Thinking back to the beginning, when Chen Mo had just been reborn and had just learned the Nightmare Ghost Claw, the attack range was only a few meters.

And now, the fifteenth-level nightmare ghost claw could sweep through the 10-kilometer range around Chen Mo!

The figure of the knocking ghost is like a ghost, and a few flashes disappear without a trace.

But under Chen Mo’s nightmare ghost claws, there was nowhere to hide!

Three seconds later, the knocker was dragged back to the Zhou family by Chen Mo with the nightmare ghost claw.

Although he entered the Zhou family, the power of the knocking ghost was completely suppressed by Chen Mo.

The four members of the Zhou family and Su Jing did not have anything to do.

Instead, it was a knocker, who fell to the ground trembling, looking extremely frightened.

Just this knocking ghost actually provided Chen Mo with some fear points.

However, Chen Mo grabbed it and came back, but it was not for this fear value.


After coming to the Yuan Kingdom, Chen Mo was eager to find out where the breath that attracted him was.

He had sent out many straw men to look for a long time.

But it was not found.

This breath seemed to be covered by some force, cutting off the tracking of others.

After guessing this, Chen Mo decided to break into the interior of the Yuan Kingdom.

In this way, we can investigate what this breath really is.

Originally, Chen Mo intended to be the same as before in Nanchuan Country.

The person who directly assimilates the Secret Service with the dead species, preferably at the top.

This will allow him to quickly find out what he wants.

However, the strength of the Yuan Kingdom does not know how much stronger than the Nanchuan Kingdom!

Such a rough method obviously does not work in the Yuan Kingdom.

The Yuanguo has a weird that can regularly detect the status of every Soul Keeper of Grade B and above.

Whether it is death or other special circumstances, it will be detected in time.

In this way, Chen Mo used the dead seed to assimilate the top level of the Yuanguo Special Affairs Bureau and then steal the plan of intelligence.

It failed.


In desperation, Chen Mo thought of another plan – to cultivate the Imperial Spirit Cultivator himself, break into the top level of the Yuanguo Secret Service, and finally steal intelligence.

If it had been in the past, this plan would have been almost impossible to achieve.

Whether it is the rapid improvement of strength or the rapid improvement of status.

None of this can be achieved.

But now, the strange events of the Yuan Kingdom have erupted!

In this way, there is a chance to become stronger, and there is also a chance to be promoted!

There are always more opportunities in a troubled world than in a peaceful and prosperous world.

Of course, it’s also more dangerous!

The question now was, which few Imperial Spirit Cultivators would Chen Mo cultivate to break into the top level of the Yuanguo Secret Affairs Bureau?

If only Su Jing was alone, it didn’t seem to be enough. (Su Jing has a dead seed on her body, but she has not fully assimilated and still maintains herself, so she cannot detect it and can be used as a spy)

And she wasn’t a Spirit Keeper yet.

When Ding Hanmei and Dongzi appeared, Chen Mo had someone to choose!

Count Zhou Junjie again, it’s just the four of them!

So, at the end of the battle between the Knocker and the Death Comics.

Chen Mo appeared!


Time flies back to the present.

After subduing the knocker, Chen Mo glanced at Ding Hanmei and Dongzi’s bodies.

Chen Mo’s gaze contained a strong sense of coercion and fear, which made the two of them tremble involuntarily.

Dongzi was even more unbearable, and after being stared at by Chen Mo for a few seconds, he actually passed out!

In the end, Chen Mo still chose the unconscious Dongzi.

Because Ding Hanmei was already a C+ level Spirit Bearer.

Dongzi is only C-level and urgently needs to be promoted.

Chen Mo manipulated the nightmare ghost claw and dragged Dongzi, who was like a dead dog, over.

In the process of dragging, Dongzi woke up.

Seeing himself being dragged by the Scarecrow, he screamed in fright!

“Don’t… Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!” I’m still a virgin!

Please treat me like a fart, let me go! Pure fart, absolutely crashing of the kind! ”

Dongzi cried loudly, screaming worse than killing a pig.

But Chen Mo was unmoved, and still dragged him over.

Seeing that death was coming, Dongzi couldn’t help but feel sad from it!

A few years ago, when Toko was killed for the second time by the Scarecrow, he was a virgin.

The words of crying and shouting are almost the same as they are now.

A few years have passed, and he is almost thirty years old, still a virgin!

Why did this make him feel bad?

Is it really necessary to be single for thirty years, to become a magician?

And Toko knew that this scarecrow had already advanced to the A level!

The B-class knocker is in front of it, weak like an ant!

In this way, the backhands prepared by Dongzi have no meaning at all.

Even if he had thousands of means, in the face of absolute strength, there was absolutely no possibility of survival!

“Farewell, this is not a beautiful world…

If I had known, I would have gone to the big health care with them when I graduated from high school…”

After these two thoughts flashed through his mind, Dongzi closed his eyes and prepared to die.


Toko’s idea is indeed not wrong.

If Chen Mo had already transformed into a demigod, his strength would be terrifying!

Those small means of Dongzi were useless in front of him.

Chen Mo only needed one look to completely erase Dongzi’s spirit and soul.

There’s no scum left!

In this way, no means can resurrect him.

However, Chen Mo did not intend to kill Dongzi.

After dragging him to his side, Chen Mo stretched out two more nightmare ghost claws and twisted the knocker into a ball.

Then he broke open Toko’s mouth and forced this rotten and maggot-covered weirdness into his mouth!

Normal control of the strange process, of course, is not like this.

The whole process of controlling the strange will be very careful, for fear of failure to control, resulting in serious injury or even death of the Guardian!

However, Chen Mo suppressed the knocker with absolute fear power, not afraid of its chaos.

So in such a rough and simple way, he forcibly injected it into Dongzi’s body and let him control this strangeness.


“Woohoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Dongzi rolled his eyes when he was stuffed, wanting to throw up and couldn’t spit out.

It’s so uncomfortable!

After Chen Mosai finished, he directly threw him aside.

Dongzi fell to his knees and vomited in pain for a long time before he was relieved.

After slowing down, Dongzi was stunned.

He looked at his hands and said in disbelief:

“I… Am I a C+ level Spiritist? Did I drive the knocker? ”

Toko’s mood is complicated.

There is the joy of the rest of your life, the unbelievable sudden strengthening, and a deep fear!

Because this power was given to him by the terrible scarecrow!

Toko has not forgotten that this scarecrow is strangely wise!

His every move is planned!

And this method of the Scarecrow is really unheard of, never heard of!

It completely broke Dongzi’s understanding of the strange and the spirit of the Spirit.

If you are not a Class A Spirit Guardian, you can forcibly create a low-level Spirit Guardian, or help the Spirit Rider increase his strength.

If this were the case, where would a big country like the Yuan Kingdom worry that there would be not enough Spirit Guardians?

Chen Mo was able to do this not because he was an A-class weird.

It’s because he’s a god of fear!

Under the irrepressible fear, the knocker was completely shocked by Chen Mo.

Even if he entered Dongzi’s body, he didn’t dare to make the slightest change.

This is the power of fear!

In addition, Toko’s foundation is a little worse, and he can’t exert all the power of the knocker.

So it’s only C+ for the time being.

After he slowly became familiar with the power of the knocker, he would slowly rise up.


After dealing with Dongzi, Chen Mo set his eyes on Su Jing’s body.

This woman, who was Chen Mo’s earliest help, helped him a lot, and could be trusted.

And later in the Twilight Sect, it also played a great role.

It is equivalent to the Minister of Propaganda.

It’s also time to give Su Jing some strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo stretched out two nightmare ghost claws and absorbed all of Su Jing and the Death Comics.


Today let everyone wait for a long time, and make up for it in another chapter.

In addition, don’t spread any “eunuchs”, saying that you will not be a eunuch several times, why don’t you believe it?

In the future, I saw that similar remarks were all deleted, which made me upset

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