What the Law of Erosion did in the former civilization was earth-shattering.

This lawyer hacked into the computer and manipulated humanity's nuclear weapons to shoot at humanity's last three cities.

Since then, all actions of the Fire Moth have failed.

The precipitation of history, the treasure of civilization, and the pride of mankind all turned into ashes ~ embers under the mushroom cloud of the nuclear bomb explosion.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Law of Eclipsers destroyed the last frontier of humanity.

Destroys the hope of humanity.

In order to fight the Lawyer, Dr. May designed a computer array, and with the cooperation of Hua and Kevin, successfully trapped the Law of Eclipse in a special disk.

Immediately, Mei refined the core of the Law in this eroded virus and carried out the creation of the Divine Key.


The Law of Erosion, its hatred for humans far exceeds Dr. May's imagination.

Its predecessor, Suzu, died at the hands of humans.

The monstrous hatred made its Lawyer core extremely unstable, causing the Divine Key to be unable to continue making at all.

At that time, the pre-civilization was running out of time.

Dr. May didn't spend his precious time on a key to God.

For the upcoming decisive battle, this thing is no longer very useful.

So, she designed a program to store the core of the lawyer in this special black box.

Wait for the resentment in the afterlife core to naturally disappear, and the God Key will be automatically created.

This is where that black box comes from.

To their surprise, the key to erosion has not been made more than 50,000 years ago.

How horrible this resentment is...

Of course, this thing is not unacceptable in the present life.

After all, everything related to Honkai is essentially trouble.

What the heroes could not accept was Otto's attitude.

To dare to study this kind of thing is to joke about the future of civilization.

Mebius looked at Otto, who was studying the black box, and sighed with a smile:

"I have to say that there is a shadow of me in my own body."

"I can still understand him very well, after all, after death, such an active lawyer, which researcher is not moved."

"Isn't Hua also very supportive of my work, and she also volunteered to be an experimental subject for me as a law of erosion."

Cosmoz: "Voluntary"

"Mebius... Are you sure Hua wasn't tricked by you into coming to the lab bench?"

Hua: "Dr. Mebius..."

Sakura looked at the light curtain with a little melancholy in her tone: "The Law of Erosion... Bell..."

"I didn't expect that fifty thousand years later, I would actually see you in such a form..."

"Fate, what an irony..."

The words did not fall, and the man's voice full of anger rose.

"Hmph, that bunch of scum!"

"They shot an innocent girl, but said fear made them pull the trigger."

"A bunch of garbage, scum, there is a remnant of death!"

Although the Thousand Calamities did not show excesses, the anger was real.

Several times he wanted to get up and vent his anger, but he couldn't get up.

He could only look at Aponia with anger in his eyes, gritting his teeth.

The effect of the precepts, even the barrage can take effect.

Aponia did not expect this...

Su also sighed: "No matter what, Mandate of Heaven is still too crazy. "

"There are only endless calamities in that box, and there is no way to defeat Honkai."

"Even if Otto's operation is successful, he can only harvest a divine key at most, but the probability is as low as almost zero."

"But once you fail, the consequences are unimaginable..."

Phyllis sighed, "We feel that those people of Destiny don't really want to study a way to defeat Honkai..."

"They probably just want to go to Shenzhou to find Ah Hua for revenge..."

"But the probability of their success is basically zero, and the price is too great..."

"Everyone will be infected with the virus of the Law of Eclipse and fall into cannibalism..."

"Oh, it's scary to think about, how dare Otto..."

Hua: "Mandate of Heaven... It's so narrow..."

While everyone was talking, Kevin calmly observed the light curtain.

For a long time, he said lightly:

"The fact that this box oozes power says something."

"The study of this matter by the Mandate of Heaven may only be brought to the table after the failure of the Eastern Crusade."

"I guess that this box has already been partially sealed, enough to ooze power."

"Some madman of Destiny has probably been doing this..."

"The specific manifestation is-"

Alicia: "It is manifested as the birth of the Son of God." "

"It is manifested as the Black Death that spread after the Son of God was burned to death."

"Kevin, your observation is very careful, this situation is basically similar to ours then..."

Aponia: "So it is, the birth of the Son of God did not appear out of thin air..."

"Does it have anything to do with that black box..."

Eden sighed softly, "Anyway, the actions of those who study the Law of Erosion are quite dangerous. "

"The probability of failure is too high, the cost is too great, with the technology at that time, Otto can basically declare failure."

"I think the crisis will come again soon..."

Grace: "I saw the thread of destiny... Hopefully, someone will come and stop this catastrophe. "

Cosmor: "Grace..."

Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida covered her head and gradually recovered from her dizziness.

At this moment, she can understand the anger of everyone in the live broadcast room more and more.

After being reminded by the barrage in the live broadcast room, she tried to observe the box with mind reading.

As a result, this look was good, and he directly gave Naxi Dagan silence.

Noticing that something was wrong with the grass god, the skirmishers looked through the line of sight suspiciously:

"What's wrong, Bouyer?"

"What do you see?"

Nasida rubbed her brain, and tears oozed from the corners of her eyes:

"I saw a cruel sight."

"Inside this box, there is a crying girl."

"In her memory, I saw a small dark room with a dozen strangely dressed people pointing guns at her."

"In the sight of the little girl's fear, they shot ..."

"Then the girl fell in a pool of blood..."

"I can even feel that pain and weakness..."

Skirmishers: "Huh? You mean, that box contains the memories of a dead man? "

"But why is there so much pollution, the identity of that dead man is not simple?"

Nassida: "The Law of Erosion, the Broken World calls her that." "

"This girl is like a docile mushroom beast, dying at the gunpoint of humans in despair, but after death a certain force in her body bursts out."

"That seems to be a kind of pollution, and it's the main force left in the box."

"Ah hat, I just looked at it, and I could feel the resentment and despair contained in it, which made me feel extremely fearful..."

"Otto dares to study this kind of thing, he is inevitably too radical, this probability will lead to nothing or even cause a disaster..."

The skirmish sneered: "Otto? Oh, this man is already crazy. "

"Whether he dared to die for Kalien, or experimented with living people for Kalien." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"His ultimate goal is nothing more than to get a word of approval from Kalien, and it is difficult to achieve great things."

"If Karen died, I can even imagine that Otto would kill himself in despair."

"Bouyer, he is such a person, you still want to ask him not to be radicalized?"

Nasita: "But Otto seems to be alive now..."

Skirmishers: "Huh? "

Nasida: "There is still Otto's barrage in the live broadcast room, it should be me..."

The skirmishers fell silent for a while.

He couldn't imagine what motivated Otto to live to this point.

According to the barrage, what is shown in the picture is about five hundred years ago...

For a long time, the skirmishers sighed.

Skirmishers: "Frankly, I hate him. "

"On him, I saw the shadow of Dotore, which made me want to step on his face..."

Nasida: "In terms of human experiments, what Otto did was a bit extreme. "

"If he were a scholar of Meru, Saino would definitely bring him to justice."

"But right now, that's not the point."

"Otto, someone is needed to stop himself."

"Maybe the thing he promised Karen was this opportunity..."

Saying that, Nasida looked at the light curtain.

Her hunch told him that Otto's research was 200% going to go wrong.

But Nassida believed that Otto would be stopped.

After all, the fact that he lived so long proves that he did not die in the study of the box.

Will it be Karen who stops him...

Breaking the world.

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto sighed with a smile and tossed the phone aside.

Two minutes ago, Otto's cell phone rang.

Lauderdale knows that this seems to be the theme song of the game "Callen Fantasy v3.0".

Usually Otto Communications does not use his mobile phone at all, his mobile phone is only used to receive personal calls.

There are only a handful of people who know Otto's mobile number.

So, as soon as the phone rang, Otto answered the call.

Then, in front of Lauderdale and Rita, he was scolded by Fu Hua on the other side of the ocean.

Looking at Otto, who was scolded in obedience, the two S-class Valkyries behind were a little stunned.

Good guys, which of you two is a bishop?

However, they did not say anything for Otto.

After all, this behavior of Otto in the picture, the two of them can't stand it.

In Lauderdale's opinion, Otto was too conceited at that time.

If Otto now studies that black box, he may still be able to control it.

But at the level of technology in 1476, isn't that a joke for everyone.

This is crazy, and it is still light to be scolded one by one.

Rita, on the other hand, felt through observation that Otto did not need his help.

In the face of Fu Hua's accusations, Otto just listened with a smile and explained two sentences from time to time.

He didn't have the idea of returning the favor, and as a subordinate, he didn't need to help.

What's more, Bishop Otto's behavior was indeed inappropriate.

With Fu Hua's qualifications and heritage, it is not his turn to dictate.

After hanging up the phone, Otto smiled and shook his head:

"My old friend seems to be in good spirits."

"Being able to know that scolding me proves that Yuduchen has little effect on her brain."

"It's also a good thing."

Lauderdale asked suspiciously:

"Lord Bishop, what you said to Fu Hua is not true."

"It's the thing where the black box was lost in stigmata space, and frankly, it's a bit bizarre."

"Haven't we fully mastered the way to enter the stigmata space yet?"

Otto smiled:

"I'm not lying, the box was indeed lost in the stigmata space."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be so easy now, and I would have already figured out how to deal with this matter."

"As for your other question, Bianca, you have to trust luck."

"Although Destiny is still looking for a way to enter the stigmata space stably, it does not affect some people who have such an adventure and can always inadvertently break into the stigmata space."

"Although it was the black box that got the adventure."

Rita: "That's a little too weird, Lord Bishop. "

Otto nodded, and his eyes became a little flatter:

"But it did happen, just five hundred years ago in the Far East."

"Someone who didn't like what we were doing disrupted my research and took that box east."

"She originally came to Shenzhou to ask the immortals, but the immortals were dead by then."

"Helplessly, she could only continue to the east, and finally came to the extreme east."

"It was also there that this box was thrown into the stigmata space..."

During the conversation, the light curtain suddenly began to flicker.

The scene changed and it came to the dark night.

Otto smiled, and his tone was a little lonely:

"Look, the thing I'm talking about is coming."

"Whether it is true or not, you should decide for yourself."

Before Otto's words fell, the picture became a little clearer.

He took a sip of red wine, ready to face the sad truth.

On that day, his secret will be exposed to Kalien...

Subsequently, the picture is completely clear.


When he saw the contents inside, Otto spewed out a sip of red wine directly..... Righteousness..

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