The entire blue star was shaken by Chen Mo’s big move!

An entire country, more than 500 million people, was dragged into the dream!

What a terrible thing!

When this strange incident spread, the world boiled!

Almost everyone is paying attention to this unprecedented and earth-shattering event!

At this point, the top level of the Blue Star wanted to suppress it, but it could not be suppressed.

I can only resign myself…

Of course, this does not mean giving up the struggle.

The Budokai Alliance sent many powerful warriors to infiltrate the southern country as quickly as possible to investigate this strange incident.

At the same time, a vigorous search for the Scarecrow is carried out, hoping to solve this strange incident from the root.


However, the vast majority of ordinary people on the Blue Star do not know these confidential things.

With trepidation, they watched the live broadcast and wanted to know the development of things at the first time.

Among so many live broadcast rooms, the most watched one is the live broadcast room of half a ton of immortals.

Who called him a martial arts celebrity and famous all over the world?

In the eyes of ordinary people, a half-ton immortal is a top warrior who is high above!

There is great power in the hands and feet, and the big people who can influence the global situation!

Think of such a big man… You should be able to resist this strange incident, right?

With this in mind, countless people poured into the half-ton immortal’s live broadcast room to see how he would deal with this extraordinarily large and strange incident.


In the dream world, the half-ton immortal frowned.

Those “rustling” sounds louder and louder, as if some monster is rapidly approaching!

Half a ton of immortals tried it, but they still couldn’t sense the “qi” in their bodies.

His martial arts cultivation was zeroed out!

Seeing those “rustling” sounds getting closer and closer, you can even faintly see a few thin ghost shadows!

At this moment, the half-ton immortal did not dare to delay any longer.

He knew he had to figure out how to deal with it!

At this time, the body of a half-ton immortal was only the size of a four- or five-year-old child, and even an ordinary adult could not compare with it.

Looking around, there were no weapons.

Seems like a dead end!

But the half-ton immortal has achieved today’s achievements after hardships, and his heart is very human!

Even in such a desperate situation, I did not give up hope.

He pondered calmly.

At the same time, those rustling noises had come to him.

A skinny and eerie scarecrow emerged from the dense weeds.

With a strange danger on his face, the eyes of the black hole hole looked directly at the half-ton immortal in his juvenile state.

Then, the Scarecrow stretched out two huge claws full of sharp claws and grabbed at him!

At this moment, countless viewers stopped breathing, and their brains went blank.

Even across the screen, they are terrified!

This strange scarecrow, as if the embodiment of fear, was born with endless fear!

Some timid viewers even turned their heads and did not dare to look again.

They seemed to have foreseen the fate of the half-ton immortals.

It is nothing more than turning into a flesh-and-blood corpse under the claws of the Scarecrow!


Then, when everyone thought it was finished, the eyes of the half-ton immortal suddenly lit up and he thought of a way to break the game.

I saw him quickly take off his shirt, rotate it a few times, and twist it into a rope.

At the same time, it is placed in the mud and is contaminated with a lot of dirt and sewage.

This makes this clothing turn into a tough short stick!

At this moment, the two sharp claws of the Scarecrow had reached over and grabbed at the head of the half-ton immortal.

He held his breath and stood still!

Just when these two claws were about to catch him, the half-ton immortal finally moved!

Quiet as a virgin moving like a rabbit.

This sentence could not be more appropriate for the half-ton immortals at this time.

When he was about to be killed by the claws, the half-ton immortal burst out and quickly threw out the short stick that was twisted into a rope in his hand and was stained with sewage and dirt!


Two loud bangs.

The half-ton immortal held a short stick made of clothing and hit the scarecrow’s fragile elbow at the same time.

The half-ton immortal in this state was indeed very weak.

But as a top martial artist who is only one step away from the S level, his use of power has reached its peak!

He was keenly aware that the scarecrow was not strong enough for him to break through.

Then hit the Scarecrow’s most vulnerable part with precision!

Under the precise blow of the half-ton immortal, the two sharp claws that the scarecrow extended in front of him were interrupted at the same time, and they fell powerlessly to the ground.

Then the short stick of clothing in his hand whipped out again, hitting the weak point of the scarecrow in front of him one after another.

Or the knees, or the waist, or the ankles.

Soon, this slender and tall scarecrow was actually disintegrated layer by layer under the attack of the half-ton immortal!

Until finally, it turned into a ball of abandoned straw and scattered on the ground.

This scene will make all the audience stunned!

In addition to the shock, the admiration for the half-ton immortal soared!

You know, at this time, the half-ton immortal is only the size of a five- or six-year-old child, and there is no decent weapon around him.

It was such a desperate situation that he found the opportunity to turn the tables in an incredible way!

I have to say that the martial cultivation of the half-ton immortal is really too advanced!

The use of power is also exquisite!

After a brief shock, the bullet screen exploded in the live broadcast room of the half-ton immortals!


“6666666!!! It’s really too strong, worthy of being the top warrior of the Blue Star! ”

“I declare that from today onwards, half a ton of immortals will be my idol!”

“His old man’s use of power is simply to the extreme!” When will I be able to have such a practice? ”

“Haha! Don’t think about it upstairs, or quietly watch the big guy beat the monster in the dream. ”

“Watching other dream live broadcast rooms, they are all kinds of monsters abused. It’s tragic, it’s terrifying!

Only half a ton of immortals’ live broadcast room can see it, big guy come on! ”

“Don’t panic, with the martial cultivation of half a ton of immortals, a little bit of strength can wreak havoc on that dream world!”

“I thought it was a terrible and strange time!” Now it seems, but that’s it! ”


However, just when the audience in the live broadcast room was extremely optimistic, the face of the half-ton immortal froze.

Because…… In the dense grass around, there is more “rustling” sounds!

It’s all in all directions!

More than a dozen eerie “rustling” sounds wrapped half a ton of immortals in the middle!


Second more to send, good night everyone!

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