Chen Weiwei didn’t care about what had happened, nor did she care what kind of human ugliness they had experienced before.

After all, people are already corpses.

She was more concerned with the sound of the Scarecrow.

This creepy sentence is not its own words at all!

But…… The whispers of the dead before death!

Such a desperate, horrific whisper of death, was stolen by the scarecrow and spoken from its mouth!

Thinking of this, a vicious chill suddenly struck, making Chen Weiwei’s sweat and hair stand upright!

Chen Weiwei was a senior Imperial Spirit Practitioner with good strength, and the weirdness she had dealt with was not one hundred but eighty, and her courage was extremely great.

There were very few weird people who could scare her.

Even if there is, it is also from the level of strength that Chen Weiwei feels afraid.

However, this scarecrow gave Chen Weiwei an incomparably strange and terrifying feeling!

This made her feel a deep fear from the soul level!

Seems…… He is the embodiment of fear!

“No, we must pay attention to the strangeness of this new birth!” He…… Wrong! ”

Thinking of this, Chen Weiwei immediately began to contact Zhang Lei, planning to discuss countermeasures with him.


At the same time, Chen Mo had come to the edge of Ancheng.

The tall and vicious scarecrow stared at the city with horror, and the black air of the Dao Dao surrounded it.

If ordinary people see this scene, it is estimated that they will be frightened and pass out.

Previously, Chen Mo had been active in the townships, and the speed of gathering fear was too slow.

So he intends to go into more densely populated cities and find more efficient and faster ways to spread fear.

But before that, you have to strengthen your own strength.

Along the way, Chen Mo collected 3900 fear points.

Nearly 400 of these points were earned due to the “Death Whisper” skill.

Using this skill, it can cause the creature to have greater fear before death, and it can almost make Chen Moduo gain one-tenth of the fear value.

Very nice!

Chen Mo had not used these fear values before.

But now standing on the edge of the city, he could clearly feel that there was a lot of powerful atmosphere in the city!

If you want to mix and moisturize in Anjo, you must increase your strength!

First, Chen Mo spent 500 fear points to upgrade the “Demon God Body” to LV3.

After the level increase, he obviously felt that his body had become stronger and more agile!

After some experiments, Chen Mo found that his speed was comparable to that of a sprinter and his agility was comparable to that of a parkour master.

Of course, the most important thing is the great increase in physical strength!

Don’t look at Chen Mo as a scarecrow, but after possessing the body of the Demon God of lv3, ordinary swords and axes and fire blisters can no longer hurt him in the slightest!

This made Chen Mo very happy!

Chen Mo then upgraded his only attack skill, Nightmare Ghost Claw, to LV2, which also cost 500 fear points.

LV2’s Nightmare Claw, with an increased attack range of 30 meters, and more lethal power!

Other than that, there is nothing special about it.

As for the skill of Death Whisper, Chen Mo did not intend to improve it for the time being.

Because after the strength has increased to G+, he has two more new skills to learn!

“Straw Man: Boosting to Lv1 requires 300 fear points

Role: Creates a Straw Man who cannot move and has no ability to hurt. The body can see the picture near the doppelganger and can absorb the fear around it. ”

“Death Night Raven: Boosts to Lv1 requires 1000 fear points

Role: Condenses a Death Night Crow that deals considerable damage when attacking enemies and can also be used for reconnaissance. ”


Chen Mo’s eyes first locked on the “Death Night Crow”, a skill that was very powerful at first glance.

Chen Mo’s current five skills, only if it is upgraded to LV1, it requires 1000 fear points.

This consumption alone reflects its extraordinary!

Chen Mo did not hesitate and directly spent 1,000 fear points to learn this skill.

Subsequently, he consumed most of the strength in his body and condensed a dead night crow with a pure black body and blood-red eyes.

“Gah! Rattle! ”

The Death Night Raven stopped on Chen Mo’s shoulder and let out a strange hiss.

Chen Mo could feel that this Death Night Raven was completely under his control, and it contained the power of the explosion in his body!

Unfortunately, when this skill is level 1, only one Death Night Raven can be condensed.

If there was no limit to the number, Chen Mo hid in the deep mountains and slowly condensed, saving up tens of thousands of dead night crows and then coming out of the mountain.

When the time comes, the crows will be swirling like a death storm!

Who can stop him?

Of course, this is just a thought.

In order to condense more Death Night Ravens, it is estimated that you will have to increase the level of this skill.

And to upgrade the Death Raven from LV1 to LV2, it takes 2000 fear points….

Chen Mo could only say that he was disturbed.


At this point, Chen Mo still had 1900 fear points left.

Another newly emerged skill, “Straw Man Double”, looks very chicken ribs and consumes a lot of fear points.

But Chen Mo vaguely felt that this skill was not so simple.

Otherwise you wouldn’t need 300 fear points to learn.

So he directly spent 800 fear points to raise the “Straw Man Twin” to LV2. (800=300+500)

However…… After upgrading to LV2, the effect of this skill is still so strong.

It’s just that the number of scarecrow doppelgangers arranged has changed from 1 to 3, and the doppelgangers are a little harder.

“Could it be that my judgment was wrong?”

Chen Mo whispered in his heart.

But he still believes in his own ideas!

After calculating the remaining fear values, Chen Mo decisively upgraded this seemingly chicken skill to LV3

That costs 1,000 Fear Points!

If this skill is still chicken, then Chen Mo will lose a lot.

Fortunately, his judgment was not wrong.

After being upgraded to LV3, the skill of “Straw Man Double” has an extra effect that surprises Chen Mo immensely!

“After the body dies, it can be resurrected on the Straw Man Branch set up in advance.”

This short sentence made Chen Mo’s sinister face reveal a strange smile.

A smile from the Scarecrow!


Thank you “Don’t God” for the monthly vote, thank you very much!

Thank you for the 100-point tip of “When you see this name are all handsome guys”, thank you very much!

Thank you for the 100-point tip of “Youming”, thank you very much!

When I woke up, I found that many readers had given support, so I changed a chapter without saying a word. As long as everyone supports it, we must desperately update it!

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