Seeing that Chen Xun insisted on leaving the team, Zhao Shan frowned, but didn't say much.

In the horror game, life is your own.

Every player must be responsible for his own decision.

At this moment, outside the gate of the amusement park, many ghosts gathered here.

All the ghosts seemed to be waiting for the amusement park to open.

There were even many families who came together, and the children kept making noises and wanted to eat snacks outside the amusement park.

"Mom, there is a human here, I want to eat his brain."

"I want something sweet."

A child looked at Chen Xun with a gloomy look.

With a playful sneer on his mouth.

It seemed that Chen Xun was regarded as a delicious meal.

He even ran in front of Chen Xun and hugged Chen Xun's thigh.

After doing all this, he immediately turned around and looked at his parents behind him, saying:

"Dad, Mom! I caught this mouse!"

"Come here quickly."

Chen Xun looked at the naughty child coldly, and the ghostly aura on his body suddenly emerged.

"Little ghost, I'm not in the mood to play with you now!"

Seeing the ghostly aura on Chen Xun, the child's parents suddenly changed their faces, and then ran over and took the child away.

"Sorry, our child is ignorant, please forgive me, adults."

Chen Xun said coldly:

"Take care of your child, otherwise I'm not sure if I will turn him into a ghost when I meet him again later!"

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the child's parents immediately smiled apologetically:

"Yes, adults, we will definitely discipline him well."

In the horror world, ghosts are also bullies and fears the strong, Chen Xun has already figured it out.

But the ignorant child was stunned, then pointed at Chen Xun and said:

"Dad, Mom, didn't you say that these humans are rats and can be slaughtered at will?"

"I want to eat his brain now!"

"Pah!" The next second, Mother An slapped the ghost child on the butt.

"Don't talk nonsense, he is not an ordinary human."

"Woo woo woo~" The child seemed to have a pain in his butt, and then he started crying immediately.

Ignoring such a small episode, Chen Xun walked straight to the member service center.

The ghosts around him looked at Chen Xun with malice, but after sensing the terrifying ghost energy emanating from Chen Xun's body, they immediately smiled and made way.

When they came to the member service center, there was a fat woman sitting at the service desk.

The woman was bloated and wore a miniskirt.

However, the miniskirt seemed extremely ill-fitting, as if it would burst at any time.

The woman's skin was also covered with dark brown corpse spots.

When Chen Xun came over, the woman immediately looked at him with malice.

"Mouse, this is not the place for you, get out of here!"

Chen Xun was not surprised, and took out two hundred-yuan ghost money and handed it over.

"This is your tip."

When the woman saw the ghost money, her deeply sunken eyes seemed to shine.

She put the two ghost money into her pocket, and even her tone became much more polite.

"Dear guest, what do you want to consult?"

Chen Xun said:

"Does this amusement park also have a membership mechanism?"

The woman heard this and said:

"Yes, dear guest."

Chen Xun was happy to hear the woman's affirmative answer.

"What privileges do your members here, I mean the most expensive members, have?"

The woman was stunned when she heard this.

Is this guy here to apply for membership?

The tone of speaking was even more polite.

"Dear guest, our highest-level members here have additional identity privileges when entering the amusement park."

"Moreover, after applying for membership, you can also give 100 resurrection coins."

"Unlimited entry throughout the year."

"Now, it only takes 20,000 ghost coins."

Hearing the woman's words, Chen Xun was also stunned.

"Applying for membership, and giving resurrection coins?"

"Can these resurrection coins be purchased separately?"

When entering the game just now, the game broadcast mentioned that each player has 3 resurrection coins.

He thought it was just a gift from the horror game.

Unexpectedly, applying for a membership can actually give an extra 100 resurrection coins.

This is something he didn't expect.

The woman heard it and said:

"Resurrection coins can also be purchased separately, but they cost 50 ghost coins each."

"After applying for membership, the difficulty of some amusement projects will become simpler due to your identity, and lack some excitement."

"So, it is not recommended for guests to apply forAfter you have obtained a membership in the game, you can buy too many resurrection coins. "

Chen Xun's face darkened, and then he took out a small pile of money, handed it to the woman, and said:

"Get me a top-level membership, and the remaining ghost money, all use it to buy resurrection coins."

Seeing this mountain of ghost money, even the woman was stunned.

She has worked here for such a long time, and it is the first time she has seen a tourist spend so much money at one time, buying memberships and resurrection coins.

How scared is this guy?

"Why, can't you get it done?"

Seeing the woman stunned, Chen Xun asked.

The woman came back to her senses immediately.


"Dear guest, please wait a moment, I will have someone send the resurrection coins you want. "

After saying that, the woman immediately picked up the landline on the table and made a call.

Her heart was still pounding.

It was the first time she saw a tourist who bought so many resurrection coins at one time.

There were not so many resurrection coins in the member service center at the moment, so she had to ask someone to bring them over.

Chen Xun glanced at the time and said:

"It's better not to make me wait too long."

After all, there were only a few minutes before the entrance to the amusement park.

I don't know if it would violate the rules if I entered late.

That is, three minutes later, a man panted and brought the resurrection coins that Chen Xun needed.

It was a big box.

There were at least tens of thousands of resurrection coins in it!

"Dear guest, your resurrection coins also include your highest-level membership card. "

Chen Xun pointed his hand and put all the membership cards and resurrection coins into his system space.

It was at this time that the membership card seemed to emit a faint ghostly aura.

It seemed to be the symbol of membership.

After doing all this, Chen Xun turned and walked towards the direction of the red team.

Then Zhao Shan looked at Chen Xun from a distance and asked:

"Brother, what did you do just now?"

Chen Xun said:

"Nothing, just curious and strolling around."

Zhao Shan did not dwell too much on this matter and said:

"Okay, let's enter the game together later!"

"This amusement park is definitely not as simple as the game broadcast introduces."

"This dungeon will definitely be full of difficulties, and everyone must be fully prepared."

"Only by working together can we successfully complete this dungeon. "

After Zhao Shan finished speaking, the players of the red team all nodded and agreed with this point of view.

Just then, the announcement of the amusement park sounded.

"Ding~ The amusement park will open in one minute. Please take your tickets and enter the amusement park in an orderly manner. "

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