When they reached the middle of the valley, they finally found that there were two companions missing.

After learning this news, Xiong Yinglong’s face turned blue.

He knew that the two retinues were most likely killed by the scarecrow.

And he was killed under his own nose!

Xiong Yinglong didn’t say anything more, but his eyes were more fierce, and the speed of destroying the scarecrow in the valley was a little faster.

Xiong Yinglong didn’t believe it, and destroyed all the scarecrows in this valley, so could it not come out?


As the group deepened, Xiong Yinglong fully revealed the strange power he controlled!

Only to see him turn into a humanoid monster more than three meters tall, his hands and feet all turned into sharp claws, and three slender tails dragged behind him.

This humanoid monster has an extremely vicious appearance, incomparably ferocious eyes, and a bloodthirsty desire is very strong!

Even Xiong Yinglong’s guards and entourage hid away from him, for fear of being affected.

Because they knew that Xiong Yinglong in this state was very likely to kill his own people out of control.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

There was once a guard who approached Xiong Yinglong in a state of battle, and was swallowed alive!

Xiong Yinglong’s current state stems from the first weird he controlled, the ghoul!

This weirdness is usually attached to the back in the form of a tattoo, and once used, it will merge with him and transform into a tyrannical and bloodthirsty ghoul!

“Poof! Poof! Poof! ”

As Xiong Yinglong used the ghoul power, sharp bones broke through the skin and emerged from his body.

It’s like a skeletal armor!

This is the second weird thing that Xiong Yinglong controlled, the Immortal Bone!

The power of the ghouls is too tyrannical, and to a certain extent, it will regurgitate the body of the Spirit Eater.

If he couldn’t withstand this anti-devouring force and didn’t need an enemy, Xiong Yinglong could kill himself on his own.

Ended up with a body collapse and turned into a meat paste!

So his second weirdness, choosing to control the immortal bones.

The Immortal Bone gave Xiong Yinglong a powerful and incomparable repair power.

While fending off ghoul side effects, it also gives him more power!

However, both ghouls and undead bones are extremely tyrannical and bloodthirsty eccentrics.

It’s already hard to control one, if you control two.

It is easy for the Spirits to get out of control and then be assimilated by the Strange.

At this time, it is necessary to talk about Xiong Yinglong’s third weirdness, the Green Dragon Glass Eye.

It was his eerie blue right eye.

Although the Green Dragon Glass Eye could not directly provide combat power, it was very powerful!

Its first function is to allow Xiong Yinglong to maintain his sanity and become a strange puppet without being eaten by the two strange ghosts of ghouls and undead bones.

The second role is to resist the strange spiritual and volitional special attacks of the spirit system.

Xiong Yinglong’s first two weirdness were both physical types, and there was no such strange means.

However, the Green Dragon Glass Eye could help him resist the attack in this area very well.

Xiong Yinglong’s three weirdness, the combination is simply perfect!

This is certainly no coincidence.

As I said before, the study of weirdness by big countries is not comparable to that of small countries.

And the inventory is abundant, storing all kinds of weirdness.

The two weirdness behind Xiong Yinglong were specially matched for him by Lei Guo experts.

Although Xiong Yinglong’s level is only A-, the combat effectiveness exerted will never stop there!

A Spirit Hunter with no background and no backer, even if he was lucky enough to be promoted to the A level, was not the opponent of Xiong Yinglong’s carefully crafted Spirit Guard!

This is the essence of a big country!


In the valley, with the destruction of Xiong Yinglong, those scarecrows began to come alive and rushed towards him.

But this scene not only did not make Xiong Yinglong feel afraid, but it made him become excited and violent!

One scarecrow after another was destroyed by him, torn to shreds!

Xiong Yinglong even tore at the scarecrow like a beast, putting the straw in his mouth to chew.

to suppress his desire to eat people!

Xiong Yinglong pushed violently all the way and soon came to the end of the valley.

In the distance, Ding Hanmei and Kou Zhengliang were already stunned.

“Horror, horror! This bear Ying Dragon is simply a monster!

Scarecrow…… It’s really over, it can’t resist this monster! ”

Kou Zhengliang’s voice was trembling.

He felt a great deal of fear!

He had never seen such a terrible Spirit Bearer!

Only at this point did Kou Zhengliang just feel what the A-level Spirit Cultivator really represented!

Although Ding Hanmei was also very frightened, she still did not change her mouth, she gritted her teeth and said:

“Xiong Yinglong is indeed terrible, but the Scarecrow is not easy to mess with.

Look, it won’t be so easily destroyed. ”


The two talked about kung fu, Xiong Yinglong had come to the deepest part of the Scarecrow Valley.

There is a particularly tall scarecrow here, surrounded by a group of scarecrows.

At a glance, you can see that it is extraordinary, and there is a good chance that it is a strange body.


Xiong Yinglong roared like a mad demon, and the whole person jumped out violently, spanning a hundred meters and rushing towards the tall scarecrow.

In the process of leaping, several sharp bone knives grew in his body, cutting off all the scarecrows along the way!


The next moment, Xiong Yinglong crashed into the Scarecrow and knocked it out of the air, hitting the rock wall of the valley hard.

Then several bone knives stretched out from inside and nailed the scarecrow to the rock wall.

“Ho ho! Ho ho! ”

The Scarecrow struggled strangely and frantically, but seemed to be unable to resist at all, and was cut by Xiong Yinglong’s bone knife little by little.

Xiong Yinglong stared at the Scarecrow face to face and said with a frantic look:

“I wanted to capture you and throw you back to the back storehouse.

But you have killed too many of Lao Tzu’s men, go and die! ”

Speaking of which, Xiong Yinglong’s body grew several more bone knives, and at the same time, he exerted his power to crush this scarecrow!


The Scarecrow exploded.

It turned into a ball of straw and splashed everywhere.

Xiong Yinglong’s body was also splashed somewhat.

He vaguely saw a few seed-like things falling on him.

Xiong Yinglong frowned.

But before he could do anything, his bodyguard Ma Jun rushed over and graciously helped him pat off the straw on his body.

The mouth still kept patting the horse’s ass:

“The general is mighty! This scarecrow is weird and does not know what to do, and actually dares to fight against our opponents, really looking for death! ”

At the same time that the tall scarecrow was killed, the other scarecrows in the valley simultaneously let out a terrible and eerie scream.

Then he slowly fell to the ground and turned into a pool of rotten straw.

One of the scarecrows caught Xiong Yinglong’s attention,

Because…… This was actually one of his retinue!

The man did not know when he was assimilated by the Scarecrow and remained hidden among them.

It seems that the death of those two people before had nothing to do with him!

Xiong Yinglong was a little angry.

But now that the Scarecrow Monster had been eliminated by him, it was time for the matter to end.

Xiong Yinglong took the dagger handed by Ma Jun and draped it on his body, and then set fire to ignite the entire valley.

The raging fire quickly burned through the entire Scarecrow Valley!

One scarecrow after another was engulfed in flames!

After doing all this, Xiong Yinglong waved a big hand and said domineeringly:

“Let’s go, the Scarecrow Weird has been destroyed by me.”

Go and clean up the little mice in the city, and we can leave this ghost place. ”

With that, Xiong Yinglong turned his head and looked at the place where Kou Zhengliang and Ding Hanmei were hiding a few kilometers away.

Although he was not good at reconnaissance, Kou Zhengliang and Ding Hanmei had observed him over there for so long.

As an A-level Imperial Spirit Bear, how could Xiong Yinglong not feel anything at all?

Being stared at by him, Kou Zhengliang and Ding Hanmei in the distance instantly smelled a breath of death! Scalp exploded!

“Not bad! We were discovered! Go fast, I’ll come to the back of the temple!” ”

Kou Zhengliang’s soul was furious, but he still gritted his teeth and decided to stay behind the palace.


Ding Hanmei hesitated.

“Let’s go! The hope of Nanchuan Kingdom is in you up-and-comers! Let’s go! ”

Kou Zhengliang roared loudly, looking fierce.

Seeing that Ding Hanmei did not say anything more, he took a deep look at Kou Zhengliang, and then turned his head and fled to the camp.


First more to send, try the storm today. Mainly writing this kind of subject is too brainy, and the brain power can’t keep up…

ps: Guess what the protagonist wants to do with this.

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