[It has been detected that Kiana Kaslanna's influence in the host world has increased significantly. 【

Current progress bar 200%. 【The

number of people who can be pulled into reality is increased to three.】

"Huh? But why is that?

Looking at the few lines of text on the screen in front of him, the white-haired dango couldn't help but raise his head and look at Su Xuan in confusion.

"I don't know."

Su Xuan spread his hands and said that he didn't know.

“..... So Su Xuan, or should we go to the comic convention again tomorrow? The

dull hairs on the head of the white-haired dango couldn't help but turn up.

“...... Eh! The

girl quickly covered her reddened forehead.

"Su Xuan, why are you hitting me!"

"Do you only see half of things?"

The corner of Su Xuan's mouth twitched slightly, pointed to the screen, and pointed to the white-haired dango.

"Half?" The white-haired dango lowered his head suspiciously when he heard this, and then found a line of small print under the three lines of text.

[It has been detected that the number of people who can be pulled into reality has reached three, and the promotion method has been changed.] 】

White hair dango: ???

"What? Why is this line so small? The

white-haired dango pointed to this line of small print in disbelief and said loudly.


Su Xuan slowly lengthened his tone.


The girl was instantly attracted by Su Xuan's attention and quietly waited for his follow-up.

Su Xuan: "I don't know.

".jpg "



A group of people looked at each other with wide eyes.

After a long time, the girl seemed to finally react, and then pointed to herself, and said in surprise: "So Su Xuan, are you kidding me?" The

man was slightly stunned, and then said in the same surprise: "You shouldn't have found out now, right?"

"Su - Xuan!"

The white-haired dango could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and rushed directly towards Su Xuan like a cat, and then rolled directly into a ball.

"Kiana, you white-haired ball, let me go!"

"No, absolutely not, unless you apologize to me!"

"You and I are all-knowing and all-powerful, even if you use your paramecium head to know, I can't know it!"

"Paramecium?!! Okay, Su Xuan, you called me a paramecium again, and I Kiana Kaslana must finish with you this time!

"No, Kiana, are you a dog?" How come you still move your mouth!

"Hmmmmm (Miss Ben will never let go unless you apologize to me!) After

a flurry of chicken flying dogs, the battle ended with a white-haired ball covering his ass and declaring surrender.

It's just that Su Xuan is not comfortable.

He has a few more on him....

Tooth marks of white-haired dango.



The next day.

Breaking the world.

"Kiana, what's wrong with you?"

Raiden Bud Yi observed the awkward walking posture of the white-haired dango, and there was a hint of worry in his purple eyes.

“...... Bud Yi, I'm fine, I just accidentally fell yesterday and fell on my ass. "

Fell on the ass?"

"Well, that's right." The white-haired dango quickly nodded his little head, and there was a hint of revenge in his azure eyes.

Although my butt hurts very much, but....

After looking at the tooth marks on Su Xuan's neck and face this morning, she felt...

My own ass hurts, it's worth it!

She didn't believe it, so that Su Xuan could still secretly go to the comic exhibition behind her back!

Although the reason why the white-haired dango thinks for himself is outrageous, but...

The scariest thing wasn't the reason she wanted to....

It was this tuanzi who accepted this outrageous reason so easily.

Right at this moment.

A slender finger suddenly poked the girl's butt, the white-haired dango gasped, quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the small hand behind him who still wanted to continue poking, turned around, and there was a trace of anger on the delicate little face: "Bronia, what do you want to do!" "

Bronia is just verifying whether what the stupid Kiana said is true."

The cold noodle duck replied lightly.

"So you're done verifying it now, right?"

"According to the reaction of the stupid Kiana just now, Bronia has deduced that the stupid Kiana is not lying."

"Okay, then now..." The white-haired dango carefully moved his wrist, and his azure eyes gradually turned golden: "Would Bronia want to try this feeling too?" The

cold-faced little duck was slightly startled, and then raised his small short hand with a thunderous momentum: "Bronia surrender."

"Surrender is invalid!"

A purple square instantly wrapped around Bronia's upper body, leaving a duck butt.

The white-haired dango snorted coldly, looked at the bud clothes beside him, and the beautiful face that was originally covered with ice and snow instantly melted, and then said softly to the bud clothes: "Bud clothes, I have some things to discuss carefully with Bronia."

"..." Meeting the hopeful gaze of the little duck, Raiden Bud Yi finally spoke softly: "Bronia is afraid of pain, Kiana, you better be lighter."

Cold noodle duck: ???

Sister Nha Yi, I didn't mean that!

As long as Sister Bud Yi tells the stupid paramecium to put me down, this stupid Paramecium will 100% agree to it in the face of Sister Budyi!

But why...

"No problem! I promise... It will be very light. The

white-haired dango opened its mouth, revealing a neat white tooth and assured the bud clothes.


Bud Yi nodded, and then slowly walked out of the room, in order to prevent Bronia from being seen by others, she even closed the door intimately.

"Kiana... It's changed a lot. Raiden

Bud Yi walked in the corridor and said with some sighs.

Not a change in personality....


She couldn't say it herself, but she could feel it.

If it had been before, Kiana would never have done it in front of her.

But nowadays .

. Recalling the joy hidden in the depths of her eyes when the girl just appeared in the room, Raiden Bud's face couldn't help but feel happy for Kiana.

Her experience is not the same as the original plot.

In the plot, when Raiden Yayi is about to die from the rooftop, it is Kiana who grabs her hand.

Therefore, the name Kiana Kaslana lingered in the life of the girl.

But at this time, Raiden Bud just regarded Kiana as her best friend.

"I don't know what Mr. Su Xuan looks like."

Lei Dian Bud Yi whispered to himself, and there was a faint curiosity in his purple eyes.

Unexpectedly, he was able to straighten the white hair balls abruptly.

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