
"Eh, promised?" The pink fairy lady covered her little ears, and her smart eyes couldn't help but light up: "Sure enough, I know that Alicia's charm will not be able to refuse ♪"

Su Xuan: ???


"Hmph, is Xiao Su Xuan already impatient?"

"It's okay, even if I change into women's clothes now, I won't mind anything~

" "No, I mean..." "

Do you want to know Alicia's little secret first?"

"Is this so..."

Alicia tapped Sakura's lips, her snow-white cheeks couldn't help but stain a seductive crimson, twisting and pinching for a while, before laughing: "This is Alicia's little secret~

" "This kind of private little secret about girls, but can't tell little Su Xuan first" Su Xuan's ♪

face turned dark: "No... I was just trying to ask... Alicia, do you want to eat together? "

Huh? Eat together? Could it be that Xiao Suxuan wanted to take his time?

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that our progress is also a little too fast~"

Alicia lightly pouted her lips and said some words of unclear meaning.

Su Xuan ignored it, just quickly walked back to the kitchen and put all the meals on the table.

He really couldn't bear it.

This guy is so provocative.

He was really afraid that after chatting for a while, he would be taken away by Alicia.

Looking at the back of Su Xuan leaving, Alicia's face still had a bright smile on her face.

"Xiao Suxuan is really cute."


"Xi'er is eating~"

The white-haired dango knocked lightly on the door of Xi'er's room and shouted softly to Xi'er in the room.

It seems that because of the influence of Alicia, there is a slight excitement in her voice.

Su Xuan's little secret, Su Xuan's little secret.

The poor brain capacity of the white-haired dango has long been completely filled with Su Xuan's little secret in Alicia's mouth.

Oh, no....

There is still food left.

There is nothing left but these two.

"Uh-huh, Sister Kiana."

"Uh-huh, Xi'er remembers to come soon~"

The white-haired dango nodded, and prepared to leave.

However, at the moment she just turned around.

"Sister Kiana."

The petite girl with black and blue hair slowly walked out of the room.

"What's wrong with Xi'er?"

"Sister Kiana, is Brother Su Xuan making something delicious today?"

"Huh? Xi'er, why do you ask that? Although Su Xuan did make a lot of delicious food today. The

white-haired dango touched his little head suspiciously.

Why did Xi'er suddenly ask herself this?

"Because Sister Kiana is very happy today."

Kiana: "Huh? "

I'm happy today?

Is it because of Alicia's sister?

The white-haired dango was not found.

Her attitude towards Alicia is now very different from the beginning.

Sure enough, as the pink goblin said, cute girls are privileged ♪



Breaking the world.

Office of the Dean.

"Hey, hey, righteous roar Superman quickly defeat the Great Devil!"

A little loli with red lips and white teeth was sitting on a chair made of cushions from several books, looking at the comic book in her hand and smirking.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of moving at the door.

Little Lori's little face changed instantly, and then quickly threw the comic book in her hand behind her ass.

If others knew that the head of the great St. Freya Academy found out that she was leaving her without permission, they would lose their majesty!

Although Teresa may not know something... Her majesty is actually long gone.

Moments later, the door to the office was opened.

After seeing the person coming, the seriousness on Teresa's little face immediately disappeared.

"Ahem, it's Himeko, what's wrong?"

"Teresa, is Kiana taking another leave today?"

Infinite Tower Jiko pushed open the door, walked to Teresa and glanced at a large roar comic under Teresa's butt, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Oh, you said Kiana. She seemed to have something important, so she took five days off.

Teresa was slightly startled when she heard this, and then said slowly to Himeko.

Although lately she has always wanted to have a good talk with her niece and tell her to stay away from scumbags.


She didn't even have time to talk to Kiana.

Even the leave was helped by Raiden Bud Yi.

She didn't even have time to warn her niece to stay away from scumbags!

"Is it important to spend time with her boyfriend?"

The corners of Boundless Tower's mouth twitched slightly, and her amber eyes were full of helplessness.

Teresa, as Kiana's parent, didn't pay much attention to Kiana's affairs...

This guy....

She had seen the seriousness on Teresa's face before, and she would also give snacks to her nephew.

Outcome... It's still so delicious.

"Isn't it just to accompany her boyfriend... Ha? Wait a minute!!! "

Because he was too excited to grasp the center of gravity, the crooked roar cartoon under him just became the last straw that overwhelmed Teresa.

"Eh-huh?!! Stop it! After

shaking back and forth for a moment, under the panicked expression of the white-haired little loli, she successfully fell to the ground.

The culprit that caused her to fall, the comic book, fell directly on her head, as if mocking her for being so "wise".

"Teresa... I've told you many times before, don't take a book as a pad, even if you hate being short, you should at least take a booster mat.

Himeko's face had a hint of helplessness.

"Ahem!" Teresa quickly coughed dryly, quickly patted the dust on her body, and then quickly said: "Himeko, you mean... Kiana took the five days off to spend time with her boyfriend?!! "

Obviously, the great Dean Teresa is ready to change the topic directly, after all, this kind of thing is a little too shameful.

"Does Kiana have anything else to do besides spending time with her boyfriend?"

Himeko covered her face and let out a long sigh.

What else could people do but that kind of thing?

Pathetic, she was already running three, and she couldn't even find a boyfriend.

As a result, a girl who was almost twice her age had a partner, and it turned out that she turned out to be...


It's tears to say too much.

"What... What?!!

"No, I'm not ready to be..."

"By the way, Himeko, what should my niece's daughter call me?"

Teresa suddenly had a brain overload.

Himeko: ???

"Teresa, what are you talking about?"

PS: I'm afraid you didn't see me before, I'll say it again here, I added 1000 words in chapter 52, although the front was changed a little, but it is not much different from not changing, starting with Alicia and changing it all.

Ahem, I haven't lived much on Qixi and codeword here, there is no credit and hard work, not to mention, in order to celebrate my resurrection, can you brush me a little free gift. (✧◡✧)

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