The price is too high.

"998 set meal?"

Chen Xie shook his head decisively.

"I'm still a child!"

In the living area, you can get all kinds of satisfaction with just one gold coin. After all, once 24 hours are over, you have to run to play again.

The living area is full of heroes, but the dungeon next door can only be said to be a meeting of carrots.

A pile of broken copper and rotten iron, it's terrible.

Since Chen Xie's level is only LV4, many high-quality equipment skills in the dungeon area are not displayed.

Some of the props sold in the mall are provided by the system, and some are sold by players.

What good things can a LV4 player have.

Just look at Chen Xie and you will know.

Not everyone can get a lottery ticket. The only item Chen Xie got from the novice copy was the butcher knife, and the Eye of Investigation still depended on the side quest.

Chen Xie quietly exited the mall and decided to wait until he reached a higher level before taking a look.

"Death Art Exhibition! Activate!"

Chen Xie wanted to test this skill, and he shouted the name in a middle school way, and the sense of ritual was instantly full.

In an instant, a translucent spiral staircase appeared in front of Chen Xie, leading directly to the ground, and the endless darkness was like the abyss of hell.

On the walls around the spiral staircase, there was a painting at intervals, which could only be seen by approaching.

Here, Chen Xie could quickly move to the next painting.

The first painting was distorted, like waves, and a ghost-like man in the painting looked panicked.

The strange picture's impact instantly affected Chen Xie's brain.

This skill is like this, a strange painting with magic, which reduces the player's san value and improves the overall strength.

Chen Xie carefully observed it, with an excited and intoxicated expression on his face.

【San value: 145%】

Instantly, the san value soared, Chen Xie felt the power in his body gushing, his thoughts were clear, and his brain was working crazily.

For normal players, it would reduce the san value, but for Chen Xie, it would increase it!

He did not choose to continue watching the next painting, because he was afraid that the san value was too high and he could not suppress the other personality in his body.

After a period of time, the san value began to decrease, the power also began to weaken, and finally the san value returned to normal.

Chen Xie and the evil god in his body both smiled slightly, and their thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

"What a good skill!"


Chen Xie's novice copy was rated S-level, and he became a god in one game.

Although there were few people who witnessed that moment, there was a screen recording.

The next day, Chen Xie's video of perfectly passing the novice copy went viral on platforms such as Bilibili and Douyin, and directly became popular.

Originally, the audience in Chen Xie's live broadcast room was worried that he would be troubled by the official people. From this point of view, the official did not seem to be prepared to block the news.

This made everyone more curious about who the first player who passed the novice dungeon with an S-level rating was, and what happened in that dungeon.

No matter what happened in the past, at least Chen Xie is now a little famous.

Especially the scene where Chen Xie holds a butcher knife and cuts the corpse, which is made into various ghost videos.

Chen Xie's gentle and slightly gloomy appearance and cruel and bloody behavior instantly made countless fans of Chen Xie.

Chen Xie was still resting, and many viewers came to the live broadcast room.

Horror game.

[Players, please be prepared, enter the dungeon world in 30 seconds! ! ! ]

Chen Xie, who was lying on the bed thinking about life, heard the system prompt sound and flipped up.

"Finally here!"

Chen Xie was like a person released from prison, with an excited heart and trembling hands.

In these 30 seconds, Chen Xie quickly browsed his status bar.

[Name: Chen Xie]

[Level: Lv4]

[Equipment: Butcher Knife, Madao Rattan Whip (Mutated and Extended Version), Fluorescent Tracking Powder, Fake Death Drug]

[Skills: Eye of Detection, Death Exhibition]

[Skill Specialization: Sword Specialization E, Medical Specialization E, Combat Specialization E, Firearms Specialization E, Mental Specialization E, Detection Specialization E]

The skill bar is good, both skills are useful, but Chen Xie can't bear to look at his equipment bar.

[Transfer Starts! ]

The next moment, Chen Xie disappeared in the room.

[Welcome to the Horror Game! ]

A gentle female voice sounded.

Chen Xie slowly opened his eyes, and the soft sunrise cast its light on his face.

The fresh air mixed with the breath of youth surrounded him.

Chen Xie looked at the classroom with the sound of reading, the clean and tidy podium, and the students around him who were listening attentively.

Everything is so beautiful, so worth it

I have to recall.


In the live broadcast room.

As soon as Chen Xie entered the dungeon, there were five or six hundred people in the live broadcast room, and the number was still increasing.

For players who have only experienced one dungeon, it is rare to have so many people in the live broadcast room.

After all, there are many masters of horror games. In addition to the top 100 masters in the Hall of Fame, there are countless old players with unique charm.

[Here comes Chen Xie, it's time to start broadcasting! ! ! ]

[Finally saw a living person, I saw several of his videos today. ]

[Why did Chen Xie's clothes become school uniforms? It doesn't look good without a bloody white coat! ]

[Big brother, come and kill a few students to cheer up! ]

In the horror game.

The opening scene this time is completely different from the previous dungeon.

Kalam Hospital is full of filth, stench, blood, and panic, but this time it is a warm campus in the spring equinox.

The young female teacher on the podium looks elegant and sweet, and her voice is gentle and soft.

She was wearing a white work uniform with a slightly open collar, and a short leather skirt with a pair of high heels.

"Today, let's review the synapses and transmissions we talked about in the last class..."

Chen Xie sat in the last row, his eyes looking forward like a pair of fiery eyes.

"A female teacher wearing black silk stockings? There must be something hidden. I have to observe carefully and can't miss anything!"

The female classmate in front of Chen Xie turned her head and said to Chen Xie: "Puchi Puchi!"

Chen Xie turned his head and saw the girl raising her eyebrows at him. There was a LV5 sign on her head.

"Teammate? I almost forgot that most of the dungeons in horror games are team dungeons."

Chen Xie then noticed that there was a teammate's avatar in the lower left corner of his perspective, as well as basic information such as name, level and status.

The teammate was a female player named Ai Keke, who looked above average, a little innocent, with pigtails, and was quite friendly.

But it seems... not very smart.

That being said, being able to reach level 5 has its advantages.

"I almost didn't notice that there were teammates. This female teacher is really not simple. She actually attracted all my attention. Could it be that she used some kind of illusion magic?"

Chen Xie never let his guard down.

"Hello, hello, what's your name?" Ai Keke tilted her head, blocked the teacher in front with a book, and whispered.

Chen Xie looked at her trying to cover her ears and steal the bell, and believed more that the saying, appearance is determined by the heart!

"Isn't my name in the status bar?"

Chen Xie's high emotional intelligence answer embarrassed Ai Keke.

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