“Me, I crossed?”

As soon as he opened his eyes, Chen Mo, who was still playing a game just now, found himself crossing.

At this time, he was in a small farm yard, and outside was an empty field.

Under the dusk of the setting sun, the vast expanse of fields has an eerie beauty.


After being stunned for a moment, Chen Mo accepted the fact that he had crossed and planned to go out and see the world.

However, after this thought, he was horrified to find that he could not move, only a pair of eyes could turn twice!

Looking more closely, Chen Mo was shocked by his current appearance!

He actually regenerated into a scarecrow!

A tall, thin scarecrow with a withered body and a terrifying face!


Chen Moren was stupid.

Even if you cross into a kitten and a puppy, it is better than crossing into a scarecrow!

Can’t move, how can this be good?

Just when Chen Mo was dumbfounded, a mechanized voice sounded in his head.

“Detect the host located in the world of horror recovery, the horror demon system activates!”

The host can absorb the fear of all living beings, strengthen itself, and evolve infinitely!

The power of fear absorbed by the host will be presented in the form of fear values.

Current fear value: 0″

After hearing the sound of the system, Chen Mo was first happy.

He knew his gold finger had arrived!

But soon, it was frozen in place.

People’s gold fingers, the beginning of the game to send a gift package.

This “Fear Demon God System” didn’t send anything at the beginning, and Chen Mo couldn’t move.

Only a pair of eyes that don’t know what material can turn it.

How do I get fear points?

How did you evolve into a god of fear?


“Pit Daddy!”

Chen Mo complained in his heart.

But he quickly picked himself up and began to look through the system interface, trying to find a way to get himself moving.

“Host: Chen Mo

Strength: Weak enough to be detected

Skill: None

Fear value: 0

Learnable skills: Demon Body, Nightmare Claw, Death Whisper”

Chen Mo’s information is displayed in the system interface.

He noticed that there are 3 skills that can be learned at this stage, but the fear value is required.

After clicking on the skill introduction, you can see the detailed information of this skill.

“Demon God Body, it takes 100 fear points to ascend to Lv1.

Role: Activates the host’s body, can move freely, and has a certain intensity. ”

“Nightmare Claw: Boosting to Lv1 requires 300 fear points.

Action: Flexible, stiff thatched tentacles extend through both arms, dealing damage when attacking creatures. ”

Death Whisper: Boosting to Lv1 requires 300 fear points

Role: Intercepting the last voice of the living creature before death and repeating it can make the listener fall into fear.”

“PS1: When your skill is leveled up, you can increase your power and unlock different effects.

Even if the weakest skill is, after the level is raised to a certain level, there is an unexpected power! ”

“PS2: As the host’s strength increases, there are more skills to learn. Please also improve your strength as soon as possible! ”


Three skills, each with a different role.

What Chen Mo wanted most now was undoubtedly the “Demon God Body”.

Just level up this skill to LV1 and he’ll be free to move!

However, the problem now is still that there is no fear value, and Chen Mo can only wait patiently.

As long as he can move, he has a way to constantly gain the power of fear and keep getting stronger!


Chen Mo waited until the evening.

As the sun was about to set, a cacophony of footsteps finally came from this quiet suburb.

And quickly approached Chen Mo’s side.

“Here it comes!”

Chen Mo was overjoyed, and then he saw three men and a woman running towards the courtyard where he was.

Running in front of her was a pure-looking girl who looked the most recent adult.

Behind them were three non-mainstream, dyed with red, green, and yellow hair.

The girl ran into the courtyard where Chen Mo was in a panic, and quickly closed the courtyard door, shouting at the three in a slightly trembling voice

“I’m home, don’t chase me anymore, I’m not going to go to the bar with you!”

Hearing this, the three assholes looked at each other, and then let out a burst of lascivious laughter.

“Hey hey hey! Little Snow Sister, what can you do when you get home?

Who doesn’t know that your father died a long time ago, your mother also ran away, and you are left alone in the whole family.

You still obediently obey us, and we will protect you in the future! ”

“Roll! I don’t need the protection of you three rogues! Get out of the way! ”

Seeing that they still didn’t give up, Xiaoxue collapsed and shouted.

She knew that the three had bad intentions, but they were powerless to resist.

This feeling, it is really painful! Very helpless!

“Ahem! Toast not to eat and eat penalty wine! ”

Hearing this, the red hair, the leader of the three, snorted angrily.

With a strong physique, he rushed up and kicked open the unstable courtyard door, and pounced on Xiaoxue with his teeth and claws.

Yellow and green hairs followed with obscene grins.

The three of them will ignore Xiao Xue’s frantic struggle and screams, and press her to the ground deadly, seeing that a hard bow of the Overlord is about to be staged.

But just as the tragedy was about to happen, Green Mao suddenly felt that someone was staring at him.

And that look makes people chill!

Sensing that something was wrong, Green Mao stood up and looked around, but saw no one.

“Strange, is it an illusion?”

He scratched his head, ready to continue committing the crime.

But at this moment, Green Mao’s eyes met Chen Mo!

Chen Mo’s lifeless and lifeless eyes were like the gaze of a powerful ghost.

It scared him!

“Fear +10”

When Green Mao felt fear, Chen Mo gained 10 fear points.

This made Chen Mo, who had been staring at his eyes for half a day, very happy, but it wasn’t enough!

The cause of intimidation must continue!



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