Horror: My Charms Only Work On Big Women

501: This Is The Top Killing God, Everyone Is An Ant

"Death is imminent, and you are still talking hard!"

The deputy prison chief was full of confidence, he felt that the young man in front of him was going to die!

Although he is very strong, this is a pig family!

The border has been managed for generations, and after hundreds of years of hard work, the castle has been built like an iron barrel.

For example, this cold iron cage is made of black iron collected from the abyss of the East China Sea, and it is extremely strong.

No matter what kind of magic weapon it is, it can't shake this cage in the slightest!

"You are ready to die here!"

"Wait until I starve you for ten or eight days, and then it will be your death day!"

"Give up, this cage, you can't"

Before the deputy cell chief finished speaking, Ma Jun put his hand on the cold iron railing next to him.

In the palm of his hand, dense mycelium grew.

The hyphae wrapped around the iron railings, constantly eroding inward.

"Get bigger!"

Ma Jun gave instructions to Li Zan.

His homage can give volumetric changes, which can also be applied to other objects.

For example, one of the cold iron railings.


One of the railings suddenly expanded!

It becomes several times thicker than other railings!

After the volume expanded, the other railings were naturally squeezed and bent to the sides.

Ma Jun then gave the order to shrink.

The railings have returned to their original state, but there are already gaps around them that are as wide as two people.

Ma Jun casually stepped out of the iron prison.

The attitude is chic and calm.

It seems that he is not in prison, but in the red tent of warm and fragrant nephrite.

The deputy prison chief and all the jailers were shocked!

Where did they expect that such an amazing thing would happen!

That's a cold iron fence, not that.

How to say big is big, say small is small!

How did this kid do it!

After surprise, comes fear.

With no barriers, how can we resist Ma Jun, who is like a murderer?

Several jailers frantically wanted to retreat, but were stopped by the deputy prison chief.

"Why run, what is there to be afraid of!"

"Do you know where this is, the Pig's Dungeon!"

"Could it be that we still only have this means?"

"Open the door, Sizheng!"

"Get out of the way!"

The deputy head of the cell quickly moved aside with a few guards, and the women who had cheated Ma Jun before hurriedly tried to follow, but were kicked away.


A wooden door at the rear opens.

A slim figure stepped out from inside.

This figure is like a thin willow in the wind, with a red waist and a graceful waist.

Walking swaying endlessly, seduce people's soul.

Ma Jun narrowed his eyes slightly.

This figure, run away!

The big place is big, and the small place is small.

Slender waist, long legs, full breasts.

The skin is fair, and even the fingers are slender and white.

After walking a few more steps, Ma Jun was stunned.

The head emerged from the black mist.

It was a wild boar's head with a green face and fangs!

Human body with pig face makes people feel uncomfortable

Ma Jun was amazed in his heart, what kind of mental state must he be able to come up with such a thing.

Most likely a psychopath.

The pair of tiny pig eyes were full of scarlet and violence, and the pig-masked girl was holding a big axe in her hand, and she walked slowly faster and faster until she accelerated towards her.

The two women at the entrance were frightened and ran towards Ma Jun in a panic.


"Help us..."

Ma Jun looked at them coldly, showing no intention of moving.

They staggered a few steps before being caught up by the pig-faced girl.

The Xuanhua big ax was raised, and it was chopping up and down.


The two women didn't even say a word, but they were split in two with an axe and cut off in the middle.

The internal organs and intestines were colorful and scattered all over the place.

The stench was unbearable.

Ma Jun didn't even look at them, just stared at the pig-faced girl.

The pig-faced girl's eyes were crazy and chaotic, she must have lost her sanity and just acted on instinct.

Her heart should be filled with violence, which turned her into a machine that only knows how to kill.

Also a poor man.

Ma Jun sighed.

He decided to send her into reincarnation earlier, so as to save her from being so inhuman and ghost, life would be worse than death.

", 々 up!"

"This monster is very strong, stronger than the most powerful monster in the prison."

"It should be able to hold this kid for a while, let's go!"

The deputy head of the prison led the guards and was about to leave by the path.

The pig-faced girl swung her big ax and slashed at Ma Jun.

The ax seems to be splitting the air, and the sound of breaking the wind bursts.

Ma Jun strayed forward.

He swung the Ember Blade, and in an instant, there were more than a dozen (Qian's) flying swords on both sides of the blade.

Very cool.

The flying sword surrounds the edge of the blade, following Ma Jun's movements, it leans forward and draws out.

The two passed by.

Only a few tenths of a second passed.

The flying sword's light flashed continuously.

The big ax fell to the ground with a bang, making a muffled sound.

The pig-faced girl fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

The deputy prison chief and the others just ran a few steps away.

They turned their heads stiffly, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

In that dungeon, the nightmare of countless people.

In the hands of Ma Jun, the powerful pig-faced girl didn't even suffer for a second.

just die?


This is too strong gauge!.

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