As soon as he walked out of the ancestral hall, Xiong Yinglong saw a female villager with a simple smile waiting for them at the door.

However, the smile on the villager’s face froze there, and there was no change at all.

After a long time, I feel inexplicably weird!

Let people have some hairs in their hearts!

After seeing this female villager, Xiong Yinglong realized that the villagers in the Dead Gate Village were all men.

“Could it be that the village of Shengmen will be full of women?”

Xiong Yinglong thought to himself in his heart.


After meeting Xiong Yinglong and his entourage, the villager smiled unchanged and said stiffly:

“A couple of them are new guests, right?” Would you like to come to our Shengmen Village to have a look? ”


Xiong Yinglong’s words are concise and concise.

In the A-level ghost domain, he converged a lot.

But it is obviously impossible for him to be polite to something that is neither human nor ghostly.

Hearing this, the villager nodded and said:

“Please come with me.”

With that, he led Xiong Yinglong and his party to the small river.

This small river, the water is crystal clear.

I just can’t see a swimming fish, a creature.

It’s like a dead river!

On the river, there is a black canopy boat.

Not big, but barely able to accommodate more than thirty people.

By the time Xiong Yinglong and his party were all on board, the whole boat was already crowded.

The villagers were rocking in front of them, and the black tent boat was shaking and moving, as if it would fall at any moment.

Fortunately, the river is very narrow and will arrive in a short time.

After entering Shengmen Village, Xiong Yinglong found that Shengmen Village was exactly the same as Dead Gate Village.

It is as if it is the difference between the body and the mirror image, but the front and back positions are reversed.

In the village, there is still no one.

With the previous experience, Xiong Yinglong had vaguely guessed something.

He asked the villager:

“Are all the people of your Shengmen Village gathered in the ancestral hall now?”

“Yes, guests please come with me.”

The villager still had a stiff and eerie smile on his face, and there was no change at all.

She led the way in front, followed by Xiong Yinglong and his party.

Xiong Yinglong keenly observed that the villager’s walking distance was exactly the same for each step, without the slightest difference!

It feels like it… It’s like a robot.

“Boss, the village of the Gate of Death is a meditative marriage.” What will Shengmen Village be? ”

The third of the four King Kongs asked.

“I don’t know.”

Xiong Yinglong replied.

“Couldn’t it have anything to do with having children?”

The old five on the side casually interjected. (Xiong Yinglong is the boss, so there is an old fifth)

The second most powerful of the four laughed:

“Our group of people are all big masters, if we really have children, we won’t have a problem!”


Xiong Yinglong and the four King Kong are strong.

Although he fears the A-level ghost domain, he is not too afraid.

Otherwise, what else can we explore?

But a retinue like Ma Jun’s guards couldn’t do it.

Things have developed to the present, they have already known in their hearts that their group of people is cannon fodder!

How does this make them not afraid? How not to be afraid?

But…… Ma Jun they don’t have a choice.

He could only follow Xiong Yinglong with a hard scalp.

Xiong Yinglong was usually quite good against his subordinates, but if he dared to disobey his orders, he would definitely die a very miserable death!

Seeing that they were about to enter the ancestral hall of Shengmen Village, their legs were trembling!

You can see how much fear there is in your heart!

Soon, more than thirty people from Lei Guo came to the ancestral hall of Shengmen Village with their own thoughts.

Xiong Yinglong’s guess was right, Shengmen Village was full of women, and he had not seen a single male villager.

Like the villagers of Deathgate Village, they were performing some kind of strange ritual that looked particularly infiltrative.

This made Xiong Yinglong have some more understanding and speculation about this ghost domain.


At first, no one paid attention to Xiong Yinglong them.

But soon, the familiar link came again.

A clan elder took a bamboo tube and passed by the villagers one by one and asked them to draw lots.

The winner is ecstatic.

Didn’t win, looked sad.

But this time, no one will think that winning the lottery is a good thing.

Soon, this clan elder came to Xiong Yinglong and looked at them with a pair of green eyes.

The meaning is clear – the lottery.

And it is a must to smoke!

Xiong Yinglong also did not ink, and picked one at random.

The result was the same as last time, not hit.

Next, the other Imperial Spirits in the Thunder Kingdom also drew lots one by one, and none of them could run away.

In the end, three people were drawn.

This time, the number of people who won the lottery was much higher.

The three people who won the draw looked miserable and worried, and their hearts were already terrified!

They don’t know what terrible things to face next!

This sense of unknown adds a little fear.


After everyone was finished, a total of ten people were elected in the ancestral hall.

The seven people of Shengmen Village walked happily to the front of the crowd, as if waiting for something.

Lei Guo’s three people looked hesitant and did not dare to come forward.

Seeing this, the villagers rushed up and threw the three people in front of them.

These villagers did not know whether they were people or ghosts.

Once they are touched, the strange power cannot be exerted for the time being.

These three people can only be at their mercy.

After being left in front, the three men looked at Xiong Yinglong with a look of help, but Xiong Yinglong did not pay any attention at all.

He was now only concerned about what this Shengmen Village was going to do.

Only by understanding more correctly can we deduce the laws of the ghost domain.

After selecting ten people, the villagers of Shengmen Village were once again celebrating.

Then, under everyone’s strange eyes, the clan elder opened a glimpse of the spring.

A black spring water gushed out.

The clan elder received a total of ten bowls of black water, and then sealed the spring water again.

The ten bowls of black water were handed one by one to the ten people who had drawn them out earlier.

The seven people of Shengmen Village did not hesitate to drink the black water.

The three people of Lei Guo, their faces frightened and struggling, the hands holding the black water were constantly trembling.

Although they don’t know what will happen when they drink black water, they know absolutely bad things!

But in this ghost realm, they could not be tolerated.

Several villagers who were five years old and three thick and fierce women rushed up, grabbed the three of them, and forcibly poured black water into it.

All three of them were C-level Spirit Bearers.

In a small country, it can be regarded as a backbone.

But in front of these villagers, there is no resistance and can only be at their mercy.

One of them, before being held down by the villagers, smashed the bowl in his hand to the ground.

As a result, not only did the bowl not break, but it also landed firmly on the ground.

Not a drop of black water spilled out!

At this point, he was completely desperate, and had to let the villagers pour black water into his throat.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Yinglong squinted, and he had a little more understanding of the danger of this A-level ghost domain.



Not long after drinking the black water, the three fell to the ground and screamed.

They felt their stomachs suddenly hurt, as if they had been forced into something.

A man lifted his clothes, and then he was horrified to see that his stomach was actually bulging at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And his belly gradually became translucent, and he could faintly see several black ghost babies in his belly!

Seeing this scene, these three people were almost scared to pass out, only to feel that their hands and feet were cold!

Not to mention the three people who were recruited, even the Lei Guo people who were not selected on the side were numb in their scalps!

This…… How did this really give birth to a child?

They’re men!

And pregnant with a ghost baby, a pregnancy is a long string!

It’s so weird! It’s horrifying!

Except for Xiong Yinglong and the Four Great Kongs, the more the other Lei Guo people thought about it, the more frightened they became.

One by one, their faces were miserable, and they regretted that they should not have entered this ghost realm!


Soon, the stomachs of the ten people who drank the black water were getting bigger and bigger! More and more transparent!

Xiong Yinglong and his party could clearly see that the ghost babies in their stomachs were constantly growing!

These ghost babies are all black, hideous and ugly.

A glance is enough to have a nightmare!

Not to mention the constant growth in their bodies.

Those three Thunder Realm Spirit Bearers were already going crazy in fear!

I want to die immediately, and I want to suffer less.

But the three men didn’t even have a chance to commit suicide.

As soon as they moved, several village names held them down to death, unable to move at all!

These three people could only feel the pain and watch their stomachs get more and more coming!

This spreading fear, without experiencing it for yourself, never knowing how terrible it will be!


A minute later, the stomach of the ten people who had drunk the black water was already big and frightening.

Twice as many as the average pregnant woman!

Just like a leather ball that has been blown to the limit, the belly is only a thin layer, and it seems that it may explode at any time!

Finally, with a “bang”, the belly of a villager in Shengmen Village exploded, and five ghost babies drilled out from inside.

The most terrifying thing is that as soon as these ghost babies are born, they go to eat their birth mothers!

Seeing this scene, the three Thunder Realm Spirit Bearers were almost collapsing!

“Aa!!!aa Let go of me, let go of me!!! ”

Their frantic struggles, their frantic roars, but to no avail.

The stomach is still getting bigger!

After the first pregnant woman gave birth, the thudding popping sound never stopped.

One by one, the belly exploded, and one ghost baby was born.

Soon, it was the turn of the three Spirit Bearers of the Thunder Kingdom.

“No, no, no!!!”

A Thunder Country Spirit Keeper roared, but he couldn’t stop his belly, which had stretched to the limit.


With a loud bang, his stomach exploded.

Five ghost babies drilled from the inside and then nibbled at his flesh and blood, taking his flesh and blood as the first nourishment.

Soon, this Thunder Realm Spirit Keeper disappeared.

Even the blood stains on the floor of the ancestral hall were licked clean, as if he had never been to this world.

The only thing he left behind was five ghost babies!


Is there a post-00s reader? After 00, many readers should have never seen the ancestral hall, right? After all, the natural villages have been demolished.

Thanks to the big guy “The Legend Begins” for the 10,000 tips!!!

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