Intimate contact with the Scarecrow again, Su Jing was extremely happy, so happy that she was about to faint!

However, not long after entering the Chamber of Secrets, her eyes went black, and she lost all her senses, including consciousness!

When the field of vision lit up again, Su Jing appeared in a small white room.

“Where is this?”

Su Jing was a little confused.

She fumbled around and found that it was a fully enclosed white room.

Not to mention the door, not even a single window.

“What the hell is going on?”

Su Jing’s head was full of question marks.

At this moment, she did not realize that she had been dragged into Chen Mo’s dream world!

This time, the dream was carefully woven by Chen Mo.

It is not the same as the rough dreams of the previous times!

This time, Chen Mo wanted to squeeze the fear of millions of people in the entire Beihai City!

Except for the three A-level Spirit Bearers, everyone else, including the followers of the Twilight Sect, was dragged into his dream!

The first thing a person who is dragged into a dream is the thing he fears most in his heart!

Dig into deep fear.

It is a new ability that appears in Dream Realm after reaching LV10.

This is a very powerful ability!

Specialize in the weaknesses of the human heart!

Chen Mo was ready to harvest the fear value.


Return to the dream world.

Just as Su Jing was confused, a strange sound came from all parts of the room.

“Welcome to Purgatory Game!”

“The one-man trial is about to begin!”

After two simple sentences, the entire white room fell into a dead silence again.

Only the countdown sound of “ticking tick” sounded like a hypnotist.

Su Jing was stunned, and probably had a little understanding of her situation.

But before she could think about it, her eyes went black again.

Then there was a twist in consciousness, as if it were caught up in another piece of space.


After regaining her vision again, Su Jing froze.

She actually turned into a miniature person the size of a palm!

At this time, he was standing next to the leg of a stool, and he couldn’t get up to the stool.

Here, it was a gloomy room, with only a faint light flickering in the wind.

Instead, it creates an atmosphere of more repressive horror…

“Where is this?” Why…… I always feel something familiar? ”

Su Jing had some doubts.

But she quickly calmed down and began to sort out her current situation.

After experiencing so many things, Su Jing has indeed grown a lot.

First, she was pulled into a space called “Purgatory Game” and then started the “Novice Trial”.

This should be the so-called novice testing ground.

But why, Su Jing would have a strong sense of familiarity with this dark and damp room?

It’s as if you’ve lived here!

However, Su Jing has no relevant memories…

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

Just when Su Jing was confused, the dull sound of chopping meat came from the bathroom.

This voice, her heart skipped a beat when she heard it!

In the middle of the night, how can normal people chop meat in the bathroom?


Su Jing vaguely emerged with a very terrible conjecture!

“Since it’s a game, there may be a way to pass the level. It’s not a good thing to hide all the time, so let’s go check it out. ”

Su Jing suppressed her fear, manipulated the miniature body, jumped around in the debris, and approached the bathroom.

Although the body became small and miniature.

But at the same time, it is much more flexible and very agile.

Su Jing quickly came to the door of the bathroom.

The sound of chopping meat is even louder!

You can still faintly hear the sound of liquid splashing!

Su Jing couldn’t reach the door handle, and even if she could reach it, she didn’t dare to open the door directly.

She lay tightly on the ground and looked inside through the crack in the door.

This look scared Su Jing almost to scream!

In the bathroom, there is a headless female shi.

In front of the female shi stood a tall and strong man.

Su Jing couldn’t see his face, only two strong and powerful legs.

And the butcher knife he kept waving!




The sound of chopping meat is followed by a sound.

The female shi was split step by step.

A large amount of warm blood gushed out of the Shi body, and then flowed outside the door crack and spread towards Su Jing.

The piercing red color is gradually coming!

Devoured the snow-white tiled floor!

Seeing these horrific pictures, Su Jing froze in place, her brain faintly aching.

Some fragments of broken and messy memories emerged.

It was very similar to the scene in front of me!

An unspeakable sense of fear swallowed Su Jing!

Originally, Su Jing, who had experienced so many things, had already become bold.

Even if it was a murder case, it would not make her so frightened, and even her emotions would not fluctuate much.

However, after watching some inexplicably familiar pictures, Su Jing couldn’t control herself at all!

She was so terrified that she lay on the spot shivering, her pupils dilated, and her face was dull.

Su Jing, actually stunned!

It wasn’t until the gushing blood was about to touch her that she woke up violently.

“I have to hide!” I have to hide! Can’t let the murderer in the bathroom find me! ”

Su Jing’s brain buzzed.

A voice that came out of nowhere, constantly reminding her.

Urge her to hurry up and hide!

Prompted by this voice, Su Jing stood up and scanned around.

Eyes locked on a cute little children’s bench.

This stool is not high, just enough for Su Jing to accommodate.

Under the domination of fear, Su Jing did not think much and hurriedly hid under the stool.

But because she was too anxious, she accidentally knocked down the debris on the side and made some strange noises.

When Su Jing hid under the stool, the sound of chopping meat in the bathroom stopped, and she seemed to be attracted by the strange noise outside the door.


The old bathroom door was slowly pushed open.

A pair of strong calves came out and walked back and forth outside, as if looking for the origin of the noise.

Su Jing is now miniature, only the size of a palm.

He hid under a trumpet stool again, and his vision was limited.

So she still couldn’t see the murderer’s face, only his strong calves and blood-stained shoes.

Watch him keep walking around, rummaging for clutter.

One of Su Jing’s hearts mentioned the throat eye!

“Can’t be discovered by him! Definitely not to be discovered by him! ”

Su Jing covered her mouth and trembled violently.

She kept telling herself to be calm.

But I don’t know why, but I can’t control myself at all!

These pictures seem to be the deepest fears in Su Jing’s heart!

It’s a dark corner that can’t be touched!

At this time, it was bloodied on display!

This dark and damp house, and this horrific murder.

All gave Su Jing a sense of déjà vu.

Seems…… She’s experienced it firsthand!

At first, Su Jing couldn’t remember it at all.

But gradually, some fragments and images of broken memories appeared in her mind.

It perfectly coincides with what’s happening right now!

Don’t…… What happened in front of you, did you really experience it, but did you just lose these memories?

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