Under the command of Zhou Zhouchuan, seven or eight investigators surrounded him and carefully retreated to the Secret Service.

Brought back with them were the four mad investigators.


After hiding in the Secret Service for a while and making sure there was no danger, Monday Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

By this time, he had realized that the Twilight Sect was an extremely dangerous opponent!

It is not an ordinary weak organization!

This opponent could not be solved by the strength of Beihai City alone, and he had to make a request for support from the General Bureau.

But before that, Monday Chuan needs to figure out this matter before he can report it to the head.

Now, the only people who could get information were the four crazy investigators.

Seeing that they kept chanting something, Zhou Chuan came closer and listened.

I want to hear what crazy things they are talking about.

After getting closer, Monday Chuan could indeed hear what the four crazy investigators were saying.

What they say is the same sentence, and it is repeated over and over again!

“The Scarecrow is coming… The Scarecrow is coming! He will bring fear! He will bring endless fear! ”

This sentence is twisted and weird!

The voice is full of fear!

After listening carefully to it again, Monday Chuan got goosebumps, only to feel a cold breath rushing straight to the door of his head!

To be the director, in addition to strength, Zhou Chuan’s brain is certainly not bad.

He immediately thought of the death of General Xiong Ying Dragon Bear some time ago!

Although it has not been thoroughly investigated, there are many clues in the picture that the reporter live-streamed.

Based on these clues, Lei Guo’s experts agree that it must be the strangeness of a scarecrow who killed General Bear.

Now the four crazy survivors were talking about the Scarecrow again.

Don’t…… Is the Twilight Sect related to the Scarecrow?

Ma Donglai They died at the scarecrow’s strange hands?

Thinking of this, Monday Chuan only felt that his mouth was dry and his hands were cold!

Although he was the director of the special affairs bureau of a city, Beihai City was an eighteen-tier small city in the Lei Kingdom.

He’s been here to mess around.

Such a big thing, Monday Chuan really can’t bear it!

“Go! Gather all your hands back! Don’t worry about anything that happens during this time, and concentrate on keeping the Secret Service! ”

Monday Chuan first ordered his men to pose defensively.

Then he immediately carefully wrote down a report of what had happened today and sent it to the mailbox of the General Directorate.

“I hope the General Administration will respond soon!” I can’t stand that level of weirdness! ”

Monday Chuan sat paralyzed in a chair in his office, his face full of fear.

What he didn’t know was that at this time, the situation at the Secret Service headquarters in Lei Guo was not very good.


The resurgence of terror has been around for more than a decade.

Over time.

The number of weirdness is increasing, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The degree of horror and the degree of danger are also constantly improving!

Similarly, the number and strength of the Spirit Bearers are also increasing.

Experts who study weirdness divide the power of the Spirits and the Weird into A, B, C, D, E, and F.

But on the A level, there are actually higher levels.

That is, S Class!

However, the S-class currently exists only in the imagination.

Experts believe that the S-class weirdness must exist!

But it has never been discovered.

In the conception of these experts, the S-class weirdness has incredible abilities!

This ability is no longer a superposition of quantities.

It’s a qualitative change!

More than 90% of experts believe that the S class can be called the god level!

This level of weirdness can even destroy the whole world with its own strength!

In short, it has the power of extinction!

This idea is terrible!

It’s also tempting!

For this reason, for a period of time, the major powers tried their best and exhausted all resources, like crazy to create an S-class spirit master!

Because whoever has an S-level Spirit First Officer means that he can rule the world!

However, no matter how hard the various powers tried, they could not create S-class Spirit Masters.

A level of the Spirit Keeper can be created by multiple powerful B-level eerie superpositions.

Xiong Yinglong perfectly mastered the weirdness of the three B+ levels before entering the A-level of A.

But this method, the S level does not work.

A top power once let a top spirit master control 5 A+ level weirdness.

The result still did not break through to the S class.

While harnessing the weirdness of the sixth A+ level, this spirit keeper got out of control and was eaten by the weirdness, causing a huge disaster!

As soon as this incident came out, the “god-making plans” of the major powers were shelved.

This also led to a situation – as of now, the A-level Spirit Guardian is the most powerful and important force in the major powers!

The number and strength of A-level Spirit Bearers can be directly used to determine the strength of a country.

Some time ago, Xiong Yinglong died.

Originally, losing an A-level Imperial Spirit Person, Lei Guo could still accept it, after all, the strength was there.

Who knew that coincidentally, a few days after Xiong Yinglong’s death, another A-level Imperial Spirit Cultivator in the Thunder Kingdom was killed by a strange reaction!

Lei Guo lost two A-level Imperial Spirit Bearers in a short period of time, and immediately fell into a period of weakness and was targeted by the enemy!

Eyeing the Thunder Country is the Holy Eagle Country.

It is also a first-class country, and it has a feud with the Thunder State.

These two countries, on average, three or five years to do a fight, the usual small actions are continuous!

Each has its own victory or defeat, and there is no stalemate.

Seeing that the Thunder Kingdom was weak, how could the Holy Eagle Kingdom let go of this good opportunity?

The high-level people didn’t think much of it, and immediately sent out several powerful teams of Imperial Spirit Bearers to infiltrate the Thunder Country and start to sabotage, and even hunted down the Thunder Kingdom’s Spirit Guards!

Recently, the Secret Service Headquarters of the Thunder Country has been overwhelmed by the Holy Eagle State!

At this time, they received important news from the Beihai City Secret Service – suspected to have appeared strange Scarecrow related to Xiong Yinglong’s death!

After seeing this news, the headquarters of the Lei State Secret Service was even more headaches!

If it had been before, Lei Guo would have immediately sent out his men to solve this strange problem.

Even if it was a Class A weirdness, Lei Guo still had the ability to deal with it.

No matter how bad it is, it can be expelled.

But now… What a headache!

In desperation, Lei Guo thought of a way.

That is to use the power of the Folk Spirit Destroyer Organization!

The population of Lei Guo exceeds one billion.

In addition to the official Spirits organization, the Secret Service.

There are also countless folk spirit-repellent organizations!

In fact, there is no shortage of powerful organizations!

Of course, these organizations are all on the same front as the Lei Guo official, otherwise it would be difficult to survive.

But…… If you want these organizations to do a good job, empty teeth are definitely not enough.

Something good must be given!

In this troubled autumn, in order to quell the strange incident in Beihai City as soon as possible, the headquarters of the Lei State Special Affairs Bureau laid down a blood cost!

Under the high-level decision, a message spread to the various civil spiritist organizations in the Thunder Kingdom.

“Beihai City is suspected of having a Class A weirdness, to solve the strange incident, you can arbitrarily select an A-class weird in our bureau’s inventory, or exchange it for equivalent materials.” (It needs to be confirmed that the spooky event is Class A)”

As soon as this news came out, the entire Folk Spirit Guardian Organization of the Thunder Kingdom boiled over!

“Pick an A-class weird at will”.

This reward is too great!

Lei Guo has sufficient inventory, and the picker is likely to be able to choose a strange one that suits him!

Such a reward is enough to make any Spirit Guardian go crazy!

You know, a lot of A-level weirdness, even if you have the strength to catch, it may not be able to control.

Even if it can be controlled, the probability is not suitable for you.

Finding a suitable A-class weird is the ultimate dream of countless spirits!

This means stepping up to the heavens and stepping into the ranks of the strongest in the world!

Of course, the premise is the ability to control the A-class weirdness.

Without this strength but to force control, may be in danger.


But either way, it’s a sky-high price!

As the saying goes, people die for money, birds die for food.

Under the temptation of such a rich reward, the entire Thunder Nation’s Imperial Spirit Bearers were moved!

For a time, countless folk spirits infiltrated Beihai City, intending to solve this strange incident and receive the extremely rich reward.

However, when they infiltrated Beihai City.

An image of fear, a sect, a scarecrow.

It’s creeping up!

A strange event, which shook the Thunder Country and even shook the whole world, was quietly brewing!

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