"But since it is something I can do, I will definitely do it!"

"They are still waiting for me... Our journey will never end here!"

The sword wrapped in the never-extinguished flames swung, cutting into pieces his instinct for survival, his instinct for survival as an intelligent creature.

Everyone held their breath and watched Ji Zi on the screen fighting against her instinct and defeating it, without saying a word.

Facing this determined warrior, silence is the best respect, and any words of sympathy are a humiliation to her.

Most of the Valkyries have only a little adaptability to Honkai energy, and only a few Valkyries have innate stigmata.

Most of the Valkyries obtain the ability to control Honkai energy to fight by transplanting human stigmata.

The price is that the body is eroded by artificial stigmata along with Honkai energy, and the average lifespan is only Under the age of thirty, they will never be able to enjoy their youth as girls, and can only deal with wars and monsters.

For the Valkyries, as long as they choose to give up, they can get the good life they have always dreamed of. At least, they can live the life they want in the remaining years.

No one will blame them, because they have paid enough.

For Himeko, Theresa is a fusion warrior whose life span exceeds her imagination. Her trusted student Fu Hua is an astonishing five-digit age. Compared with her, she is just a fertilized egg.

Kiana, Raiden Meiyi are all Herrschers, and Yaya will also become a Herrscher in the future. If nothing unexpected happens, there is no such thing as natural death. situation.

If she had to choose between a beautiful and happy future and her own students, which one would she choose?

Jizi's eyes lit up.

If she abandoned Kiana and lived in disgrace, she would never be able to feel at ease! Even if she could escape, she would be trapped in this small room for the rest of her life and would never be able to escape.

The two Jizis miraculously reached the same mood.

The sword of fire swept across the sky, and her golden enlightenment was more dazzling than the rising sun. A shrill sound of space shattering was heard, and cracks shattered because of her enlightenment.

This maze formed by Jizi's survival instinct shattered, and she opened her eyes, as if there was a blazing flame burning in her eyes.

Really red The Knight Eclipse was draped over her, wrapping her graceful body tightly, and the surging heat brought incomparable strength.

Wuliangta Himeko could easily feel a flame burning inside her body. The flame was like a sleeping beast, growing stronger every moment. The True Red Knight Eclipse was gradually waking up from his slumber, ready to ignite the sky covered by darkness and bring the dawn back to the world.

If there is no torch from now on, I will be the only light!

Before dawn comes, someone has to illuminate the darkness a little!

Step, step, step...

Wuliangta Himeko walked towards the exit step by step. Behind her, the illusory Fu Hua seemed to have exhausted her energy, and her body was almost transparent.

"It's over. You have defeated your inner demons and temporarily controlled the power of the Herrscher in your human form. In this way, my mission here is over... It's great to be able to help you in the end."

Fu Hua bowed and clasped her fists, saluting the warrior in front of her. Blue and white light dust emanated from her body, and her body flickered, becoming more and more ethereal.

"Colonel Jizi, thank you for your teachings. If we are destined to meet again, we will meet again in the future!"

Fu Hua disappeared in the brilliant white light.

"Thank you, Fu Hua."

Pausing, Ji Zi turned back to express her gratitude, and pushed open the door in front of her. Many automatic defense machines in front woke up one by one and began to block Ji Zi's way. They wanted to annihilate the invaders in front of them.

Ji Zi drew a greatsword from behind. From the information in her mind, she knew that this sword was called the God's Falling Sword, Surtur. However, the power of the Herrscher of Flame burst out from the Plague Gem and flowed through. The power to burn the world condensed in the greatsword, sublimating it into a more dazzling posture.

She put on the true red armor, and the fire of destruction that destroyed the ages surged in her palm, hammering the greatsword into a new shape. The hot sword edge emitted a blazing red light, and the ringing sound was like a dirge: Surtur, the destroyer who slashed the God's Court and melted the stars, has returned!

At this moment, Ji Zi is the most powerful moment in her life. Even if... The number of enemies ahead is dozens of times hers, but she is not afraid.

She has a stupid but very kind student who is trapped in an unfamiliar maze, and as her teacher, she has the obligation to bring her back safe and sound! There were hundreds of enemies in front of her.

The laboratory behind her is empty.

The difference between the enemy and us is huge, but Jizi just smiled contemptuously.

The battle is imminent, but it is also over in an instant.

All attacks melted under the extreme high temperature. This laboratory built of steel, together with those defensive machines, were turned into magma flows by the vigorous and blazing flames!

Jizi only used one sword to burn all the enemies who were a thousand times her number!

Jizi stabbed the sword heavily into the ground, like a red-hot sword stabbing into butter, and Jizi let out a long breath.

"Is this the power of the Herrscher of Fire? It's really... great!"

My heart was boiling, my body had never felt so light, I could no longer feel the pain from my wounds, and endless power seemed to be gushing out of my body.

The sword just now reached an ultra-high temperature of 50 million degrees Celsius in an instant. Although it was only for a moment, under this ultra-high temperature, the hydrogen atoms in front of the blade began to fuse, bursting out with a power far greater than that of swinging the sword.

This was a true nuclear explosion sword!

"Everyone, wait for me——"

The scene changed and they came to a familiar place. The Valkyries of Saint Freya all recognized it. This was a transportation channel of Hyperion. When carrying out missions, armaments, vehicles and Valkyries were all transported through this channel.

At this moment, the people who came to play in this channel were all staff, including logistics personnel transporting bullets, Valkyries supporting the battlefield, and medical staff transporting the wounded and the victims.

And Jizi was leaning on the railing outside the medical room. She didn't want to come here, but she couldn't resist the request of Bronya and Theresa.

Because she knew that there was nothing left to heal her body. Even now, she could move and breathe freely, all thanks to the power of the armor on her body.

In the short time just now, Jizi had fought with Bellalus and the Herrscher of the Void. Although she repelled them, her already broken body was even closer to the edge of collapse.

Once she took off the armor, Jizi would die of organ failure!

She looked at the medical staff passing by and subconsciously covered her wounds. No blood was dripping because Ji Zi used high temperature to weld her wounds together, blocking the blood that was about to drip in her blood vessels.

"This time... it's really a big deal."

Ji Zi smiled bitterly.

No one responded to her words. Only the serum in her hand, called the God Killer Spear, flickered with a faint light, reflecting her scarred face.

Suddenly, a piercing buzzing sound suddenly rang out, interrupting Ji Zi's thoughts and making the already noisy passage even more chaotic.

But the world in Ji Zi's eyes was still calm.

"Well, it's time to go out and get some fresh air."

Ji Zi sighed, put away the serum, stood up, and walked out of the passage against the flow of people.

"There's really no time to rest.……"

At this moment, time seems to have stopped quietly

"Although they are all guys who never grow up, I still like this place very much... There is still a long way to go in the future, right? Wish you good luck!"

All kinds of people passed by Jizi.

People with weapons, people with bandages, people carrying the wounded, people moving spare parts.

People on Hyperion, people from the Far East Branch, people who provided anti-entropy support.

People Jizi had seen, people Jizi had not seen.

People who remembered Jizi, people who did not remember Jizi.

One by one, they passed by her.

They may know, or may not know, that this warrior in uniform is about to face the last battle of her life.

A battle between a teacher and a student.

"I really want to... have another drink."

A faint sigh sounded quietly amid the alarm and noise, but no one answered.

The red figure finally disappeared into the dark passage.

When the people outside the video saw this, their eyes were red.

No one knew what Ji Zi was thinking at this time.

But when they saw that there was no one around Ji Zi at this time, everyone in Saint Freya felt as if they were pressed down by a huge rock, so heavy that they could hardly breathe.

The loneliness and despair that came towards them were deeply suppressed in everyone's heart.

【"No matter what era, there are always such dazzling human beings, which is why I love human beings so much!"——Honkai Impact 3: Previous Civilization: Alicia】

【"Her enlightenment is more dazzling than gold!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Eden】

【"What was the captain thinking about at the end of his life?"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-civilization: Hua】

【"In another world, I am a respectable warrior. For my students, I am willing to turn into firewood. I am not as good as her."——Collapse Star Railway: Himeko】

【"Wait, her sword looks so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere!"——Collapsed Star Railway·Black Tower. 】

Theresa clenched her fists, feeling sad for her own powerlessness in the video. Drops of tears fell from her eyes, along her smooth face and onto the back of her tightly clenched fists.

She and Himeko have been friends for many years and have a very deep relationship. Now seeing Himeko's miserable appearance in the video, how could she bear it?

But Himeko did not show much distress, but seemed to be enjoying a very good movie.

Because she felt that her thoughts in the video were not wrong, and the world had changed. Those things that were supposed to happen would no longer happen. She couldn't just cry in front of her students.

"The unknown heat source reaction is approaching from behind at a speed of 420 kilometers per hour!"

"1000 meters!"

"500 meters!"

"100 metres!"

"An unknown heat source has been detected," the communicator's alarm became louder and louder.

In the elevator of Hyperion, Ji Zi took a last look at the serum in her hand, carefully put it into the storage unit of the armor, and then raised the sword and carried it on her shoulder, waiting for the arrival of the enemy. The blue and white 160 dragon soared in the sky, roaring loudly. The huge roar shook the clouds in the stratosphere, condensed into rain and fell down, and a sun shower fell on the ground below.

Facing the attacking dragon, All the firepower on Hyperion was aimed at it, but she dodged most of it flexibly, and the small amount of fire could not break through her hard and smooth scales.

Bellarus roared and dived towards Hyperion, the sharp edge of her wings cutting through Hyperion's protective force field like a steel knife, and her energy reserves were rapidly consumed.

Then she flew low, suddenly rushed forward, quickly broke through the firepower network, grabbed an electromagnetic cannon with her claws, and smashed it in the direction of the elevator where Jizi was.


Jizi just walked out of the elevator and looked at the cannon barrel coming towards her. She smiled confidently, then raised the Meteoric Sword in her hand, and used the sword body to slam the incoming cannon barrel back to the direction of Bellares as if playing baseball.

Benares had no time to dodge and was hit hard on the face. After being hit hard, his head was raised high, and then a tiny shadow suddenly appeared above her head.

It was Jizi who was swinging the sword!

Jizi jumped up and jumped above the dragon. With a ruthless kick, she kicked Benares' huge body back to the deck. After receiving such a heavy blow, Benares lost consciousness for a while and could not move.

【"Judging from the size of this dragon-shaped Honkai beast, it should be at the Judgment level. Why does it look so weak?"——Honkai Impact 3rd, Pre-Civilization, Mebius. 】

Watching Jizi beating Beibeilong as if beating Kiana, Mebius asked a question.

It's not that Mebius is belittling Bellalus. After all, as a scientist who specializes in Honkai Beast in the pre-civilization era, there are few people in the world who know Honkai Beast better than Mebius. At least from her cognition, the size of Honkai Beast is proportional to its combat power.

For a body size like Bellalus, it should be very powerful.

Although the Blank Key is very powerful, it is really embarrassing to be knocked down by such a kick!

【"According to the existing information, this is the Judgment-level Honkai Beast Bellalus, and also the companion Honkai Beast of the Herrscher of the Void. She last woke up fourteen years ago. After the Herrscher of the Void was conquered by Hua and his team, the Demon Dragon also fell into hibernation. In the past ten years, the Demon Dragon should not have replenished Honkai energy."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"Also, the Blank Key is inlaid with the core of the Herrscher of Fire, which is equivalent to a Herrscher of Fire, so it looks so weak."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Previous Civilization: Kevin】.

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