"It was a distant time. 】

[At this time, Hua did not know that what she experienced was the arrival of the third collapse. 】

[The gears of fate began to turn, and there were only three hours left before Hua's new life began...].

The sound disappears and the picture gradually unfolds.

In the video, Hua does not follow the instructions of the radio to stay where he is.

Because a meteor in the sky is passing through the clouds, faintly approaching the direction of the airport.

If you don't run, you will surely die.

Hua quickly came to his senses, cut through the panicked crowd, and fled outside the airport.

She wasn't going home.

She is going to find Carol's whereabouts.

It was her best friend, and Hua didn't want any problems with her.

Thanks to the physique of people who practice martial arts, Hua's speed is quite rapid.

In college, she also exercised physically.

Soon, she escaped from the airport and quickly evacuated with the flow of people.

Behind him, the meteorite exploded from a high altitude, and the shock wave instantly killed the airport and most people.

Hua cleverly hid in the subway station and escaped.

There are many people in the waiting room.

They were confused and overwhelmed.

It is not only a simple subway station, but also an official sanctuary.

Hiding here, you may be able to survive this natural disaster.

However, Hua does not want to stay here.

She felt that this was a cocoon.

What's more, she was going to find her friends.

There can be no delay.

The video turned and switched to Street View.

Hua's thin figure, running on the side of the road.

The city is in a bad state, and traffic is completely paralyzed.

The light of meteorites is dazzling, and the fire spreads in every corner of the city.

Hua noticed that people seemed to be crazy.

They gnawed at each other, tore at each other.

Purple lines crawl all over their cheeks, shining in the dark night.

On the chaotic street, the white-haired figure holding a scythe loomed.

They cut people when they see them, and kill them when they see them.

Gunshots and explosions rang out continuously, but they were soon replaced by screams.

Messed up.

Everything is messed up.

Fear spreads from the depths of his heart.

She had never witnessed this scene with her own eyes, let alone experienced it herself.

She remembered some of the stories she had heard on campus.

At the concert scene of a certain singer, there were zombies.

Originally, she thought it was just a simple urban weirdness.

But after the real experience, I know that all this is real.

The city, the symbol of human civilization.

At this moment, it is gradually becoming a feast of blood and killing, a hotbed for natural disasters.

The more he saw these scenes, the more Hua worried about the safety of his friends.

She ran desperately to the school, knocking down all the zombies that stood in her way.

The clothes were torn to pieces, and the shoes were thrown off and not worn.

Stones and glass cut through the soles of her feet, leaving blood-stained footprints along the way.

And when she stood in front of the school in embarrassment, she found that the university had already turned into a sea of fire.

A meteorite hit right here.

Most of her friends, including Carol, didn't have time to leave from here.

Their ending, you can imagine....

Hua stopped blankly in place, staring at the campus in front of him.

Although it is only half a year, it is equivalent to her second home.

Looking at this scene, tears slipped down Hua's cheeks.

Everything, things are people and non-people.

She recalled Carol and every one of her friends.

She remembers her father, her neighbors, and everyone who helped her.

How many of them survived this disaster?

Will they turn into those maniacs who only know how to kill, will they turn into purple monsters they meet on the road?

At this moment, Hua's heart was grieving.

However, she did not resign herself to depravity.

Behind him, the dead followed the bloody footprints.

They saw Hua, bared their fangs, and waved their weapons.

But what greeted them was not a cowardly dodge.

It is Hua's long-accumulated anger.

Hua rushed into the enemy position, waving his fists, constantly releasing the anger in his heart.

As the daughter of a martial arts hall owner, Hua masters a true martial art.

Ordinary dead men were quickly defeated, and special dead soldiers had little wisdom, and they were soon defeated in Hua's crazy blows.

Seeing more and more dead soldiers surrounding him, Hua immediately relented his behavior.

In any case, it is not possible to give up yet.

Friends are missing, relatives are unknown.

How can he walk ahead of them.

At that moment, Hua fled in Canghai City with the will to survive.

Lightning and thunder, and torrential rain followed.

The sky was filled with dark clouds at some point, and billowing currents converged on them.

This helped her extinguish most of the flames, creating space for Hua to escape.

Soon, three hours passed.

The screen switched and gave the front of Hua.

The rain dripped down her hair and down her cheeks.

She couldn't tell if it was rain or tears.

Hua panted, stumbled past the dead man who had just been knocked down, and sat down in front of the trash can in the alley.

Eaves can shield from torrential rain, and the killing continues outside the alley.

Hua was tired and thirsty, and almost lost the ability to move.

She looked at the reflection of the neon lights in the puddles, and her eyes gradually became dull and confused.

Yes, Hua has long lost the ability to care for others.

In this hunting ground, she is the prey of the dead and the broken beast.

Constant fighting, constant running.

No matter how strong the heart is, it gradually begins to collapse at this moment.

What's more, he was just an ordinary student Hua.

She had no choice but to escape.

The eaves dripped with dripping rain, mixed with an unabated roar.

Hua put her face on her knees and closed her eyes.

She was terrified.

She chose to escape.

Listening to the screams from the outside world, Hua had long lost hope in his heart.

Perhaps, that's how I'll explain it here.

It's miserable that my whole life has been spent like this.

But I don't want to die yet.

Really don't want to die....

The roar of the dead man grew louder, and noisy footsteps sounded from the mouth of the alley.

Hua knew that he had been discovered.

However, she no longer had the strength to resist.

After all, it still fell to this step....

However, footsteps sounded.

The roar faded away, and the footsteps got closer and closer.

Hua knew that it was the sound of high heels.

She raised her head and stared at the scene in front of her.

It was a few dead men who had lost their breath.

In front of them is a slender and tall woman.

She wears a black robe with flaming red waist-length hair.

Her eyes did not have the dullness of the dead, but a thick pity and joy to find the survivors.

"Great, you're really alive."

"It's not good to stay here for long, come and leave with me."

Hua recovered from his sluggishness.

"Are you... Who? Her voice was as thin as a gossamer.

The red-haired woman smiled slightly, walked to Hua's body, and handed over her right hand.

"Let's go, I'll teach you the skills of fighting and teach you the way to live."

"Join me in saving the world."

Hua looked at the woman's pupils and slowly took the other party's right hand.

The gears of fate began to turn....


St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa only loosened her grip after seeing Fu Hua being rescued.

She witnessed everything Fu Hua went through.

And Jizi, who was beside her, also sighed lightly.

"I can feel the desperation of Fu Hua... It's really embarrassing for her..."

"I have to say, she is really brave."

"When encountering a collapse disaster, the first person to care about is others, what kind children."

"Alas, reminds me of Mr. Ragnar..."

Teresa sighed as well.

"Yes, originally I thought that calmness is the nature of Fu Hua."

"Who knows, it is indeed a bit cruel to be exercised under such circumstances."

"But there's a problem here, Himeko!"

"What's wrong, can't you make me sigh for a while?" Himeko said a little angrily.

Teresa: "Didn't you notice that the person who came to save Fu Hua looked almost exactly like you?" "

"Say, Jizi, did you save Fu Hua!"

Himeko: "Wronged Academy, you know, I've been in the Far East a few months ago." "

"Besides, isn't it normal to look alike."

"Hugh wants to deduct my wages on the grounds of taking leave!"

Teresa: "Even if that's the case, it's not the same as the information in the Mandate of Heaven database." "

"According to the records, the third collapse was caused by the conquest of gems, and it broke out in Changkong City."

"Canghai City in Shenzhou may be affected somewhat, but it is unlikely to become what it is in the video."

"This is not at all the same as the situation of the third collapse last year, hey!"

Ji Zi was stunned: "Gee... It seems to be the case..."

"So what is the situation of Fu Hua... What is shown on this light curtain, is a parallel world? "

Teresa nodded: "I heard my grandfather mention that three years ago, Destiny secretly launched the Lonely Panthalassa project to explore the 'Etheric Anchor'. "

"This seems to be an exploration of the Quantum Sea, where it is said that the enforcer layer has entered the world bubble and experienced a parallel universe for a while..."

"It seems that the things presented in the video are probably the same as this."

Himeko: "I think so. "

"If these things are true, then Fu Hua is too difficult."

"Hahaha, she can't be that former civilized person."

Teresa: "You're kidding again, Himeko." "

"According to the time estimation of the former civilization, if Fu Hua was a person at that time, I am afraid she would have been more than fifty thousand years old."

"Hahaha... This can't be..."

Teresa laughed awkwardly.

She also saw the same emotion in Himeko's eyes.

Because she knew that the probability of what Himeko said was definitely not low.

Advanced cities, the collapse disaster of time and space differences, and the mysterious past of Fuhua.

All of this seems to implicitly support the possibility that Fu Hua came from a pre-civilization.


No one can easily accept this thing!

50,000 years old, what a concept!

Teresa rubbed her smiling numb face:

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Let's continue to watch and see what Fu Hua did next."

"Everything, the truth will be revealed."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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