
Seeing this scene, those top spirit cultivators not far away quietly swallowed their spit, only to feel cold!

This scarecrow is so eerie that it is so terrifying!

Although this A+ level spirit bearer, his ability is more inclined to detect and conceal.

But no matter what, he is an A+-level spirit master!

The others present were not at all sure of killing him.

After all, the strength of this A+ level spirit keeper is to escape.

But this scarecrow was so strange that he actually dragged him out of the void and killed him!

Such a means is frightening!

White Feather Star, when did such a terrible weirdness appear?

Just a moment ago, this scarecrow strangely displayed six or seven powerful abilities!

A giant scythe that can hurt people in the air…

Endless dead night crows…

The soul-sucking green lights…

Death whispers with fear…

Wait, wait.

These are only shown, and it is estimated that there are still many hidden means!

From this, it can be inferred that the strange strength of this scarecrow has vaguely exceeded the A+ level!

And…… Its level is only A!

This means that after the scarecrow’s weird level is raised to A+.

These White Feather Star Top Spirit Bearers present were not its opponents even if they were united!


Thinking of this, these A+ level spirits from various countries looked at each other and saw the meaning of others.

“Folks, put aside the grievances and interests of the past.

This strange thing was too terrible, and it already had the power of the Demon God.

We have to get rid of it first! ”

“Nice! The hearts of those who are not of my race will be different!

Let’s put an end to this strange thing first, and as for who the Dark God Gate belongs to, then we will divide the subordinates. ”

“Agreed! The master of our White Feather Star can only be humans!

Weird, just a tool for us to get stronger! ”

“Don’t say more, let’s go together!”

After a simple communication, these White Feather Star Top Spirit Bearers were ready to strangle the Scarecrow together.

But how could Chen Mo watch them discuss there?

Without waiting for these top spirit masters to strike, he would strike first!




Vast swaths of Death Night Crows condensed, turning into death madness and strangling these top spirit lords!

At the same time, the Seven Sins Nether Lamp in Chen Mo’s hand bloomed with a piercing green light, enveloping the entire Yuanguo Capital!

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the ghost was sensen!

A breathtaking force burst out!

“Folks, I’ll fend off these crows, and you’ll put out the scarecrows!”

An A+ level spirit keeper stepped forward.

He opened his mouth and spat out, and a large amount of black smoke enveloped thousands of dead night crows.

Countless dead night crows struggled and hissed in the black smoke.

But in a short period of time, it could not break through this black smoke weirdness.

“This light that attacks people’s souls will be dealt with by me!”

An A+ level Spirit Keeper also struck immediately.

He was shocked, and the whole human skin peeled off and turned into a bloody corpse!

However, this A+ level spirit hunter did not die, but manipulated his human skin and wrapped it around the Seven Sins Nether Lamp.

There is a strange force on this human skin.

It was like a black hole, swallowing up all the rays of the Seven Sins Nether Lamp!


I have to say that the A+ level top spirit hunters are really powerful!

They have their own means and are very powerful!

One-on-one may not be Chen Mo’s opponent, but a few people can easily deal with Chen Mo’s various skills.

Seeing that Chen Mo’s two major killing moves were blocked, the remaining six or seven A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivators were shocked and used their own powerful means to kill Chen Mo!

Behind them, there are dozens of A-level Imperial Spirit Bearers!

At this moment, Chen Mo was facing the most powerful batch of forces in the entire White Feather Star!

The top Imperial Spirit Bearers of the White Feather Star were basically gathered here!

However, Chen Moyi was not afraid, and in the face of the siege of many top spirit masters, a strange smile appeared on his face.

“This weird thing is wrong, hurry up and destroy him!”

When one of the A-level Imperial Spirit Cultivators saw Chen Mo’s smile, his heart couldn’t help but feel a little hairy.

He shouted, and then killed Chen Mo.

But at this moment, wisps of red silk emerged from the void.

This A-level Spirit Guardian was accidentally entangled in an instant.

Immediately after, these red threads tightened violently!



This Spirit Guardian was actually strangled by countless red silk threads!

The flesh and blood were all swallowed up by the red silk thread!

“What’s the situation? Is there another weirdness? ”

The violent death of this A-level spirit keeper made the others look shocked!

Immediately afterward, a figure dressed in a red wedding dress suddenly appeared beside Chen Mo.

It is the red flame, Lu Hongyue!


“Red… Red Moon?! ”

Seeing this figure, Lu Yu, who was still watching the battle, froze.

Although Hongxu did not show her face, she was after all Lu Yu’s daughter who grew up watching her.

How could it not be recognized?

Lu Yu thought that his daughter had died a long time ago, but he didn’t expect to see her here again at this time!

“Lu Yu, calm down! Her breath is not right, she is weird! ”

When Lu Yu was extremely excited, Li Bing grabbed his arm.

Hearing this, Lu Yu was stunned, and his eyes instantly dimmed.

After calming down a bit, he could sense that the red breath was inhuman, and it had become strange!

In fact, Red Flame is now half human and half weird.

She couldn’t tell what she was.

For Lu Hongyue’s past, Hongxu has some nostalgia, but she knows that she can never become Lu Hongyue.

She’s now… It’s red!


Hongxu swept Lu Yu with the afterglow, and his mood churned for a moment. But soon regained his composure.

“Those A-level ones are handed over to me, and I can only help you so much.”

After dropping a sentence, Red Flame flew out and intercepted those A-level Spirit Guardians.

In this way, what Chen Mo had to face was 6 A+ level Imperial Spirit Beings.

“Folks, this scarecrow has a strange helper!

But it doesn’t matter, the six of us are enough to destroy it!

Whoever kills this scarecrow is weird, the Dark God Gate will belong to him. What do you think? ”

“Great idea! This scarecrow is actually the first great scourge of the White Feather Star!

It will not die, and sooner or later the White Feather Star will perish in its hands!

The person who killed it is enough to be called a hero, and he is more qualified to master the Dark God Gate! ”


While discussing these six A+ level Imperial Spirits, these six A+ level Imperial Spirit Cultivators displayed their own means and killed Chen Mo.


Thanks for the “隨ぁ緣ヾ”, “18135xxx120” for the reminder vote

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