“The breath of that figure just now is a little familiar.

Is it the Imperial Spirit Hunter named Toko? He’s not dead yet? ”

Chen Mo confirmed that Dongzi was out.

For a moment, he even wanted to teleport over to see what was going on with this Spirit Guardian.

Why kill him twice, he’s still alive and well.

However, Chen Mo thought about it for a moment and gave up.

Such a spirit keeper is similar to an ant.

Is it necessary for Chen Mo to pay attention to his life and death?

At most, the next time you encounter it, you will pinch it to death~.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo put the matter of Dongzi behind him and continued to lead Bai Wei through the streets and alleys of Ancheng.

Spread endless fear!

After that group of cultists contributed more than thirty weirdnesses, the number of weirdness in Chen Mo’s ghost domain was close to 120.

It can already be called a hundred ghosts in the true sense of the night!

However, Chen Mo’s ghost domain was not very powerful, and it could not suppress so many weirdnesses.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo discarded a dozen weak and small weirdnesses and controlled the number to a hundred.

Chen Mo controlled these hundred terrible monsters in this way, running rampant around in Ancheng!

On this day, the tragic green light, and the eerie cold music.

It has become a nightmare that countless Anjo people will not be able to erase in the future!

Many people who were originally confused and groggy were frightened by the scene of the night walk of hundreds of ghosts and broke into cold sweat, and their spirit was particularly excited.

In a short time, these people are afraid that they will not be confused.

Whether you can sleep or not is a question.


A night trip lasted nearly eight hours.

If it weren’t for the fact that all the communication equipment in Anjo had been cut off by the dark sky, it was estimated that the news on the Internet was that all the ghosts were traveling at night.

On this trip, Chen Mo harvested 280,000 fear points!

It was the first time he had such a huge fear value, and there was a vague feeling of getting rich.

This feeling is so cool that it flies!

At the same time, Chen Mo’s level was also raised to C Lack, with some more skills to be learned.

In the first game with the Dark Forest, Chen Mo won!

However, Chen Mo was not proud.

Such a means as nocturnal walking cannot be commonly used.

This level of fear is too strong for ordinary people.

Once was fine.

If he came back for a second time in a short period of time, Chen Mo suspected that many people would be scared to death alive!

Even if you are not scared to death, your spirit will be frightened to collapse.

In this way, the Dark Forest would be better at assimilating them.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Chen Mo could not come to a hundred ghosts at night.

What’s more, this kind of means can only delay the growth of the Dark Forest.

If you want to completely kill it, you must find out the body of the Dark Forest!

This question is always unavoidable.


Chen Mo considered absorbing the fear and killing the Dark Forest.

The other two parties in Anjo were not idle.

One side is the Secret Service, and the other side is the Great Dark God Sect.

Let’s look at the Secret Service side first.

After being glanced at by Chen Mo, Dongzi was almost not scared to pee!

After Chen Mo left, he immediately rushed back to the Secret Service and told Ding Hanmei the information he had obtained during his trip.

“The Scarecrow leads the Hundred Ghosts to the Night? Stronger again? Can you tame the weird? ”

Ding Hanmei asked Dongzi in disbelief.

Dongzi nodded and said in a trembling voice:

“This scarecrow has every potential to grow into a B-class creep. Even…… Even higher!

But it came this time of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, in a way, it is a good thing.

Although some spirits were killed by it, there were also some ordinary people who were scared to death.

But under its fear, many people have sobered up a lot.

No longer like the walking dead, as before.

This slowed the growth of the Dark Forest in disguise. ”

Hearing this, Ding Hanmei rarely flashed a hint of happiness.

But that’s all.

She quickly re-tightened her face and said seriously:

“There is indeed help in this regard, but it is only a symptom rather than a cure, and at most it helps us delay a little time.”

If we want to get Anjo out of danger, we have to think of other ways. ”

Wen Yandongzi said to Ding Hanmei:

“By the way, Director Ding, I have one more thing to say.

On the way to the Hundred Ghosts at night, a group of strange people attack the Scarecrow and are then completely wiped out.

I suspect they caused this mega-spooky incident! ”

“Oh? And this kind of thing? You tell me about it carefully. ”

Ding Hanmei was shocked and immediately asked questions.


Dongzi nodded, and then carefully explained the whole process of the thirty or so people of the Great Dark God Sect from appearance to death.

Not even what they had said was missed.

Finally, I attach my own analysis.

“I think they should be a cult.

His brain was broken and he ran to believe in the Dark Forest to create this strange incident.

These stupid pigs, don’t know that after the Dark Forest is formed, even they will not let go? ”

Dongzi gritted his teeth and said.

If his speculation is correct, then this extraordinarily strange incident is completely a man-made disaster!

More than two million lives in Anjo were thus pushed to the edge of a cliff by a group of cultists.

There is a possibility of destroying the city at any time!

These cultists deserve to die for their sins!

After listening carefully to Dongzi’s story, Ding Hanmei fell into meditation.

She frowned and said:

“When you said that, I remembered.

There is a cult called the Great Dark God Sect, which operates secretly in the territory of Nanchuan Kingdom and Beichuan Kingdom.

They believed in the Dark Forest as a sacred tree that would bring eternal life.

However, under the suppression of the two countries, there has been no movement for many years.

I didn’t expect that this time I actually targeted Ancheng, and I made such a big deal out of it! ”

“Is there really such a bad-brained cult?” So what do we do now? ”

Dongzi asked with a sad face.

The thing he regretted most now was coming to Anjo.

If you give Dongzi another chance, kill him and throw him into the strange pile.

He won’t come back to Anjo either!

This place is so evil!


Faced with such a dilemma, Ding Hanmei pondered again.

A moment later, she came up with an extremely bold idea!

“In our strength, we cannot compete with the Dark Forest or the Scarecrow.

But from today’s events, it can be seen that these two strange things are hostile relations.

We can only find a glimmer of life in their cracks! ”

“Looking for a glimmer of life in the cracks? Director Ding, what are you going to do? ”

Dongzi asked Ding Hanmei.

“Find! Find out where the Dark Forest is!

Then find a way to lure the Scarecrow over and let the two of them fight! ”

Ding Hanmei said with a determined face.

Toko was stunned by this bold idea!

He was stunned for several seconds before he asked in disbelief:

“Director Ding, are you really going to do this?!”

If these two weirdness really fought, Anjo would die a lot of people!

Their level of weirdness, just the aftermath of the battle, Anjo can’t eat it! ”

Hearing this, Ding Hanmei’s look was crazy but resolute:

“There are only two ways to go now!

Or, these two monsters will kill all the humans in Ann City first, and then fight to win or lose.

Or, these two weirdness will fight first. While the aftermath will kill some people, it will also create some opportunities and possibilities.

Maybe we can find a glimmer of life in it!

You…… Which one to choose? ”

Hearing this, Dongzi stopped talking.

He was silent.

Dongzi’s heart was blocked with panic, and there was an unspeakable discomfort.

If he had been the director of the Anjo Secret Service, he would not have been able to make such a decision.

On decisiveness and fierceness, Dongzi… Not as good as Ding Hanmei’s woman.

After saying this, Ding Hanmei did not take care of Dongzi anymore.

She stared out the window into the endless darkness, looking resolute.

As long as more people can be redeemed and they bear some sins, what is the harm?


On the other hand, the life of the Great Dark God Sect was not good.

In a secret base, the core personnel of the Great Dark God Sect were gathered.

“What? Thirty or so people, one face was killed by that scarecrow?! ”

The leader of the Great Dark God Sect was shocked and angry.

He didn’t expect that the scarecrow could be so terrible!

The thirty or so people he sent out did not even turn over a wave.

Instead, it sent a wave of weirdness to the scarecrow.

A cultist trembled and said:

“Church, Lord, that scarecrow is terrible!”

We…… Let’s not mess with it.

Ask for flowers

Although the growth rate will be slowed down a little, the rise of the Divine Tree is unstoppable!

When the sacred tree has fully grown, it is not easy to eliminate a scarecrow? ”

“Right, right, right!”

“That’s right, it makes sense!”

“Yeah, let’s just wait for the tree to grow.”


As soon as this man’s voice fell, the other believers responded with each other.

Fear that they too will be sent out to deal with that terrible scarecrow.

Seeing this, the Sect Leader’s face was livid.

But he didn’t say anything more.

Although they were not satisfied with the attitude of this group of believers, what they said did make sense.

The scarecrow’s behavior only slowed down the growth of the sacred tree.

Now that it has taken root, the rise of the Divine Tree is unstoppable!

It is only a matter of time before the great He assimilates and devours the whole city of Anne.

That scarecrow is no exception!

After taking Anjo, the two dark forests will echo each other, inside and outside, and radiate to the entire Nanchuan country in one fell swoop!

Turn Namcheon into a kingdom of shadows!

This is the great plan of the Great Dark God Sect Leader!

To this end, he is willing to give everything, including his own life!

At this time, the holy girl Liu Ningxue on the side glanced at him and asked with some puzzlement:

“Where did you plant the Sacred Tree?”

Hearing this, the leader of the Great Dark God Sect said triumphantly:


“I planted the Sacred Tree in an absolutely safe place!

There, it can grow slowly without being discovered by anyone! ”

The seeds of the sacred tree were planted by the Sect Master himself.

And he was the only one who knew where it was planted.

Liu Ningxue can penetrate the hearts of others and sense what others think.

But she couldn’t tell the Sect Master where the Sacred Tree was planted.

Therefore, Liu Ningxue would ask such a question curiously.

But the answer given by the master, she was not satisfied.

Seeing Liu Ningxue frown slightly, the Sect Master seemed to have guessed something.

He smiled triumphantly and said:

“I know what you’re thinking. Is it impossible to know from my heart that the

Hehe! Until the Divine Tree grows up completely, no one should know where it is!

Not even myself!

Because…… I’ve deleted that memory! ”

Hearing this, Liu Ningxue was also stunned.

She didn’t expect the Sect Master to be so decisive in order to keep it a secret!

In other words, no one in this world knows the location of the sacred tree now!

Liu Ningxue didn’t want to see the Sect Leader’s proud expression, so she simply turned her head and ignored him.

Seeing this, the Sect Master also felt bored, and no longer cared about Liu Ningxue, but issued an order to his subordinates.

“From today on, we don’t want to go anywhere.

Wait quietly for the growth of the sacred tree!

When the tree of God grows, we can throw ourselves into His arms and have eternal life! ”

At this remark, the disciples of the Great Dark God Sect looked mad and excited.

There was willow snow on the side, and there was no word on the side for a long time.

If there is a choice, she really doesn’t want to be with a bunch of big idiots.

If death is eternal life, then all men can have eternal life…

At this time, Liu Ningxue couldn’t help but take the initiative to sense the powerful will in An Cheng.

In just one day, this will is even stronger!

His vivid breath was completely different from the death breath of the Dark Forest, and at the same time full of terror!

As if He were the embodiment of fear!

“If there really is a God, it should be like him, right?”

Liu Ningxue suddenly flashed such a thought in his mind, and then he couldn’t stop it!



Thinking about it, Liu Ningxue’s eyes lit up.

“Since you believe in God, why… Don’t believe in a more reliable, decent being as a deity? ”

Thinking of this, she already had a plan!


The third more sent, today three more than 12,000 words. In poor condition, my eyes hurt and I can only rest first.

The protagonist’s strong will and vivid breath are because he has wisdom. The Dark Forest does not, it only has eerie instincts.

Thanks to the “author with my mink” for another 588 tip! Thank you very much! _

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