Inazuma, castle tower.

The shadow sighed softly and lay on the table as if he had collapsed.

Miko looked at the shadow like this, and it was difficult to say anything.

After all, Kevin's sword is really amazing.

For a somewhat brainless martial artist like Ying, this is simply an unattainable realm.

Shadow: "I've always said that Kevin's serious sword would be terrifying. "

"But I never expected it to be so terrifying, in front of this sword, my thoughtless sword is simply self-contained..."

"What Kevin has is absolute power... It's not a gap I can fill with skill..."

Miko was a little surprised:

"Shadow, are you still comparing your strength with Kevin's?"

"No, no matter how dead your brain is, you should be able to see the gap between you and Kevin."

"Why bother looking for unpleasantness for yourself, it's not like you..."

Shadow: "I'm not looking for unpleasantness for myself, Miko. "

"For a person who practices martial arts, it is very necessary to watch the battle of the strong, especially the kind of existence that is far stronger than you."

"The one and a half moves they sometimes unintentionally use may inspire me to gain a certain degree of epiphany, and thus improve my martial arts."

"And Kevin, he's the strong guy."

Miko smiled slightly:

"So what? Do you think you've learned it? "

Shadow smiled bitterly, "How is it possible." "

"I once said that the reason for the sword determines the pattern of martial arts."

"Kevin's ordinary sword, I can shoot with all my strength and barely fight against it."

"But that's just an ordinary slash, and the reason for the sword is arbitrary."

"And this time, the reason for his sword is to vent all his hatred, for the survival of civilization."

"The former is a bit inferior, but the latter is an incomparably noble reason."

"Under such a state of mind, Kevin finally defeated himself and entered the realm that he had never reached."

"And the sword that was swung in that state, you also saw ..."

"With such a blow, destroying the continent of Tivat is easy..."

Miko recalled the spectacle that had appeared in the light curtain, and he also felt a chill in his spine.

She also has a lifespan of more than 500 years, and she is also well-informed.

But the power shown by Kevin in the light curtain, not to mention that he has never heard of it, has never heard of it.

This is not a scene she can imagine...

At this moment, the Son of God even ridiculed the fire god of Nata in his heart.

I wonder if after seeing Kevin's power, will this irascible god be ashamed and directly close himself?

At the same time, the shadow lying on the wooden table smiled slightly.

Shadow: "This time, it really made me gain a lot..."

"It's not a gain in strength, but a gain in vision..."

"After meeting Kevin, I learned that some people are impossible to surpass."

"After witnessing the end, I know that there are strong people above Kevin."

"After reaching that level, it's already to a level I can't imagine."

"The continent of Tivat... There are still some limitations. "

"Son of God, if one day the door of the Collapsed World opens to us, I will definitely go over there..."

"Although dangerous... But opportunities abound..."

Miko: "..."

"Well... If you're happy..."

"Hmm... After the video, I recommend a few Yaedodo travel novels. "

Shadow: "? "

Miko: "Ah, entering another strange world always has to learn in advance." "

"Listen to me, I happen to have a new book."

"Reincarnate as a Raiden General, and then the world is invincible! I think it's just right for you. "

Shadow: "..."

"It seems... There's some truth in that..."

At this moment, the light curtain picture is frozen on the barren moon.

Below, barrages continue to appear.

[Lauderdale: Thank you Kevin for showing us the limits of human strength. 】

[Tesla: Anti-entropy salutes Kevin, without this sword, we would not exist. 】

[Einstein: Exactly. Not only Kevin, but all the fighters of the former civilization struggle, deserve the respect of our future generations. 】

[Walter Young: It seems that this is the end of the pre-civilization... But to this extent, Kevin is worthy of the name of a hero. 】

[Kevin: In that short, long time, the only thing we kept was you... I hope that the possibility of defeating Honkai will be born among you. 】

[Kevin: And... I don't qualify to be called a hero, at the end of the day, I'm just a loser of my time. 】

[Alicia: Ah, Kevin, don't say that, you're really great, that sword is handsome to me! ] 】

[Kevin: No, just to tell the truth. 】

[Kevin: The twelve hours of downtime has never been the credit of Kevin alone. Instead of bestowing the name of a hero on me, it is better to give it to the warriors of Pado, Thousand Calamity, Kosmo, and Vilvie, whose bones are buried in the moon. 】

[Otto: Mr. Kevin is humble, and Your Excellency's broad mind is admirable. 】

[Fu Hua: You'd better tell the truth...]

[Kosmo: That sword really.... So handsome! 】

[Walnut: So handsome! ] 】

[Keqing: Just saw the video, play this picture? Is the Honkai World already so powerful...]

[Furninga: It's a pity, if there is an evaporation, it may be killed in the end! ] 】

[Zhongli: In terms of thinking outside the box, the elemental reaction seems to have little effect in the collapse of the world. 】

[Wendy: Hey, Mr. Hakqing is not calm anymore, where is your universal rationality? 】

[Wei: Emperor... What is the meaning of this sentence...]

[Sue: If nothing else, the next civilized thing will probably be broadcast. What exactly is the end of Kevin's future... It's very curious...]

[Vilvie: Indeed... After all, Otto can make a deal with No. 17, proving that Kevin has not yet opened the plan at that time..."

[Mebius: Huh... It's a little late, I just hope that there will be no problem with that little henchman and hand over the world to Otto's group, I'm really a little uneasy..."

The barrage slipped by, and the picture has quietly changed...

In a bright war room, Su in a white coat was standing in the center of the room.

After giving the order to abandon the Moonlight Throne, May staggered out of here.

She said she was a little tired and wanted to rest.

After she left, Sue took over the command in full.

After that sword swing, he almost immediately sent a retreat message to Kevin and the others.

However, this has not been able to get a response.

When Sue tried to contact them again to confirm the location, she found that the signal was all broken.

Kevin's sword was so powerful that it even destroyed human communication satellites.

Seeing this, Su immediately ordered the technicians to connect to the Moonlight Throne and activate the backup signal transfer station above.

Finally, two hours later, technicians contacted the Lunar Force and were confirming the list of survivors.

After hearing the bad news, the blonde girl immediately covered her face.

"How so..... ~."

"Humans... Is it about to perish? "

Sue: "Relax, Alice. "

"Humanity will not just perish..."

He patted the girl's shoulder, but the heaviness of his tone did not make people feel relaxed.

Immediately, he regained the aura of the commander and loudly assigned the final task:

"Cheer up, everyone! We still have tasks to do. The Finalist has ten hours to go before he returns to Earth. "

"Until then, we need to activate the shelter plan, sink the shelter into the ground, and hide it from the sight of the final lawyer."

"This is just a temporary retreat, and humanity will not perish!"

"One day in the future, we will return to the ground, and at that time, we will definitely defeat Honkai!"

The impassioned words brought everyone out of their grief, and at this moment there was good news from the technicians.

The blonde girl wiped away her tears, her eyes full of surprise:

"Director, good news!"

"The Moon Force has confirmed that Captain Kevin is alive and he will return to Earth in eight hours."

"Director, as his friend, you must also be very happy!"

"Huh? Director? "

The girl happily reported the news, but Su's figure disappeared in front of her.

The screen switched, and Sue was running in the corridor of the base.

He gasped excitedly and ran all the way to the command hall where Dr. May was.

Kevin is alive, which is great news!

This is a good thing, both emotionally and in the implementation of the plan.

Without knocking, he pushed Dr. Mei's door open.

But what came into view was Mei sitting on a recliner, with a weak back.

"Mei! Kevin is still alive. He will be back soon, and when the time comes, you will be reunited! "

Mei: "Great... He's still alive..."

"It's a pity... I couldn't see him one last time. "

Mei's voice was weak, and she slowly turned around, allowing Sue to see her face.

As a doctor, Sue immediately noticed that something was wrong.

Mei's face at this moment is simply not normal!

Her eyes lost their original wisdom and became extremely empty.

On the neck, the lines that can be eroded by the collapse are gradually crawling towards the cheeks...

Sue's eyes widened suddenly.

He immediately knelt beside Mei and carefully examined Mei's symptoms at the moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Mei... Could it be that your disease! "

Mei nodded, but with a smile on it:

"My body... It's already at its limit. "

"Now I can't even see what you look like."

"Thank you, Sue."

"Thanks to your medicine, I have been able to survive until now."

"The letter on the table, one for Kevin, the other for you."

As she spoke, tears slipped down Mei's cheeks.

Her tone was sad, and her expression appeared even more sad.

"I'm sorry, Kevin..."

"I lied to you that my illness is already better, and when you come back from the moon, we will be together..."

"For the next thousands, tens of thousands of years, Kevin will remain alone in this world."

"He must be lonely..."

"Sue, please, stay by his side, don't let him go crooked."

"Promise me, okay?"

Mei's words were already weak to the extreme, like a dream.

She held out her hand to Sue, trying to find Sue's response.

Sue reached for it, and promised.

Kevin is not his best friend, and Sue assures May that she will be optimistic about him.

However, May has long since stopped responding.

Her outstretched hand hung down weakly, and the whole person did not breathe.

Su knelt on one knee like this, and did not make a sound for a long time ...

Eight hours later.

The Lunar Force returned to base.

When Kevin and May said goodbye, it was already life and death.

He quietly stared at Mei lying in the crystal coffin without saying a word.

The light hit Kevin's side face, making his expression extremely cold, as if wrapped in a thick shadow.

In this way, Kevin was silent for a long time.

May left him a letter and an IVF made from the DNA of the two.

On the stationery, Mei explained her own affairs and concerns.

She confesses to Kevin that she deceived him and that her illness never healed.

She expressed to Kevin her sadness that she could not overcome Honkai, and expressed her sympathy and encouragement for Kevin's future.

She described the vision of Project Stigmata on the stationery and formally handed it over to Kevin to execute.

She said, you and my child, named Adam...

Behind Kevin, Sue has been quietly observing her friend's every move.

Watching Kevin's aura gradually gloomy, he was finally no longer silent.

"'Kevin... I'm sorry. "

"I couldn't cure Mei's disease."

"Enough, Sue."

"It's not your fault."

Kevin's cold voice sounded, as always.

He put away the letter paper and passed Sue with the child in his arms.

"It's time for us to go to the sanctuary, and in a few moments, the Ultimate Law Breaker will return to Earth."

"We don't have time to regret it."

"The war with Honkai is not over yet."

"No matter what the cost."

"We must defeat Honkai!"

Sue knew that Kevin's voice had a hint of crying.

He looked back and saw only Kevin's lonely back.

And, the remnants of micro-Xiaoice beads on the floor...


Sue's expression was a little more sad.

He walked to Mei's coffin and made a soft promise:

"Don't worry..."

"I will always watch Kevin and will not let him go astray."

"The [Ombudsman Program] you gave me..."

"I hope I didn't have the opportunity to use it..."

Saying that, Sue put away the letter paper in her hand and chased Kevin's back...

Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida rubbed her forehead (Wang Hao) and ended her mind reading of Kevin.

She sighed and said softly:

"Kevin is sick... His heart has completely cooled down..."

"The damage caused to Dr. Mei's departure to him is enormous, even more than Alicia..."

"Alas, it is foreseeable that the next civilized Kevin is by no means a good class."

"Of course... I really don't blame him, I understand it..."

Skirmishers: "Huh... The beloved died in front of his eyes, and he didn't even see the last one. "

"Even if Kevin is an iron man, I don't believe he doesn't shed tears."

"It's really sad, the Honkai world is really an unreasonable world..."

"Who would have thought that the now cold Kevin was once an energetic student."

"No matter what world, war and disaster are the most transformative..."

Nassida: "It's just... It's so unfair to Kevin..."

"He joined the Fire Moth for Dr. Mei, and in the end, he didn't get anything he wanted except for a broken heart and full of hatred..."

All Kevin really wanted was to spend the rest of his life with May. Strength or longevity, Kevin doesn't care. "

"But fate always loves to joke with these poor people..."

"Kevin, who most wanted a peaceful life, ended up with the most cruel tasks and the heaviest responsibilities."

"Ah hat... You must be able to experience the taste of what you can't ask for..."

skirmishers: "..."

"You can't mention that."

Nasida smiled slightly:

"At the very least, this will make you feel Kevin's sadness better."

"But... There is no point in saying this now. "

"Kevin's hatred of Honkai has reached its peak."

"Just like the barrels of dynamite made by the Chuchu people and Mars, will he make some irrational actions driven by this hatred in the future..."

"Frankly, I'm looking forward to it... male".

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