【Good evening, fellow answerers.】

【Today's quiz time is up】

【Please listen to the question: Natasha Sciora, a mercenary of World Serpent, nicknamed Black Dodo, hates Kiana so much that she wants to cut her into pieces. How did Kiana offend Natasha Sciora that made her hate her so much?】

【A:Black Dodo falls in love with Raiden Mei, and Raiden Mei likes Kiana, so Kiana is the hatred of having his wife stolen from him. The hatred of having his wife stolen from him is naturally irreconcilable.】

【B:The Black Dodo invites Kiana to dinner, but the Black Dodo's cooking skills need to be honed, and Kiana mocks him in person. The Black Dodo gets angry and chases after Kiana.】.

【C:Black Dodo's lifelong wish was destroyed by Kiana, so Black Dodo wanted to cut her into pieces to vent his hatred.】

【D:The Black Dodo is actually the real Kiana. She hates the man who took away her name and life, so she wants revenge.】

【"Huh? Is this another question about me? I always feel like I appear too many times. Am I the protagonist in the legend? Besides, I don't even know Natasha Sciorra. When did I offend her? Why did she want to cut me into pieces?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Why is it my business? I don't know Kiana. Why should I hate a stranger? And who is the black dodo? My code name is Raven!"——Honkai Impact 3: Raven】

【"Isn't your name Raven? Why is it Natasha Sciorra again?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"As a mercenary, it is very stupid to reveal my real name. I not only have the code name Raven, but also have more than a dozen vests to facilitate my work."——Honkai Impact 3: Raven】

【"Is this the life of a mercenary? So cool! I haven't offended you, have I? Hiss! Are these options serious?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Mei, you are a truly sinful woman. You caused two women to fight over you, and there is an irreconcilable hatred between them!"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa.

After the exposure of the light curtain and the"tragedy of restraint", Theresa Apokalis' image has changed from a behind-the-scenes mastermind to a funny person.

She has completely died in society and has become a laughing stock of other people and even other worlds. As the saying goes, it is better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone. Since everyone will be laughed at anyway, it is better to go into the water alone. As long as the one being laughed at is not herself, then she can feel better.

Dear Mei, please forgive your school principal.

If you want to blame someone, blame this world!

【"Principal, please don't joke with me. I have never seen a crow before. How could I let them turn against each other for me?……"——Honkai Impact 3: Raiden Mei.

Mei blushed and quickly explained

【"Not necessarily. What if that dodo is also a lesbian, and when she sees Mei’s beauty, she becomes aroused and can’t resist the temptation?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"I love Mei with all my heart! Dodo also has a crush on Mei, so that's it, I understand! Dodo, forget it! I will never give Mei to you"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Chong Chong suddenly had an expression of sudden enlightenment, and I don’t know what she realized.

【"Hey, hey, hey, my name is Raven, don't call me Dodo. What nonsense are you little girls talking about! I am a normal woman, how could I be involved with such a shady person like you?"——Honkai Impact 3: Raven】

【"You young people don't understand the beauty of men."——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"Did Teacher Jizi's date succeed?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

The innocent words pierced through Himeko Inoue's heart like a sharp sword, dealing critical damage.

【"It seems that the other me is also single!"——Collapsed Star Railway·Himeko.

Fu Hua, a straight woman made of soul steel, watched as the topic of the conversation turned to lesbian topics, and a big question mark appeared on her head. Is this the time to discuss such topics?

Shouldn't we analyze the questions carefully? Aren't you worried about the punishment at all?

It's great that you have big breasts!

Covering her chest, Fu Hua looked lost.

Cang Xuanzhishu, who was squatting on Fu Hua's head, looked at the girls in the room with a serious face, especially the chests of several plump women, where his gaze stayed the longest.

In the end, in order to save her wooden-headed happy life, she began to deduce various breast enhancement methods on the processor.

""Raven, why do you want to cut Kiana into pieces? How did she offend you?" Gray Snake focused on the question.

As a fanatical believer in Kevin Kaslana, he would not miss any possibility of bringing Kevin back from the Quantum Sea.

His original plan was to get the Gem of Desire in New Zealand. He had instigated Cocolia to take the lead in seizing it. At that time, Cocolia would fight with Destiny in the front, and he would pick up the bargains in the back, making no effort.

But before the first step was taken, the Gem of Desire mysteriously disappeared.

Gray Snake used all his hidden abilities but could not find any trace of the Gem of Desire, as if it had evaporated out of thin air, which made him very irritated.

Faced with his adoptive father's inquiries, Raven fell into memories.

"At the beginning of this century, the Herrscher of the Void awakened, and the collapse energy caused polluted the entire Siberia, and many people died, including my family. Because of the sacrifice of the Saint, I was lucky enough to survive and become a mercenary."

Gray Snake nodded. Almost all the members of World Snake were introduced by him. He is worthy of being the chief HR of World Snake.

"If we count it this way, Kiana is the blood combination of the Herrscher of the Void and Kaslana, the new carrier of the Herrscher of the Void.……"

"So that's it, is it the inherited hatred?"

About Otto's plan to use emotions and bonds to get the Herrscher belonging to the human side.

Gray Snake, who has the most confidential information of the former civilization, knows that Otto's plan is bound to succeed.

Kiana may not know anything. Her life, her life, her feelings, everything is under Otto's conspiracy, and the future is bleak.

But what does it matter?

Possessing the consciousness and Herrscher core of the Void in the body is the original sin.

While inheriting the power and identity, Kiana will also inherit the sin of the second Herrscher.

And the raven is one of the prices of sin.

"I don't think so. At least I don't have any other emotions when I see Kiana. I just feel that she is a poor person who shares the same suffering as me. If she is not the target of the mission, I would not even bother to talk to her."

Raven denied Gray Snake's speculation.

If Gray Snake's speculation is correct, she should now regard Kiana as her mortal enemy.

But now, she already knows that Kiana is the Herrscher of the Void, but she does not have much hatred towards her in her heart. It is better to say that the other party is just an irrelevant stranger at the moment. If the other party is not the target of the mission, she will not even pay attention to him.

At most, she will kick him if they meet on the street.

【"Among these options, the first option is that Raven falls in love with Mei Raiden, so... um... this is also possible, the situation remains to be determined. The second option is that he dislikes Raven's cooking skills, which is obviously to confuse the audience. The fourth option is that Raven is actually the real Kiana, which Rita can prove is absolutely impossible."——Honkai Impact 3: Rita】

【"So the answer should be between the first and the third one?"】

The punishment for answering incorrectly is quite severe. When everyone thinks of the punishment of Fu Hua and Rita, they all feel the same.

In the heated discussion, Raven is not in a hurry.

Referring to everyone's ideas, Raven has a bottom line in mind. According to common sense, this question has a great advantage for her.

Just substitute it.

Then, which of the other three options will arouse her hatred?

The first option can be ruled out. I am a normal woman. Unless that Raiden Mei is a succubus who can charm and control me with hypnosis, there is no way I can fall in love with a woman, and fight to the death with another woman for this woman. What kind of funny setting is this in a lesbian romance novel? The second option……

"They actually disliked the food I cooked... I feel inexplicably unhappy... They are really a bunch of young ladies who have never experienced hard times!"

Raven was indignant. It was good enough to have something to eat, but she still complained about it. She was really a young lady who had never lived a hard life. She really wanted to see these young ladies living a life of not having food to eat for a while, the kind whose eyes would light up when they saw food, to see if they would still complain that the food was not delicious!

However, the children had reminded her earlier, and she knew very well about her cooking skills. Although she was unhappy, Raven was already working hard to practice her cooking skills, striving to make the children proudly say that the food cooked by the teacher was delicious!

As for the third option, Kiana ruined her lifelong wish.

Her lifelong wish was to build a big villa on a beautiful island, take all the children there, and live a peaceful and happy life from then on.

If Kiana ruined her wish, Raven was immediately furious at the thought of this possibility.

Did Kiana steal her money?

Or did she mess up all her stocks?

This kind of thing, just a little thought would make her furious.

At this moment, Raven was completely sure of the correct answer.

【"I choose C!"——Honkai Impact 3: Raven】

【Congratulations to the answerer Raven for answering correctly. The reward is being drawn.……】


【Congratulations to the answerer, Raven, for winning a Dust Song Pot. Dust Song Pot is a magical treasure made by the immortals of Liyue using immortal magic. It has a cave space roughly equivalent to the size of a university town, and is also equipped with a pot spirit as a housekeeper. To use it, place it in any stable space and touch the spout to enter!】

【"Congratulations to Miss Raven for answering correctly!"——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"Wow! Does this thing really exist? It's a magical weapon from the immortals!"——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"What is the principle behind this?"——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"Can the cave be fixed in a small teapot and can be carried around? What kind of country is that Liyue? There is such technology. Although our Luofu cave technology is a small achievement, it cannot be so casual! What does it use as energy?"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"Not only that, if it weren't for the Emperor Gong Siming's generous gift of power, there wouldn't be so many caves on our immortal boat."——Collapsed Star Dome Railway·Fu Xuan.

Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan were both a little surprised.

The cave heaven technology of their Xianzhou Alliance was relatively advanced in the Milky Way, especially after Emperor Gong Siming generously opened up the imaginary energy of the hunting destiny to the Xianzhou.

With this endless energy, the Xianzhou could build countless cave heavens.

The main body of the Xianzhou was not even as big as an asteroid.

Compared with the Dyson sphere-class cosmic megastructure like the company's headquarters in Pierpoint, it was only a small yacht.

However, because there were thousands of huge cave heavens on each Xianzhou, these cave heavens were large and small, the large ones were larger than a planet, and the small ones could accommodate billions of people. These cave heavens consumed a huge amount of energy, and even the people of the Knowledgeable Society could not figure out why the Xianzhou could afford such a huge energy consumption.

Even if all the energy of a star was used...���Even if all the energy is drained out, it would not be able to support such a large amount of energy consumption!

【"Have you been able to popularize the space folding technology among the people? I really want to go to your fairy ship to study for a while!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Velvet】

【"We in Xianzhou welcome all those who are committed to maintaining peace in the galaxy to come to Xianzhou to learn and progress."——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"Before completely defeating Honkai, don't think about this anymore."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"That's true. It would be bad if the collapse gave us a big life again."——Honkai Impact 3rd · Pre-civilization · Wei Wei. 】

Wei Wei smiled awkwardly and threw this idea to Ji Wu to eat.

【"I have used the Qiongguan Array to predict the collapse you mentioned, but there is no result. Either your universe is different from ours, or some higher being has interfered with your information."——Collapse Star Sky Railway: Fu Xuan】

【"I think the latter possibility is higher. I came from there, through a star gate. They are just a group of interstellar wanderers. They should not have the technology to travel between the two universes, otherwise the earth would have been conquered by them long ago."——Collapse Star Railway - Walter Yang】

【"Besides, there are still many connections between our two worlds. At least now we have three pairs of identical people."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"The secrets of the universe are so vast, and we are all just frogs in the well!"——Collapse Star Railway: Himeko】.

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