Looking at the scene on the light curtain, Otto smiled gently:

"The light curtain just mentioned that the stigmata plan turned Kevin against his best friend."

"In that case, it makes sense to use it as an opportunity to push the gears of his third destiny."

"Although there is some speculation, out of rigor, I still have to confirm the identity of that best friend, and for what reason~?"

"This requires the light curtain to give me an answer."

Lauderdale: "Best friend...-.."

She glanced at Rita quietly, imagining in her mind the scene of her confrontation with Rita.

However, Lauderdale couldn't imagine it.

She didn't believe that this would happen to herself and Rita.

Since they are called best friends, they must understand and cherish each other.

Especially the people who came out of Kevin's time, each other are survivors of that civilization 50,000 years ago, and they should cherish each other considerably.

How can a Stigmata plan be so troubled that it is counterproductive?

And things that can be called the gears of fate are all things that have a great impact on the parties.

Can have a huge impact on a strong person like Kevin, this matter is definitely very big.

What exactly is it...

On the other hand, Rita has also been thinking about this problem.

Noticing that Otto was observing the photo on the light curtain, she suddenly realized.

Rita: "Since it is a best friend, it must be someone who lives with Kevin to the next era." "

"So, it must not be these people in the picture at the moment."

"Well, there are currently two suspects about possible anti-targets."

"One is Senior Fu Hua, and the other is the doctor named Su."

"For now... The latter has the greatest probability ..."

Otto smiled:

"Fu Hua, she has not left Shenzhou, and she can basically rule out suspicion."

"In Fu Hua's exposure, we can know that Kevin and Su broke off contact in the fifth century AD."

"And from the fifth century to today, it has been almost fifteen hundred years."

"It won't be long before Kevin's return."

"Huh... Most likely it was that Su. "

Lauderdale fell into deep thought:


"In the future, he helped me stabilize the world bubble and gave inspiration to Bishop Otto."

"This person doesn't seem to be bad, and his relationship with Kevin is also very good, it can be said that he is comrade..."

"Why would he turn against Kevin over a plan to save the world... Was he essentially an evil man? "

Rita: "Kevin mentioned in the barrage that if we don't interfere with the Stigmata Project, we don't have to face the end of this civilization. "

"As a long-planned plan of the former civilization, there is no doubt about the gold content."

"Rita thinks that Sue probably doesn't have to stop this plan..."

The corners of Otto's mouth rose slightly.

He placed the wine glass beside him and clenched his fists slightly.

Lines of shimmering light spread out from his forearm, showing symptoms of collapse.

This is very similar to how Dr. May behaved before he died.

Seeing Otto's action, the two Valkyries cast doubtful eyes.

They were not worried that Otto would be violently killed because of this, they knew Otto's methods all too well.

Noticing the doubts of the two, Otto smiled slightly:


Rita: "The physiological module of this soul steel body is realistic enough. "

"It can simulate the effect of the human body being eroded by the collapse of the infection."

Otto: "Huh... Ordinary people are eroded by collapse, and this kind of wrinkles will appear on the body. "

"They symbolize that the degree of infection of the collapse can be deep, and once it appears, with the current level of technology, this person can basically be declared dead."

"The so-called stigmata is essentially a stable form of this pattern."

Saying that, Otto's body appeared a slight mechanical hum.

The wanton spread of the Avalanche Energy erosion pattern gradually converged, gradually turning into a rune.

"The difference between it and Avalanche can erode the pattern is that the former spreads uncontrollably, turning people into zombies or dead soldiers, while the latter is more secure and can be used as a carrier of some kind of will or strength."

"But at the end of the day, they're all lines that can only be formed by the erosion of the collapse energy."

"If a person wants to possess the stigmata, that person must have extremely high resistance to collapse, and throughout the ages, there have been very few awakened people with natural stigmata, one in a million."

"If you want to awaken the stigmata after tomorrow, you must undergo enough collapse energy radiation to bet on a probability that is so small that it can be ignored."

"So I ask you, if the Stigmata Project needs a large number of Stigmata Awakeners in a short period of time, what will Kevin do?"

"Will you accept his approach?"

Otto's words were reasonable, and instantly made the two understand something.

Awakening the stigmata is indeed an extremely difficult thing.

Although Otto has developed artificial stigmata and has achieved stable results.

But the mechanism of that stigmata is essentially "transplantation".

This can cause great harm to those implanted with artificial stigmata, especially during a time when the technology was not yet mature, and countless others died as a result.

For example, those teenage experimental subjects in the Tower of Babylon.

Like the Valkyrie stormtroopers ten years ago.

The former died violently, the latter generally lived a short life...

Rita understood this best.

By the time she entered Destiny, the artificial stigmata technique had already iterated and removed a lot of negative effects.

But in the month of receiving the stigmata transplant, she still inevitably had various strange diseases, nightmares continued, and it took more than a month for the whole person to adapt to the inconvenience caused by the stigmata.

At that time, she was thinking about how much inconvenience Ragnar and Limitless Himeko had to endure on a daily basis for people who had transplanted incomplete stigmata.

However, such a mass-produced Stigmata Awakener is not a natural Awakener after all.

The true natural stigmata awakener should be a strong person like Youlaudel and Cheng Lingshuang.

There is no need to transplant stigmata, the body naturally comes with it.

What the Stigmata Project needs, most likely, is such a person.

The former civilization Mebius once said in the barrage that the Stigmata project is the craziest and most bottomless plan.

If it is really as Otto said, the stigmata plan will need a large number of stigmata awakeners in a short period of time.

Well, with Kevin's character, what he would do is simply self-evident.

It is very likely that he will actively cause the collapse to screen the human beings on the earth, from the protectors of human beings to the disaster itself.

At that time... Do you want to accept it yourself...

Rita fell silent.

And Lauderdale shook her head firmly.

"No, I don't accept it."

"Like the tragedy of restraint, if victory is achieved at the expense of the majority, it is not called victory at all."

"At least... I will not recognize such a victory..."

Otto smiled slightly:

"Your answers were all within my expectation."

"Bianca you are motivated by a pure sense of justice, and Rita is aware that she is at the center of the conflict."

"Huh... To be honest, stigmata is not something that human beings should have. "

"What do you think about the existence of the stigmata in the previous civilization? It's all lawyers. "

"Stigmata is something that is unique to the Lawyer and not to humans."

"Only by being able to withstand and control a large amount of Avalanche Energy can the chaotic Collapse Energy Patterns be collected and regularized, and only then can we leave our own breath and strength in it."

"And ordinary humans who did not have the resistance of collapse in previous civilizations obviously could not do this."

"Without the sacrifice of Alicia and the advent of the Thirteenth Divine Key, mankind would never have been able to touch this power and accept this inheritance from previous generations."

"It can be said that we are all descendants of Alicia to a certain extent, and there are Alicia's genes flowing in our bodies."

"These genes are the stigmata factor, which has gradually continued to the present day with the reproduction and transmission of human beings."

"So, when an ordinary person is exposed to enough Avalanche radiation, the body's emergency response activates the gene to a certain extent, making it change from recessive to dominant."

"The external manifestation is that the resistance of the collapse energy is greatly improved, and the stigmata of one's own is obtained, and the natural stigmata awakener becomes a natural stigmata awakener."

"And as far as I know, what is needed for the Stigmata Project is a natural Stigmata Awakener."

"These awakened beings seem to play a very important role in the whole plan, so purity must be demanded."

"And our artificial stigmata are not pure stigmata and cannot participate in this plan."

"But there are too few natural stigmata awakeners, and unless the World Snake achieves a huge technological breakthrough, it can only use the most primitive methods."

"- artificially created avalanche disaster screening, like the anti-entropy radical Kokolia."

"And the genes of our group have been passed down for countless generations, and the stigmata factor is no longer as easy to awaken as the ancients."

"This will lead to the smooth implementation of the Stigmata Project at the cost of the vast majority of human lives."

"And this is only part of the Stigmata plan, not completely."

"Huh... What do you think? "

"Isn't this plan very bad, cruel, and bottomless?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rita: "Indeed..."

"If it is impossible to mass-produce natural stigmata awakeners, then humans will die in large numbers because of this..."

"The price paid by the plan to save civilization is civilization itself..."

Lauderdale: "..."

"Abominable... Is this the last plan given by the former civilization..."

"Will Kevin really carry out such a plan?"

Otto: "He will." "

"Trust me, this man Kevin will definitely do it."

Lauderdale: "It's just..."

"If this is really done, then Kevin is not a hero, but a downright evil..."

Otto sighed:

"Bianca, your view of right and wrong of good and evil is not so simple."

"You really should learn from Rita on this, why do you think I should let you two be the commanders of the Immortal Blade?"

"Man has two hands, one to take away and one to give."

"For Kevin, he promised his former companions to defeat Honkai, and he had to be worthy of those fallen comrades anyway and give them an account."

"The expectations of his comrades, the hatred of Honkai, and the long period of polishing will only make Kevin more and more extreme."

"Carrying the stigmata plan, he will inevitably choose to take away humanity itself and give civilization a chance to survive."

"It's very much in line with Kevin's mission and the thrust of Project Stigmata."

"Judging by Kevin's motivation for doing this, no one can deny the fact that he is a hero."

Lauderdale: "But Keven is a warrior to protect humanity. "

"Is it really good that now he wants to kill the things he protects with his own hands?"

Otto: "How else?" "

"Unlike the flowers of our greenhouses, Kevin and these people came out of the corpse mountain and the sea of blood."

"These people are no longer so simple, they have already walked out of their childhood."

"At this point, if you recall what Fu Hua did when Shenyin was not gone, you can get intuitive evidence."

"And compared to Fu Hua, Kevin, who has experienced countless tragedies, will only be more extreme and cruel."

"He is not so much protecting humanity as he is protecting civilization."

"That's the more appropriate rhetoric."

"After all, the Stigmata Project is such a plan..."

Rita: "Lord Bishop seems to know the Stigmata Project well?" "

"Did you find the corresponding description in the Void?"

Otto chuckled: "I found it, but I'm not sure if it's the final version." "

"But one thing I know is that the former civilization took this plan very seriously and regarded it as a plan that must be completed."

"Therefore, Dr. May asked Dr. Mebius to change the fifteenth edition of the plan, and I read the seventh of them."

"Huh... I have to say that the thinking of the former civilization is indeed ahead of the present, and just seeing this plan makes me admire from the bottom of my heart. "

"Unexpectedly, he chose to give up using force to fight against Jiuyan, but trapped Endyan with that kind of tricky edge ball."

"I have to say, it was an eye-opener for me."

"It's realistic enough and cruel enough."

"It's fitting that Kevin is the executor of the plan."

"And handing over Su as the monitor is also Dr. Mei's accurate foresight."

"The healer's benevolent Sue will judge whether Kevin's execution of the plan is timely, so as to prevent him from going astray."

"This is probably the fundamental reason why the two turned against each other."

"Because we are best friends, because we understand each other."

"Only when the Ombudsman Program is there is a possibility of successful implementation."

"So, Bianca."

"The essence of the anti-purpose of a best friend is not simply who is good and who is evil, but more tends to be a collision of ideas."

"You will confirm this in the video that will be shown next."

Lauderdale: "..."

"Taught, Lord Bishop."

"As descendants, we must find our own plan to replace the implementation of the stigmata plan."

"I want to... This is what Kevin wants to see..."

"After all... He was still a hero at heart, he just had to have blood on his hands..."

Otto: "Huh... That's right. "

"With two more years, you don't have enough time."

"I will eventually die with all my sins; And for you who still choose to move forward..."

"The Heavenly Ladder of Conquering Collapse has revealed the first stone steps to you at this moment, and the road is winding and winding, and it is almost impossible——"

"But at the end of it, there is light."

St. Freya, College Quarters.

Fu Hua checked in his memory based on the information on the light curtain and came up with the development that Kevin was about to return to reality.

The truth that Kevin has been missing for fifteen hundred years, she finally has a rough guess.

This matter, most likely, he had a dispute with Su, and it may even rise to an armed conflict ...

But, why?

Kevin has an excellent relationship with Sue, second only to him and May.

Hua remembers it well.

In the last years of civilization, Kevin only occasionally smiled when facing May and Sue.

The two would actually break out into conflict, Hua could not have imagined.

Noticing that Fu Hua's face was a little ugly, Kiana cast a puzzled gaze.

"Squad leader?"

"What's wrong? What are you thinking? "

Fu Hua: "A strange thing..."

"How weird?" Bud Yi also had some interest.

Fu Hua thought for a while:

"Just like you and Kiana, uh... Similar relationship. "

"You had a fierce dispute over one thing, and you both lost in the end."

"It gives me feelings... It's incredible..."

Kiana: "Huh? I wouldn't do that to Bud! "

Bud Yi: "I wouldn't do this to Kiana, everything is negotiable, isn't it?" "

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes, everything can be discussed." "

"Kevin and Sue were both more than three thousand years old at that time, especially Sue, who had the same idea as a philosopher."

"What is it that would make these two have a dispute... Two".

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