Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

099: Cut Off The Human Words To The Dog Dragon King, She Is Still A Woman

The knife light flickered.

In this wide grotto, there is a lot of cold air.

Duffy is only a 5-star hunter, and it took him a lot of effort to barely pass the 4-star emergency mission, Black Scourge.

The monster challenged in that mission was the black wolf bird.

In the battle, he narrowly escaped death several times, which left a deep shadow in his heart.

As a result, he has not dared to challenge other 5-star monsters until now.

Such as Electric Dragon, Bubble Fox Dragon, and Explosive Hammer Longjia.

As for the elite hunter advancement that can only be done after 6 stars, he dare not even think about it.

In his eyes, those 7 stars and above, and even Venus hunters, are the real elite.

Their combat skills are proficient, and whenever they face monsters, they can use their exquisite combat skills to defeat the strong with the weak.

Duffy once observed a 7-star hunter at close range, and they were also hunters with long guns. He was extremely impressed by that man's skills.

There is a limit to advance and retreat, and people and guns are one.

The scene at that time had appeared in his dreams countless times.

But the shock at that time, even if it was magnified ten times, was still not comparable to the scene in front of him!

This is called skill, this is called combat technique!

The hunter in front of him moved sideways, obviously he couldn't see what kind of movements he was making, the monster just couldn't touch him!

He rarely uses his rolling displacement to avoid monsters.

In the face of group attacks, even if you roll and move, you can avoid one of them, but you will be swarmed by other monsters 897 and torn to pieces.

Every time he uses it, it is a skill.

Withdrawal step cut, sideways cut, cassock cut!

These few skills with a short displacement are used by him with great proficiency, every time they are eliminated and hit!

Hit the target monster while avoiding the attacks of other monsters.


It didn't feel like a hunt at all, but more like a show.

These dog dragons are like hired actors, using their lives to cooperate with the performance.

Duffy has never seen this kind of technique in the hands of elite hunters.


He swallowed, full of surprise.

The hunter in front of him is indeed a novice hunter without any star marks.

But when did the novice hunter's strength develop to this extent?

So much for an elite hunter!


The sharp iron knife cut a wound on Goulong's body, and hot blood sprayed out.

A few drops of hot blood splashed on Ma Jun's face.

Ma Jun's expression is calm, but there is excitement in his eyes.

He found that the monster's flesh was the same as he remembered.

The quality of the meat represents the damage coefficient, so it is quite dry.

The flesh quality of each monster's body parts is different, and the corresponding damage is also different.

The dog dragon's weakness is the head and tail.

With slashing weapons, the damage factor of 0.63 can be achieved.

Ma Jun has tried it just now.

When he chopped off the tail, the dog dragon was already weakened to the point of being disabled with two cuts.

If the body is cut, it will be a little bit worse.

After Ma Jun calculated the damage, he knew it in his mind.

If using roundabout....

He also noticed another hunter at the entrance of the cave.

But looking at the hunter's appearance, he didn't look like an enemy, so he didn't care.

Instead, he continued to concentrate on dealing with the dogs and dragons.

At this time, out of the dozen dog dragons just now, only Sa was killed by him.

Ma Jun silently calculated the damage and the distance between the two parties.

He retreated and chopped.

Just after the withdrawal step cut was released, there was a cassock cut immediately, and he took a step forward.

At this time, the three dog dragons were just cut straight by him, and they were at the same level.

He swung the knife sharply.



The bright silver sword light flashed past.

This type of slashing struck across the body of a dog dragon at the same time.

The blood was like a rainbow, drawing an arc in the air.

The three dog dragons fell down whimpering in unison.

One knife, all proof!

Duffy was on the sidelines, almost dumbfounded.

This technique...

Not to mention seeing it, he didn't even think about it.

Elite hunters... no, maybe even elite hunters don't have the means.

The skill of this young new hunter in front of him has far surpassed Duffy's cognition.

chi chi.

At this time, Duffy saw that the hunter's knife did not stop.

After the topspin slash, he followed up with a second slash!

Reverse cassock cut!

Duffy appeared (ciac) a little puzzled.

What is this for?

Just as his doubts arose, an extremely fast black figure passed beside him.

Dog Dragon King!


Duffy had goosebumps all over his back.

It turned out that the insidious dog dragon king sneaked around behind Ma Jun just now, and secretly released his skills.

Kicking legs!

Support the weight of the whole body with the tail, and then come out at full speed.

However, Ma Jun seemed to open his eyes behind his back.

A reverse cassock cut not only avoided the flying kick of the Dog Dragon King, but also left a scar on the Dog Dragon King's body!

Duffy didn't know how to express his mood at the moment.

He really couldn't figure out how this new hunter saw the Dog Dragon King who was about to attack behind him.

Do you open your eyes?

This kind of prediction...

It's unbelievable!


The iron knife brought out a cloud of blood.

Dog Dragon King landed on both legs, panting.

It has just released its big move and needs to recover.

Ma Jun seemed to know its rest time and the effect of its moves very well.

After the reverse cassock chopped, he had already started to continue chopping.

Duffy recognized it, this is the prelude to Taisao's cutting edge.

A total of five or six knives in a row, only the last one hits the monster, the group will cut the song

These five or six knives, Ma Jun's rhythm changes are very interesting.

The speed of the first three cuts is slow, with a pause in the middle.

After two knives, suddenly fast!

This led to when the dog dragon king just turned around and looked at Ma Jun angrily.

The last knife came roaring like a wind.

The timing was just right.

Not a single millisecond is wasted.

The dog dragon king's angry eyes suddenly turned into consternation and panic.


The blade was like flesh, and blood spattered.

The shiny silver blade also has a layer of white glow on it.

Duffy was now numb with shock.

He completely forgot his purpose of coming here, he leaned on the ground with his spear, stared closely at Ma Jun, watching this textbook-level hunting performance.

The Dog Dragon King attacked angrily, Ma Jun took advantage of the situation and rolled, and went directly to the back.

Three swords down, and then retreated, not greedy for swords at all.

The timing of the attack on the dog dragon is as proficient as if you have killed the dog dragon countless times.


The dog dragon's eyes were still full of anger, but gradually, it realized that something was wrong.

Ma Jun seems to be playing with it.

Soon, Ma Jun opened another layer of cutting edge.

At this time, the ray of light on the knife has turned into color.

Ma Jun shook the blade and was about to continue the pursuit.

But Goulong suddenly jumped onto the platform next to him.

Its mouth opened and closed, and what came out turned out to be a woman's voice!

"Human, I remember you."

"You wait for me!"

Ma Jun's knife froze in mid-air.

"This...what's the situation?".

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