Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida finished her mind reading with a faint smile on her cheeks.

She looked at the skirmishers and said with a smile:

"Very good, this time the turn of fate is not intense, and it does not involve taboo knowledge."

"It's just ignorant and pure love between young girls, which belongs to one of the most interesting emotions of human beings."

"However, it's strange that Kevin will end up with the cold appearance in the picture."

The skirmish smiled disdainfully:

"It's not interesting."

"This Kevin, like Otto, was changed by a woman, huh.... Can't you really underestimate the power of women..."

"Also, after all, my creator is such a deity..."

Nassida: "I analyzed Kevin's state of mind, and it's interesting. "

"Kevin... He's a man of the same appearance. "

"He really loves Mei, he doesn't even have the slightest idea about other girls, and his mind is very determined."

"From my long-term experience of observing human beings, Kevin is indeed a very dedicated person, which has to be said to be a precious quality."

"And Mei, this girl's heart is not completely filled with knowledge, and she has also given Kevin a certain space in her subconscious."

"Hehe, it seems that she will have an academic seminar in the near future, and she is anxiously preparing the relevant materials of the conference."

"In this case, I still found time to watch Kevin play, and I have to say that Kevin's pursuit has played a very good effect."

"In short, this relationship has become a two-way rush, and it feels very fateful."

"It's a romantic fate."

After listening to Nasida's large list of analysis, the skirmishers laughed loudly:


"Buyer, when did the God of Wisdom become a master of sentiment analysis?"

"The head of the lecture is the Tao, when you usually read minds, are these things you read?"

Nasida smiled and said: "Human emotions are very complex, chaos and light are intertwined. "

"Kevin's emotion like this has always been something I love to meet, as sweet as date palm honey."

"Of course, while he has not yet become the state he first appeared, I am very interested in witnessing his psychological changes step by step."

"That's interesting, isn't it."

The corners of the skirmisher's mouth turned up: "Indeed." "

"It's really interesting that ignorant children feel the malice of the world and what kind of state they will eventually become."

"The psychological changes in him during this period may be very interesting."

The skirmishers rarely raised their interest.

While in the sixth seat of the Executive of the Fools, he had a tendency to take pleasure in sadism. The criterion for choosing an adjutant is also whether the person's expression after being reprimanded is interesting.

Although the knot is now untied, he also eliminates himself from the memory of others through special means.

But traits that have lasted for hundreds of years won't be removed so easily.

Looking at Kevin's sunny appearance, the skirmishers were quite looking forward to how he would gradually become the final cold appearance.

Like he just said.

That's really interesting.

While everyone was talking, the video began to play again.

There are no more young girls sitting side by side on the rooftop, and the sunset and sunset have disappeared.

In their place, there were dim clouds and meteorites piercing the sky.

On the street, there are wandering zombies, they are all white, and the collapse energy pattern spreads from all over the body.

When they saw a living person, they stepped forward hoarsely, knocked them to the ground and gnawed them to death.

Meteorites in the sky descend, from time to time there are terrifying explosions, splashes of smoke and dust cover the sun, and the world is like hell.

In the center of the picture, Kevin's figure appeared.

He was wearing a student uniform at Senba Academy, his white hair and cheeks were splattered with blood, his shirt was torn, stained with already dull black blood...

Holding May's hand in his left hand and a somewhat curved baseball bat in his right, he fled through the crowd and into an underground bomb shelter.

"Hold on! Plums! "

Kevin shouted loudly so that he would not be overwhelmed by all kinds of noise.

"The bomb shelter is coming, let's go there and fix it first!"

Mei is not good at sports, and at the moment she is already out of breath:

"How... It will be like this..."

"My... Research Report... Still in the classroom..."

Kevin: "Don't think about your stuff, it's important to run for your life!" "

"The school is gone, everyone is crazy, Mei, you must not mess around!"

Mei: "Exactly... What happened..."

At the moment, Mei is in a state of distraction.

Today, it would have been a stable daily life.

She gets up normally to wash, goes back to school normally, plays with Kevin normally, and prepares papers for the next seminar normally.

However, abnormalities are always sudden.

In the blink of an eye, a meteorite descended from the sky, and a natural disaster descended on Changkong City.

The earthquake and explosion instantly appeared in every corner of the city, killing and injuring countless students around them, and the Qianyu Academy collapsed.

And that's not the worst thing.

Some of the crowd seemed to have gone crazy by the disaster, turning into bloodthirsty monsters that gnawed at the flesh and blood of the living, filling the city with violence.

Kevin and the two rushed out of such a disaster.

Kevin, who was careless during class, reacted almost immediately when he saw the meteorite.

The others were still surprised and panicked, only Kevin rushed out of the classroom first, picked up a baseball bat, and rushed to May's class.

At that time, classes were still in session.

Kevin involuntarily broke into May's classroom and forcibly took her away.

Because of this, the two gained valuable three minutes to avoid mixing into the crowd.

Although May doesn't know what Kevin is going to do, she chooses to trust Kevin.

In this way, the two were the first to escape from the school, but found that the city had long been out of order.

The streets are full of roaming zombies, indiscriminately attacking the people passing by.

Kevin swung his baseball bat and did his best to clear the threat in front of him.

He knew that he wanted to protect Mei and protect the girl he loved.

Along the way, Kevin dragged May around the corpse, dodged the explosion, and followed the location broadcast on the radio.

As long as you enter the bomb shelter, you can be protected by the troops stationed here.

And now, for example, the nearest bomb shelter is less than five hundred meters.

Kevin squeezed May's right hand, afraid to lose it.

He turned his head to look at Mei's slightly bloodstained cheeks, trying to squeeze out a smile that thought he was sunny:

Kevin: "Hold on, May, victory is at hand!" "

"Are you still running, if it really doesn't work, I'll carry you?"

However, it was not Mei's answer that responded to him.

In his line of sight, Mei Zheng looked behind him in surprise, and there was a little more incredulity in his eyes.

Mei: "Kevin-san... Behind you..."

Kevin: "Behind? "

Kevin didn't look back, but looked at his feet.

A rich, huge shadow appeared out of thin air and appeared silently.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis premonition exploded in Kevin's heart.

He used the force of his waist to drive his body, threw the metal bat up, and threw it behind him without looking.

When —

With a crisp sound, Kevin's mouth trembled a little.

The bat bent again, and the powerful counterforce bounced it back violently, and Kevin, who was holding the bat, stumbled a few steps with him.

Roar -

A huge roar sounded, and Kevin finally saw the appearance of this thing behind him.

It was an alien creature that had never been seen before, with shining one-eyed eyes on its forehead, and about four meters tall.

Its body was smooth and hard, showing a mixture of red and white colors, and it was hit by Kevin's hard stick, and there was no wound on its body.

Vehicle-level Avalanche!

Of course, neither Kevin nor May at the moment knows this kind of thing.

The knowledge in Mei's mind determined that she could not make effective judgments about this monster.

Curiosity about the unknown pervades her heart, and Mei falls into a brief loss of concentration.

Kevin is not.

He never had a curiosity in his heart about these things.

Even if there were, it should not be now.

He glanced lightly at the surprised Mei behind him, and at the meteorites descending in the sky in the distance.

In the midst of smoke and fire, Kevin picked up the bat again and walked alone to the Honkai Beast.

The evening breeze ruffled Kevin's gray hair and brought his words to May's ears.

"Mei, find the right time and leave quickly!"

"I'll catch up with you in a moment."

Immediately, Kevin swung the bat and launched a new round of offensive.

With a crisp crash, Mei finally regained her composure.

He saw that Kevin's attack could not have any effect on the Honkai Beast, and could only rely on his physical fitness to constantly dodge, trying to lure the Honkai Beast away.

At this moment, the dilemma unfolded in front of Mei.

Leaving Kevin to leave on his own?

May felt she couldn't do it, and it was a betrayal.

But staying here, Kevin is also distracted to protect himself.

If you are not careful, you can do both.

What to do...

Ahead, the fall of meteorites has ushered in a new wave of earthquakes.

Kevin stumbled and fell to the ground, but coincidentally dodged a flying slap from the Honkai Beast.

He stood up breathlessly, trying to continue luring the Honkai Beast to another block. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mei clenched her fists, her eyes gradually becoming firm.

She remembers saying that she wants to be a person who can change the world.

If no one can save it, how can you change the world?

The earth was shaking, and flames were spreading around Mei.

The scorching air made her breathe painful, but she remained calm and rational, calculating how to help Kevin get rid of the broken beast.

And at this very moment -

Boom --

What neither May nor Kevin expected was that a special bullet broke through the air and was embedded in the one-eyed beast of Honkai.

The huge impact suddenly shook the huge body of the Avalanche Beast several meters away, leaving only Kevin with some doubts.

Kevin's right hand carrying the bat couldn't stop shaking, he looked back, and saw the roof behind him, and I don't know when a sniper in camouflage costume appeared.

Noticing Kevin's gaze, he waved at Kevin and gave him a thumbs up.

"This is... People from the military? "

"It's also... It's so close to the bomb shelter, and the monster is too conspicuous..."

Kevin was a little confused, but he knew that he was saved.

Gu couldn't continue to wonder, he hurriedly ran to the direction where Mei was.

Behind him, several more bullets were fired, completely destroying the chariot-level Collapsed Beast.

When he came to Mei's side, Kevin found that there were other people here.

It was a man in a suit and sunglasses.

The person who came called himself Bolong expressed his intentions to Mei in a concise manner.

He said he came here to find and protect May.

At the same time, Mei is invited to join humanity as a scientist in the battle against Honkai.

Bolong said that the real name of this disaster is the third collapse.

And the organization he belongs to is a collapsed organization under the United Nations called [Fire Moth].

Just six months ago, May presented a paper on quantum mechanics at a United Nations symposium.

This caught the attention of a scholar named Mebius.

Mebius judged that May was a genius that was rare in a century.

Thus, the door was opened for her to chase the fire moth.

For this invitation, May gladly accepted.

Her desire is to be a person who can change the world.

And joining the Fire Moth is the opportunity for her to realize her wish.

What's more, the current situation can't help her not choose.

After all, she was already homeless...

But what should Kevin do?

May looked at Kevin a little heavily, but found that Kevin's face was full of smiles.

"Congratulations, Mei, you have a chance to fulfill your dream!"

"Hahaha, don't worry about me, I will never be separated from you, we will talk about it."

"You can do your research with peace of mind, and I will protect you!"

Saying that, Kai took the initiative to ask for a rope and applied to join the Fire Moth as a soldier.

Bolong looked at the teenager in front of him, and the sniper's communication came from the earphone.

The soldier who killed the chariot-level Avalanche Beast was full of praise for Kevin's performance just now.

He witnesses Kevin's battle with the Honkai Beast and judges Kevin to be a natural warrior.

After thinking about it, Bolong agreed.

He stretched out his hand 707 to Kevin, and said in a solemn tone:

"Welcome to the Fire Moth, recruit."

Kevin shakes hands with him and has since officially become a member of the Fire Moth Soldiers.

In this way, the fates of Kevin and May were tied together again.

This is true now, and so it will be in the future...

The video stops here, and subtitles appear from the top of the frame.

[Kevin and Mei have shown excellent talents in different fields. 】

[As a result, the two got a ticket to the Moth of Fire. 】

[At this time, it was the third outbreak of collapse. 】

[Imaginary invasions became more frequent, and the third collapse turned almost all of East Asia into a wasteland.] 】

[Kevin came out of such a crisis and joined the Fire Moth with Mei. 】

[At this moment, the long river of fate rippled, and Kevin's real life began. ] 】

[Here he will gain the power to manipulate ice and snow, obtain a military uniform to match it, and gain status and glory.] 】

[But the price is a heavy responsibility that ordinary people are difficult to bear, and it is a choice that must be made all the time. ] 】

[These things will tear up scars in Kevin's sunny heart, making him more and more cold and sad. ] 】

[That simple Kevin will never return. 】

St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

After seeing the text displayed in the video and light curtain, Teresa's expression became faintly worried.

Teresa: "The Moth of Fire, that is the former Mandate of Heaven of civilization." "

"It seems that Kevin is about to face the truth of the world, with his optimistic attitude, can he really bear it..."

Himeko smiled and said, "How? No confidence in the first movers? "

Teresa shook her head:

"Of course I know that he is a forerunner and has great power."

"But, for some reason, I can always see Kiana's shadow in Kevin."

"Coupled with Mei's original similarity to Nha Yi, the two of them really have the sense of déjà vu of Kiana and Nha Yi."

"Watching this video, I always feel that I am watching the wonderful adventures of my eldest niece, and I can't help but be a little worried..."

Himeko looked at the picture carefully:

"Listening to you say this, it seems that this is indeed the case..."

"In the impression, in a similar situation, Kiana will definitely make a similar choice to Kevin."

"After all, Kiana did exactly that during the third collapse in March last year."

"Hahaha, interesting, watching Kevin's growth is like watching Kiana's growth."

"It's a pretty new look."

Teresa smiled: "However, he is Kevin after all. "

"Joining the Fire Moth means that his fight against Honkai has officially begun."

"Recalling the occasional Kevin in the first exposure, I can't relate to him in the picture now."

"Anyway, the range of changes is too big."

"What happened to him to turn into ice..."

Teresa was quite curious at the moment....

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