Does anyone remember that poor Four Wars Wave Feng Minato? Accidentally thrown into the wrong era by the soil…

Mitarai Red Bean said the answer over and over again irritably.
“[Beep——]’s male [beep——]! [Beep——]’s male [beep——]!!”
The muffled sound of [beep—] kept sounding beside Obitu.
With a heart of soil, he substituted in the words of Mitarai red beans according to the guessed answer.
“Kakashi’s man, uh! It’s Kakashi’s friend!!”
When everyone looked at Obito and Kakashi with guilt in their eyes.
The horror quiz has finally announced the answer.
“Huh…, my mother!”
“These three to ten seconds are too exciting!!”
“I didn’t expect the correct answer to be this…”
Lin: “Obito and Kakashi really have a good relationship!”
Obito and Kakashi Falls Khan.
“No, Lin! We’re not…”
“Lin, you must not learn some strange things from Hongdou.”
“That’s right! Lin, that guy’s head is broken!”
Lin tilted her head: “Huh?”
Red Bean: “Hey! Don’t cross the river and demolish the bridge! But I helped you think of the answer! Besides, I just followed the ‘Lin’s boyfriend’ that the previous person said.” After that, she didn’t care about Kakashi and Kakashi Obito was thinking, and went directly to the daimyo’s attendant to collect the bounty.
Lin’s clear voice smiled and said, “Although I don’t understand what you guys are talking about, it’s great! Obito, Kakashi!”
Not bad at all! !
Obito: This concerns my reputation!
Facts have proved that war criminals in the Fourth World War have no human rights…
The images that had been stagnant began to show again.
In the video——
The Six Paths Immortal praised Hatake Kakashi, saying that he led his students to complete the task of saving the world.
Matekai: “As expected of my opponent! Kakashi!”
[“No, I didn’t help much.” Facing the legendary immortal, Kakashi seemed more restrained, “It’s all due to Naruto, the others, and many of his companions.”]
Minato: “It’s Kakashi’s character, very humble.”
Jiraiya: “It’s incredible, there’s one upper ninja, one chunin, and two lower ninjas.”
Orochimaru followed with a smile and said, “I guess no one will dare to make fun of you in the future.”
Jiraiya: “What does it have to do with me?”
“The tail of the Konoha crane,” Tsunade said, “Is that what you mean? Orochimaru.”
The sticky voice let out a laugh, “As expected of Tsunade Hime, you immediately understood what I meant.”
Jiraiya: “Tsk! You bastard!!”
“Hmph, the technique of throwing all the shuriken.”
“Don’t you remember this kind of thing so clearly?!!”
The crowd returned to watch the movie——【”and also……”】
Obito saw that Kakashi’s eyes in the image were still his kaleidoscopes, and his expression looked a little soft and lonely.
[“There is also a friend from the past, he lent me his strength.”]
No need to ask, everyone knows who he is thinking of.
Those who were familiar with Kakashi couldn’t bear to see him like that, and couldn’t help but want to say a few words for him.
Seventh Hokage Naruto: “Speaking of which, Obito, every time you entrust Mr. Kakashi, it almost cost him half his life and half his life.” The first candidate, he knows better than anyone else why Kakashi-sensei is desperately insisting on the position of Hokage.
Uchiha Obito insisted: “I didn’t do it now. At most, I just let him use my eyes to help me protect Lin. I didn’t say anything about Sixth Hokage.”
Even Shu Zuo commented: “This is really like what a brat said.”
Obito snorted coldly and said nothing.
[Sage of the Six Paths: “It doesn’t matter even if you are confused, you still protect this world as Naruto’s teacher and Obito’s friend, otherwise Heijue and his mother’s plan will probably succeed.”]
Obito: “Obito… friends? Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, the Sage of the Six Paths would still say that we are friends.”
Kakashi: “Fortunately, you saw the future in advance, otherwise you would have to take a detour for three or four years.”
Lin: “If you’re not late, you won’t look like Obito~”
“Hey, Lin…don’t make me a character who writes me late.”
“But there’s nothing wrong, isn’t it? Obito.”
“Kakashi, you bastard!”
I thought that the video would continue to be about Kakashi and Obito, but there was a break in the middle——
【”Hey!! Nine Lamas!! You’ve been separated from me for so long, aren’t you feeling very lonely?!”】
In the video, Naruto stepped over the first Hokage and the second Hokage, and ran to greet his friends.
【”Are you okay?!! I miss you!!”】
Looking at the video, the frightening nine-tailed demon fox responded to Naruto because of embarrassment:
【”Why are you shouting so loudly?!! You’re not lonely! Is half of the old man in your body for a while?!!”】
“Pfft! Is this embarrassing?!”
“Really! I’m sorry!”
Namikaze Minato looked at the image, then turned to face Naruto Seventh Meme Hokage.
“I never thought that Nine-Tails would have such emotions. Naruto, you did better than I imagined.”
Namikaze Minato: “I’m sorry to entrust such a difficult thought to you without your consent, but it was really good to entrust the future to you at that time.”
The others were looking at the video, such a big Nine Lamas shyly dancing its nine huge tails behind it.
Sage of the Six Paths said that Naruto’s child is an inconceivable existence who can get along with all tailed beasts, and he is the most ideal object for him to entrust with tailed beasts.
“Wait a moment!”
Hearing the conversation between Minato-sensei and Naruto from the future world, Kakashi suddenly spoke.
Namakaze Minato and Nanamihuoming looked at him.
The video is playing Kakashi telling Sage of the Six Paths that thanks to Naruto, Obito came to his senses.
Kakashi turned to Obito: “Obito! The one who was resurrected before, Minato-sensei who has experienced the Fourth Ninja World War…, have we confirmed that he is sent to the future?”
Obito: “Probably… confirm…?”
But why, both he and Kakashi felt that Naruto Uzumaki in the future world didn’t seem to have seen that Minato-sensei?
Hearing Kakashi and Obito’s words, Shu Zuo and Shu Ming were stunned.
The same goes for everyone else.
Namikaze Minato: “What?! I have experienced the Fourth Ninja World War?!” Such important information, how come I don’t know it at all? ! !
Seventh generation Hokage Naruto: “You said… You said my father has also been resurrected?!” Even he couldn’t help being surprised, “What’s going on, Kakashi-sensei?! How do you Never said that?!”
“This…” Kakashi told Naruto Nanami in the most succinct words: “Obito and I went to twelve years ago, the era of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, where by chance, Minato, who had experienced the Fourth World War, was revived. Sensei, because there was a Minato-sensei alive in that era, the revived Minato-sensei asked Obito to send him to your era…”
“It should have been like this…”
Obito wanted to retract himself into the ground, why is the ninjutsu familiar to Uchiha fire escape instead of earth escape? !
As Hokage’s staff officer, Nara Shikahisa quickly analyzed: “You may have sent it to the wrong place for a week, and the fourth Hokage has not rushed back to Konoha… But this possibility is very small, anyway, the fourth Hokage also has gold With a flashy name, he is known for his speed in the ninja world.”
Obito swallowed, “Then…another possibility…”
Shikahisa Nara: “Another possibility is—you sent it to the wrong era! It’s really troublesome, I beg you not to restore your identity, and even restore your virtuous value and IQ, okay?”
Namikaze Minato felt extremely helpless towards himself as a student.
“Forget it, forget it, wait until the movie is over.It’s like trying to find a way to find it one by one. ”
Seven generations of Hokage were anxious, “How do you find it in so many eras?! Obito, let me tell you…”
Obito: Stop scolding, stop scolding…
For Obito, inside and outside the image are like fire and ice.
Most people don’t know what’s going on on their side, and they focus on images and viewing.
The Six Paths Immortal said that Obito had not come to the Pure Land yet. Kakashi lowered his eyes and came to the spiritual realm of deep psychology again.
On his body, there is the last chakra of Obito.
The two, who were covered in scars, were a little speechless after winning the battle.
Others like Obito, Kakashi, Naruto Seven Fire, Minato Namikaze and others also came back to watch the movie.
Kakashi: “This should be the last time we meet in another world, Obito.”
Obito, who hasn’t recovered from the previous topic, said casually.
[“I’m almost leaving too.”]
Few people watching the movie can hear a bit of desolation and loneliness in their voices and demeanor.
[“I made a mess of the ninja world, and now I don’t know what else to say before leaving…”]
Obito: “…”
When he saw Kakashi in the video at the last parting, he held back a smile and said goodbye to himself——
[“For me, I can finally say goodbye to you as a friend rather than an enemy, and you are the one who was late all day to help others…”]
“Ah! This is the answer to the horror quiz!”
Naruto: “When Obito left, he was Kakashi-sensei’s friend!”
Hong Yuhi poked Red Bean with her elbow: “Don’t make jokes like this in the future.” After all, he is the mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization, don’t you want to lose face? No one can save the field if it starts to rage.
Hongdou: “Isn’t this the first time someone said that she was Yilin’s boyfriend, so I’ll take it easy, hahaha.”
Through Kakashi’s memory, people who watched the movie saw many one-sided images.
When Obito was a child, he held a package, helped Konoha to help the elderly who needed help, and then he was scolded for being late.
Lin: “It seems that not only Obito has been following Kakashi since he was a child~”
Kakashi was a little embarrassed, “Rin…”
Obito snorted and said nothing.
Not far away, Iwama sat behind his second brother Tobima, and whispered to his younger brother Itama: “Listen, Itama, this hum has Uchiha’s characteristics.”
Immediately after that, he got a blank eye from a certain Uchiha ancestor beside his second brother.
“What are you staring at! Are you from the Hyuga clan?!”
Qianshou Tobirama sighed, how many times has this been done, Watanabe and Quanna quarreled…
Jing saw the teacher sigh and reminded the ancestors and the Qianju family to stop arguing and watch the video first.
In the video, Kakashi ends his memories, and the video returns to the time when the two parted.
[“This is enough for me.”]
…… 0
A sad background music suddenly came from the video.
The adult Obito looks sad.
When he looks at Kakashi again…
It is already the Obito of the boyhood Kakashi said.
[“Thank you Kakashi.”]
Opposite him, that Kakashi who returned to his youthful appearance…
However, it is not as true as the geniuses of the youth.
In the forbearing smile, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Shuzuo Shuming, his students, as well as Kakashi and Obito teacher Namikaze Minato, and Kakashi’s companion Rin, can all see it. Out of the loss and sadness inside.
[Juvenile Obito’s voice, “Goodbye I’m leaving, Lin is still waiting for me…”]
In the image, Obito’s last figure in that world has faded.
With this goodbye, it will be difficult to meet the future Sixth Hokage again.
“It’s really uncomfortable to watch, this video.”
“Yeah, I still love watching the Fourth Ninja World War, the Four Shadows and the Ten Tails!”
“Hey, do you think this is watching a movie?”
“I just know it’s not a movie, so it’s very uncomfortable to see the two separate!”
“Alas… But there is no Madara Uchiha.”
“As long as there is no blackness.”
“The relationship between the two will not fall apart.”
For a while, everyone watching the movie shook their heads and sighed.
[Young Kakashi’s expression is blank, “Have you figured out an excuse for being late?”]
[“I told her before I came, I’m here to help you!”]
Obito looked at this video and said it must be a lie if he wasn’t moved.
But more…
It’s embarrassing.
After all, it was a public execution! !
Watching myself and Kakashi finally parting, I was so embarrassed that my toes were on the ground!
However, he noticed in the video that Kakashi’s masked mouth seemed to be muttering something.
“Is there anything you can’t say out loud?! You grew up with that mask, even if I can lip-read you, I can’t see you.mouth shape! ! “Not to mention I won’t,” what the hell are you talking about? ”
Kakashi, who was watching the movie: “How do I know what I whispered in the video?! You also saw that there is a mask!” Although I can lip-talk, the mask does get in the way!
Obito’s last chakra was completely burned out, and he and Lin finally left Kakashi for real.
[Kakashi: “I am… I should say thank you…”]
Obito: “It turned out to be just a thank you, is it necessary to hide it?!”
Naruto: “That’s right! Speaking of Kakashi-sensei…”
Naruto’s expression suddenly changed, and Sasuke knew what prank idea that guy had in mind.
“Is it a ‘sausage mouth’ or a ‘big buck teeth’ under your mask? Why do you keep wearing a mask?!!”
He ran to Nohara Rin, who was very good to him, “Hey, let me tell you, have you and Obito ever seen Kakashi-sensei’s true face?! Tell me about it!”
Update today
Everyday flowers ask for a request~Mua~
Remember to read the announcement at the end of

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