A paradise of the past.

Seeing the picture of Hua being assassinated and killed, all Ying Wei was stupid.

They couldn't believe the images were real.

Even the Thousand Tribulations are stupid.

I haven't said a word for a long time.

And Hua himself has been completely stunned.

At the moment, Hua only had one thought in his mind.

Good fellow, he raised seven white-eyed wolves!

Why was he so vicious and assassinated himself?!

In the video, the real-world self doesn't seem to treat them well.

The reason for this assassination is a bit too outrageous!


The sound of smashing the table sounded, and Qian Qian stood up abruptly.

He looked at the corpse of the Chinese in the picture, and his temperament gradually became tyrannical.

Thousand Calamities: "**, seven bastards!" Dregs! "

"How dare you attack our people... Are they tired of living, ah! "

"If I hadn't been able to get out here... I will immediately crush the corpses of their seven scum into ten thousand pieces! "


Aponia: "A thousand calamities... It has been an unknown number of years since that happened. "

"And Hua, also gave a solution, I don't need your help."

"So, don't get angry, this won't solve anything..."

Thousand Calamity stared at Aponia viciously, but had to admit that Aponia was right.

In the past, the promised land itself was only a data body.

There is simply no ability or qualification to travel to the future.

Immediately, he sat back in his chair viciously and said no more.

But the heroes knew that the temperature on Qianji's body was getting higher and higher.

His anger did not dissipate so quickly.

The movement of the thousand calamities suddenly pulled everyone's attention back.

The heroes finally came out of the fact that the Tai Void Seven Swords had assassinated Hua, and they were extremely surprised.

At this moment, everyone who was confused suddenly felt a thick murderous aura.

That murderous aura was like a thousand years of cold ice, like a sharp blade out of its sheath.

Suddenly, a crisis arose in everyone's hearts for no reason.

They suddenly followed the source of the crisis, and only saw Sakura, who had a gloomy face.

At this moment, her hand was already on her second scabbard.

Although the Third God Key data corruption is not around, this does not prevent Sakura from making instinctive movements.

Sakura hissed, "No matter what noble excuses it is, it is not enough to justify the crimes of these seven people..."

"I hate it... Hate me for not being able to go out, hate that I can't kill seven of them with my own hands..."

"Hua is a pioneer of civilization and has made so many contributions to the world... But only this is the ending. "

"This world is really absurd enough..."

Qian Calamity: "Hmph... Who says it isn't..."

Coase covered Grace's eyes, and a trace of black qi oozed from his body.

His eyes suppressed anger, and even more suppressed deep shock and sadness.

Kosmo: "Unforgivable..."

"Why, why should they do this..."

"Hua, you are so strong, why are you won by these seven garbage..."

Alicia's tone was tinged with panic:

"Hua, she's okay! How could it be like this! "

"These seven people killed Hua for their own selfish desires?!"

"How can this be... Why not communicate..."

Eden's wine woke up instantly.

She looked stunned, and her tone was rather bleak:

"This is a betrayal..."

"What is the crime of Hua? How did it end up here..."

"She finally had her own life..."

"It's really... Flying trouble..."

Phyllis was too frightened to open her eyes, she could not imagine this betrayal.

Phyllis: "Ah!! Hwa!!! "

"Sister Snake, Ah Hua is okay, it won't die like this!"

"Don't do that kind of thing!"

Canned: "Meow-"

Mebius carefully observed Hua's injury and sighed

"It's okay, I can't die."

"Carolus's genes are no joke, even if you are hit by a headshot, as long as the body is probably intact, you can recover on your own."

"Of course, the premise is that the collapse can be sufficient..."

Immediately, she looked at Hua in the Promised Land with worried eyes

"Theoretically, at that time, after thousands of years of precipitation, you had the blessing of [Divine Voice]."

"You should be very rational in terms of accepting apprentices, the probability of such a problem is really pitiful."

"Hua, your vision of accepting apprentices is very poor."

Hua's expression also became a little strange.

She still can't understand why she was assassinated.

Hua: "Even then I was already very rational... But it's not unkind..."

"The seven of them, in fact, can communicate with me..."

"Solving the problem in this way will only lead to a defeat for both sides..."

Sue's eyes opened again.

He recalled the contents of the picture, his expression solemn.

Su: "Hua's five apprentices, [Shenyin] has become a great success..."

"She can already make several pieces of Honkai energy out of thin air and use them in actual combat."

"Without this blow of hers, even if it is a surprise attack, the final victory can only be Hua..."

"Qualifiers of the Collapse Energy, the Tinder Project has also made an impact..."

Phyllis was stunned: "Brother Su, how can I feel that you are not surprised at all..."

"Ah Hua has become like this, are you still paying attention to the Tinder Project?"

Faced with doubts, Su shook her head.

Sue: "Pado, I'm not surprised. "

"It's this scene, I've seen it several times in the Thousand Worlds One..."

"In a parallel world, this is also a catastrophe that Hua cannot avoid."

"It's just not fatal."

Kevin stared at the picture lightly, and his tone was low:

"Isn't it fatal... That's fine..."

"But... Betrayed by someone close to you... Even if there is a [divine sound] engraved in the mind. "

"That moment... Hua must also be in pain..."

"There is physical pain, but so is spiritually..."

Hear Kevin's words.

Wilvie's tone also became calm:

"Theoretically speaking, although this time is a disaster for China."

"But that Cheng Lingshuang's sword is right in the heart of Zhonghua's eyebrows, if it is indeed from the attack of [Shenyin], it will inevitably run through Hua's brain."

"I really didn't expect that the reason why Hua would get rid of Shenyin was because of physical damage..."

"Fate, it's really going to appear in a way I didn't expect..."

"Yes, fate always likes to play tricks..." said Alicia.

Hua listened to everyone's exchange, and his heart was both sad and a little warm.

Saddened by the reality of his betrayal.

Warm to the love and pain of the heroes to their own love and suffering.

No matter how others betray themselves.

A paradise in the past, always having its own place....

But as far as Hua personally is concerned.

She imagined countless times in the hour when the light curtain appeared in the promised land.

In what way will his [Divine Voice] disappear.

How far will the technology of future generations develop?

However, this way of disappearing did surprise her.

It turned out to be the physical disappearance method....

At this moment, all the heroes were silent.

Only the violently distorted space speaks of their anger at what the Seven Disciples have done.

Especially Qianji, he even had the urge to take off his mask...

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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