Today is the weekend.

After getting up, Su Jing simply ate a lunch, and then began to revise the drawings created in the early morning.

Although that nightmare and scarecrow doll are a little weird.

But Su Jing is not willing to give up the “Nightmare” she just created.

This new comic embodies her hard work.

Words that have to be said are as important as her children.

And Su Jing has a strong creative impulse to present a story about “Nightmare” to the world!


Throughout the afternoon, Su Jing was revising the drawings.

Strive to make your work perfect!

After making sure that it had been completely revised, Su Jing did not hesitate to publish “Nightmare” to the Internet.

Then contact the previous old editor and start preparing for the publication.

Su Jing is a god-level cartoonist and has this treatment and qualifications.

As for her previous work…

Originally, Su Jing planned to make a good ending to a successful ending.

But for now, let’s create Nightmare!

Su Jing is full of passion for creating “Nightmare”!

Far more than the old pieces!


After eating a dinner, Chen Mo started work again, desperately creating.

This crazy energy made the other three people in the bedroom look stupid!

“So desperate? Xiao Jing turned on workaholic mode again! ”

“It’s like creating a new comic, it’s so powerful!”

“Oh, people are more popular than dead!” I’ll just think about how to get through the final exams. ”

The three housemates muttered a few times, but did not bother her.


When creating Nightmare, Su Jing was completely immersed in the world she had constructed.

Concentrate on it and don’t give a single thought to think about anything else.

She painted this painting again until midnight.

It wasn’t until her body was very tired that Su Jing put down her paintbrush and moved her sour neck.

She glanced at her phone, looked shocked, and whispered to herself:

“It’s one o’clock in the morning?” This time has passed too fast! Wash and sleep quickly. ”

After saying that, Su Jing cleaned up as quickly as possible, and then climbed into bed and prepared to fall asleep.

Didn’t sleep well yesterday, hope to get a good night’s sleep today!

But Su Jing had just slipped into the bed and saw something familiar at the head of her bed.

It’s that weird-looking scarecrow doll!

At this time, the scarecrow doll was hanging in its original position, without the slightest change.

“Didn’t I, didn’t I throw it away?” How did it come up again?! ”

This incredible situation made Su Jing shiver, only to feel a chill rush straight to the door of her head!

And the strange scarecrow doll stared at her so straight, and the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to expand by one point.

The more Su Jing looked, she felt frightened, and hurriedly pulled it off the head of the bed and threw it out of the window.

After losing it, Su Jing turned her head and looked at her bed.

The unthinkable reappeared.

That scarecrow doll still hangs at the head of her bed!

As if nothing had happened!

“This, this, this…”

For a moment, Su Jing didn’t know what to say, and could only stare at the scarecrow doll with wide eyes and horror.

At the same time, a great fear arose from the bottom of my heart.

It made her hands and feet weak, and she almost collapsed on the ground!

At this moment, Su Jing could finally be sure that she had encountered a supernatural event!

“Calm down, be calm at all!”

Su Jing kept hinting to herself in her heart, which suppressed the fear a little.

She plucked up the courage to walk to her bedside and look at the eerie scarecrow doll.

The doll is still that doll.

Aside from its strange appearance and somewhat infiltrative appearance, there seems to be nothing special about it.

It will not cause any substantial harm to Su Jing.

Su Jing took a deep breath, gently grabbed the Scarecrow doll, and pulled it off the bedside as before.

She looked at the doll and thought of two solutions.

The first way is to leave the dormitory.

Maybe the target of this scarecrow doll is just Su Jing’s bed, as long as she leaves the bedroom, she will be fine.

But the odds were low, and now she couldn’t leave in the middle of the night.

The second way is to destroy the scarecrow doll.

Su Jing subconsciously felt that this method was even more impossible to do.

However, it is still necessary to try.

So, for the next half hour, Su Jing tried various methods to destroy the scarecrow doll.

Scissors are all used, such as cutting scissors, igniting and burning, soaking water and tearing.

The results that can be obtained only verify that Su Jing’s subconscious thinking is correct.

This scarecrow doll really can’t be destroyed, let alone get rid of it!

It seems to be eyeing Su Jing!

No matter what way Su Jing destroyed it, it could reappear at the head of Su Jing’s bed.

When trying to burn it, Su Jing even saw this scarecrow doll condensing at the head of her bed little by little!

Burn the part of the Scarecrow doll.

That part will condense at the head of the bed.

That picture is simply weird to the extreme!

Change a timid girl, has long been frightened to pass out.


In the end, Su Jing helplessly chose to give up.

“You like to follow me, don’t you?” Yes! Then let you follow! To kill to cut you at will! ”

Feeling powerless, Su Jing simply broke the jar and broke it, holding the scarecrow doll upside down and sleeping.

If you really want to be killed, it is better to die faster and more decisively!

What is more painful than death is that it is always hovering on the edge of life and death.

You can’t survive, you can’t die!


Su Jing was really tired.

Although she was still afraid in her heart, after her thoughts were no longer entangled, she relieved most of the pressure.

Not long after lying down, Su Jing fell asleep.

Moreover…… Once again, I came to the sea of rape flowers!!


Say something about updates. Although it is five times a day, I have more words per chapter than the author of the major divisions. Five chapters are more than the number of words in their six chapters or even seven chapters. I hope that everyone will not be disgusted, and can continue to support Ben Po Street, boo and boo…

Thank you to the “Admired Leader” for the 588 tip, thank you very much!

Thank you for the monthly pass of “Tianyuan Daozu Zhang Daoyi”, thank you very much!

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