take credit for your sins! ”

Against this, the Red Skull had done it not long ago.

The target of the rebellion is the captain of the lighthouse country.

But now that only ten or twenty minutes had passed, the situation had turned upside down.

This made the Red Skull almost not explode!

But even though the situation was so difficult, he said without hesitation:

“Stop dreaming! I can’t betray the Twilight Sect!” ”

Only those who had joined and touched it knew how terrifying the Fear Demon God believed in by the Twilight Sect was!

Planted in the hands of the lighthouse country, the big deal is death.

But if it falls into the hands of the Fear Demon God… The Red Skull suspected that his soul would be tortured for eternity!

Seeing that the Red Skull’s attitude was so resolute, the Lighthouse Nation Captain said with some surprise:

“Is this Twilight Sect so terrible?” Let people like you not even dare to have a rebellious heart? ”

“You won’t understand… In short, you don’t want to plot against me, I will always believe in the great god of fear and will never betray me! ”

Red Skull said emphatically.

Hearing this, the captain of the lighthouse nation opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from all around.

“Ahem! Count you fools who have kept the final bottom line.

Otherwise, you will taste the most terrifying taste in the world! ”


Hearing this voice, the red skull trembled, and his eyes were both respectful and afraid.

This voice is the angel of the Flying Clouds!

The people of the lighthouse country were extremely surprised.

The sound seemed to come from all directions, and there was no way to lock the position!

But they didn’t look long.

A figure dressed in black robes suddenly appeared on the branches of a tree not far away.

This figure stood there like a ghost!

For some reason, when the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation saw this figure, his heart was a little hairy.

He suppressed this strange feeling and asked aloud:

“What are you?”


I am a believer in the great god of fear.

I am one of the Ten Great Divine Messengers of the Twilight Sect.

I am…… Han Junfei! ”

Speaking, this figure raised its head, revealing a rather handsome middle-aged man’s face, it was Han Junfei!

Hundreds of years have passed, and he has only changed from a young man to a middle-aged man.

It all depends on the improvement of strength!

Today, Han Junfei is already an S-class martial artist!

And has established some kind of weak connection with the great god of fear, and has some incomparably strange means!


The Lighthouse Nation Captain didn’t know how strong Han Junfei was, only that he was the enemy.

“One of the Ten Great Divine Messengers of the Twilight Sect, the Flying Cloud Divine Messenger?”

It seems that you are the top level of the Twilight Sect!

So, taking you down, you should be able to get more information about that cult, right? ”

After saying a few words to himself, the captain of the lighthouse country suddenly struck and threw the Zhenjin shield in his hand towards Han Junfei.

The Zhenjin shield quickly shot towards Han Junfei, rubbing the air and making a whimpering sound.

This is so powerful that even a tank will be overturned!

However, the next moment, Han Junfei stretched out a finger and lightly nodded at the flying Zhenjin shield.

This made the Zhenjin Shield stay in place, and then shoot at the Lighthouse Nation Captain at a faster speed.

“How is this possible!!!”

This scene shocked the Captain of the Lighthouse Nation to the extreme, and he could hardly believe his eyes!

Is this the power of the Ten Great Messengers of the Twilight Sect?

No wonder the Red Skull would say that he had never seen a truly powerful force.

Only because this kind of power is not similar to humans!

Captain Lighthouse Nation never thought that humans could be so powerful!


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