That's right, humanity has lost.

The accumulation of eleven collapses has destroyed more than seventy percent of human civilization.

This time, the remaining three cities were also destroyed by the nuclear bomb fired by the Lawyer.

The history of civilization, the glorious culture, all that is cherished by mankind, has been reduced to nothingness under the three mushroom clouds.

There are less than a thousand people who survived.

Human beings have long lost any chance of turning over, and the arrival of the end is difficult to stop.

At this moment, the two warriors fell silent together.

Kevin's voice was soft, like a dream.

Time seems to stand still here, too.

I don't know how long it took, Kevin suddenly smiled.

Kevin: "Hey, but it's a fact that we must not accept as truth..."

Hua: "I didn't expect you to say that... I think anyone can give up, only you won't. "

Kevin: "... Want to listen to the truth? "

"I didn't give up... Because I never insisted. "

"I... I don't care. "

"What is Honkai? What will happen to humans? I don't care at all. "

"I didn't join the moth of fire to save the world and protect peace."

"I've always been so selfish, but... Along the way, I came over, and I came like this. "

"I can't admit it like anybody... I can't admit it to her, especially not. "

“...... I thought I was a big rotten person who had no cure. "

Kevin lowered his head, and Hua couldn't see his expression at the moment.

Since the two had met, Hua had never seen him so fragile, as if he would shatter into powder at the slightest touch.

However, Hua is not incomprehensible.

Hua: "We're all the same, Kevin. "

"No one is born a hero, we are just a bunch of ordinary people who have embarked on this path."

"I will also miss my hometown, and I will also remember my old dreams... Then ask yourself: What am I doing? This is not what I want for "720". "

"I always follow others, first the captain and then you. Of course, the Ph.D. is always at the forefront. I followed in your footsteps and thought this was my path. "

"But no one forced me, I was on the path I chosen. I didn't like it, but that's my choice. "

"I can stop at any time, I can be left behind..."

"That's all right, Kevin. And no one is qualified to blame you. "

Kevin lowered his head, and Hua heard a whisper.

“... But I have..."

Hua wasn't sure if he wanted a response himself.

The two were silent until Kevin raised his head.

“...... I didn't give up, Hua, we won't give up. "

Hua: "Well, we're not going to give up. "

Kevin: "Humanity will surely win." "

Kevin stood up, his back straightened.

At this moment, he returned to being the strong warrior, walking in front of everyone and leading the way under his feet.

Kevin: "Let's go, go to the war room." "

"Explain what needs to be explained, and then..."

"I'm going to send Sakura back to my hometown, I promised her..."

The base's electrical system was restored at this moment.

The light once again illuminated the Yong Dao, leaving only the backs of Kevin and Hua.

This era will come to an end.

The screen switches, and the deep dark clouds accumulate in the air, just like the state of human beings at this moment.

Dark, desperate, not seeing a glimmer of light.

A light rain fell in the air, soaking the scorched earth.

On the burnt earth, the hero who was once regarded as an alien has been buried here in order to protect the pride of mankind and himself, and has not even left a decent tombstone.

Here, there is no cherry blossom for a long time...

Only a purple crystal flower broke through the earth and bloomed flawlessly and solitarily in this dry land.

The two mourners stood side by side.

As always, he was silent.

Uncharacteristically, she did not say a word.

After a long time, other sounds sounded in the howling of the wind and sand.

Alicia: "Kevin, I remembered what happened... A long time ago. "

Kevin: "..."

Alicia: "In the end, the thirteen of us didn't get together once." "

"One day, we'll be back here."

"Maybe tomorrow, you and I will also sleep underground."

Kevin: "No. "

He drew the great sword stuck in the ground and turned to leave.

Where he stood... Killing intent and ice cold, have not dispersed for a long time.

"No matter how much it costs..."

"Mankind will surely defeat Honkai."

The picture freezes here.

At the corners of Kevin's eyes, there were faint tear tracks...

Ice-like subtitles are presented from the screen.

[The twelfth collapse is the event that changed Kevin the most. 】

[Sakura's death in battle and the collapse of civilization caused Kevin to burst out the pent-up anger of the past few years. 】

[He confessed to Hua that he never wanted to lead humans to fight against Honkai, and the reason why he insisted until now was only for Mei. 】

[He admits that he is a hopelessly rotten person and admits that he has never insisted. 】

[However, this mentality has disappeared in the twelfth collapse. 】

[Kevin once again witnessed the death of his close comrade and witnessed the cruelty of Honkai. 】

[The Avalanche disaster continues to take everyone around him, his friends, companions, and all the things that are cherished, and one day it will also take Mei's life and take his own life. 】

[He abhorred the collapse from the bottom of his heart, hated its apostles, and hated his powerless self. 】

[Hector knew that the kingdom would eventually fall, and Achilles understood that he was dying. 】

[But the two of them have already stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation. 】

[In this story, which is destined to be tragic from the beginning, no one has ever hesitated or wavered in this regard. 】

"So they do, so does Sakura, and so does Kevin.] 】

[At this moment, the warrior carrying the memory of salvation has awakened. 】

[He will greet the end of the former civilization and the second major turning point in his life with no hesitation. 】

[Coming soon to play Kevin's second Destiny Gear Turn.] 】

[Final Ball, Battle for Salvation! ] 】

A paradise of the past.

Thirteen people watched the entire video without saying a word.

A faint sadness pervaded their hearts, and although a long time had passed, how could the pain be healed so easily.

At the moment, the heroes didn't know what to say.

Sakura also just learned her end, and the others couldn't confirm whether she was conscious at the moment.

Therefore, only silence pervades here.

Among them, the corners of Phyllis's eyes have long been hung with tears.

She recalled that early morning when it was raining lightly, crouching in front of the tombstone and placing a paper bag in front of Sakura's grave.

It was a snack that she promised to help Sakura find a few months ago, but Sakura didn't eat her favorite cherry balls after all.

How many people would do this kind of thing when Honkai was raging?

The Twelfth Law left mankind with only the land that had been exposed to radiation, the destroyed homeland, and the unseemly tombstones.

She had reached out and gently touched the cold stone, feeling that it was nothing like the cherry blossoms in her memory.

Sister Sakura... Although she is a little cold on the outside, she is not like this on the inside.

Looking at the stone tablet in the picture, Pado felt a pang of self-blame in his heart.

If I had been in the base at that time... Maybe you can help Sakura save Suzu, maybe Sakura won't die...

All kinds of possibilities lingered in Pado's heart, and all kinds of [what if] overwhelmed her.

Finally, Pado sniffled.

Phyllis: "..."

“...... Sister Sakura, I'm unwilling..."

Pado's words brought others out of the atmosphere of sadness.

They watched Pardot quietly, listening to her staccato whispers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Phyllis: "I know I'm weak, but I can pick locks, and I'm good at escaping..."

"I can pry open the cell door and get in through the ventilation pipe and take her away... As long as I know she's there..."


“...... You won't [go]. "

"When Sister Ellie came to me and asked me to become Yingwei, I always wondered if she was looking for the wrong person."

"But now I know that this unwillingness..."

"It's really... It feels worse than death..."

Su let out a long sigh:

"Don't be sad... Pado..."

"The past is over, and new leaves have sprouted."

"Those who dwell on the past have no future..."

Eden: "But anyway... The pain doesn't go away... The tragedies of the past will always afflict each and every one of us..."

"We are all remnants of that bygone era, a doppelganger of the past thirteen heroes..."

"There is no future... It's about us people..."

Mebius: "Alas... The Sakura thing... It's a pity indeed..."

"Although I can understand it, the act of sending her to death... I have reservations..."

Thousand Calamities: "You'd better shut up, Mebius." "

"Sakura is dead... She's not a betrayer, and you want to insult her! "

Wilvie: "Alas, at that time, Dr. May scattered us to various bases and stationed, and I don't know if it was good or bad..."

"If I had been at headquarters... Those nuclear bombs can't be launched..."

"After all, I was the designer of these nuclear bombs... How can I not be the murderer..."

Kosmo: "But... I can see Kevin making such a gaffe..."

"His anger was genuine... So is his grief..."

"It turns out that he is not as cold as he appears on the surface..."

Hua: "Kevin, he always acted according to Dr. Mei's instructions before this incident..."

"According to him, he has never been determined to fight Honkai..."

"But even so... He still carries the hope of all and leads humanity forward..."

"No matter what, I still admire him..."

Alicia: "Yes, only Kevin can do it.."

"After experiencing the tragedy of restraint and witnessing Sakura's end, he has not shed tears."

"But, Kevin, you're still a disheartening man."

"I didn't even cry, I really can't think of anything that will make you cry!"

"Alas, I have to say, if you hadn't been angry this time, I would have thought you had turned into ice..."

Kevin: "As I said, I never changed. "

"It was like that, and it's true now."

Grace: "So, what about the future?" "

Kevin shook his head in silence:

"At least for now... The future of humanity is not clear..."

"Of course... I'm also human, and so am I..."

Saying that, he turned his head slightly and looked at Sakura, who had a dull expression.

After a pause, Kevin said in a deep voice:

"Instead of focusing on me, let's care about Sakura..."

"Witness your own death... Not a pleasant thing..."

"Of course, you all have to be mentally prepared..."

"The endgame is coming... Everyone's past fate is about to end..."

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Without saying a word, the three watched the funeral that belonged to the hero.

Finally, Otto chuckled and said:

"I probably know the circumstances of this incident."

"The Law of Erosion lodged in Suzu's body, and then violently injured people after the death of the host, and played a surprise game with humans."

"This time, the goal of Honkai is clear."

"It will wipe out all the reserve forces of mankind, so that the fire-chasing moth no longer has the ability to produce fusion warriors, and the fire-chasing moth will lose all industrial capabilities."

"In short, the class has already lost in this collapse."

"Honkai has achieved the feat of blocking human technology, although... The technique is slightly rough. "

"In this case, even if humanity wins, then why not?"

"Huh... Kevin saw it thoroughly... Rather, he has always been the one who sees the most thoroughly. "

Lauderdale: "But... I feel unwilling..."

"Why is it that Dr. Mei is sitting in town, but the lawyer can still obtain the authority of the silo and drop the nuclear bomb on the human own city."

"Why did Sakura insist on going her own way, fighting alone against the doppelgangers of all the Laws of Eclipse, and eventually died."

"She shouldn't have died! If she knew to work with Kevin, knowing that with the power of the organization, things would not have come to this point! "

"Why are these people still angry at that time..."

Rita: "Lord Lauderdale, this is just the evaluation of our descendants..."

"Rita believes that Sakura has her own reasons for making this choice."

"Besides... She did make her own contribution and died as a warrior..."

Otto smiled, and there had already been several repetitions of this incident in his mind. 0.8 He listened to Lauderdale's words and laughed directly:

"Hahaha, Bianca, have you forgotten?"

"Look at what Dr. Mei has done, whether it is allowing Mu Continent to disappear or the Meta-Morph project to solve the population problem, these all show that Mei is a rational and terrifying person."

"She is not without feelings, but reason is the majority in her world."

"From this point of view, she is far more suitable than me to be a leader to lead humanity in the fight against collapse."

"So, Bianca, you have to trust Dr. May's wrist."

"In this matter, I believe that she also did her best, and it was definitely not her intention to cause such a result."

"If it were me, I wouldn't necessarily be able to do it better than her."

Saying that, the corners of Otto's mouth rose slightly.

"You see, it reminds me of what I used to say."

"What destroys mankind has never been a collapse, it is human beings themselves."

"From cold weapons to hot weapons, from hot weapons to collapse energy weapons, since ancient times and today, human beings have always been trying to find ways to kill themselves."

"And this time, it's the same."

"The nuclear bomb that destroyed civilization is the creation of mankind itself, and the lawyer only took advantage of this."

Lauderdale: "..."

"I have to say that the former civilization is really a desperate world, just looking at it, I can feel a deep powerlessness..."

"I am indeed an S-class Valkyrie... But what's the use..."

"In terms of strength, I'm afraid I'm less than half of Sakura's, but a warrior as powerful as Sakura also ushered in death in the face of a collapse."

"Your Honor... Can we really defeat Honkai..."

Otto: "..."

"Huh... Who knows..."

"But fortunately, we still have a vision of the future...".

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