Supergod world, known universe.

This is the time when male angels headed by Hua Que rule.

After Hua Que's death, his son Hua Ye took over his father's position and took charge of the City of Angels, continuing Hua Que's extravagant style.

He took"pleasure" to the extreme, attracted a large number of powerful male angels through"pleasure", and established order in the heavenly palace.

As for the objects of pleasure for male angels, do we need to ask more?

It is undoubtedly the female angels who exist as resources.

One can imagine how difficult the situation of female angels was in this dark age, especially when Hua Ye fell in love with the most outstanding of the female angels, the angel named Kesha.

It also pushed the long-standing conflicts in Merlo Heaven to its peak.

""No, I won't allow that bastard Hua Ye to take action against you."

Under the glorious heavenly palace.

In the palace on the ground, He Xi, one of the future three angel kings, was holding the table with both hands, that fair and beautiful cheek, covered with cloth. Full of anger.

The lights in the hall were very bright, but they couldn't dispel the haze in the female angel's heart.

Neither Kesha nor Liang Bing, nor He Xi, understood that as long as Hua Ye's reign of terror was not overturned. It is impossible for them to gain true freedom in one day.

But how easy is it to overthrow Hua Ye?

You know, in this era, the Kamigawa civilization has not yet established a relationship with angels.

Kesha does not have an immortal body in the original plot.

He doesn't have much power.

If he had a head-on battle with Hua Ye, he would definitely be defeated by"653".

"Hua Ye is so ambitious. Do you think we don’t know what is going on in his dirty brain?"

Hexi's roar echoed in the hall. The beautiful angel girl gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth:"Summon Kesha to the Heavenly Palace. Will you still be the complete you when you come back? In short, I will never agree to Kesha sacrificing herself"

"The worst case scenario is that we will rebel against Tiangong Wei and die."

"Calm down, Hexi."

Obviously she was targeted by Hua Ye, but Kesha didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

The long-term oppression of female angels by angel civilization has made Kesha overly mature. It is completely inconsistent with her appearance of age.

Maybe it's because Is it this calm and beautiful appearance that attracts Hua Ye's greedy heart?

After all, who doesn't want to conquer a perfect woman like Kesha?

"The enemy is strong and I am weak. I cannot let you accompany me to die because of my own affairs. You know my character, He Xi"

"But Keisha................."

"Keisha is right, calm down, Hexi.

Liang Bing, who had not spoken yet, was Morgana in the original plot, interrupted He Xi:"If you launch a rebellion rashly, you will lose all hope.""

"We need to be patient now and wait until we have enough strength to make a final decision."

"Be patient, be patient, be patient. We've endured it for too long. This time it's Keisha. Who's next? Is it you Liang Bing, or me He Xi? You should know what kind of person Hua Ye is, his greed has no end."

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell into a dead silence.

He Xi also sat down feebly.

The word"rebellion" is easier said than done. There are many difficulties.

The male angels already have more powerful force and more advanced technology.

They can't find any opponents in this galaxy.

It is not easy to overthrow them.

To be honest, Kesha herself feels that the chance of winning is slim..

But... someone has to do it, right?

If you don't do it now, future generations will do it, and they will have to pay more sacrifices and blood. She doesn't want to see this.

She thought about it for a long time.

When she opened her eyes again, there was only determination and fearlessness in her eyes.

For the great cause, for freedom, for the right order,

Kesha was willing to sacrifice everything

, including herself.

However, just as this person The moment the beautiful angel was about to tell her decision, a cold, mechanical sound sounded in her mind without any warning.


"Welcome to join the chat group of all worlds"


This thing invaded my brain................What the hell is this?

After all, it was the leader of the three angel kings, Kesha quickly realized.

She realized that she might have received an incredible opportunity, or in other words, received a gift from a higher civilization.

As for whether the price had been marked on the back of this gift, Kesha didn't care at all. She would die laughing in a few days. The day to enter the Heavenly Palace is coming soon, can the situation be worse than being ruined by Hua Ye?

Kesha didn't hesitate at all and immediately clicked into the chat interface to see what the"old group members" were saying.

Then, she began to look through the live broadcast recordings saved by Fujimaru Ritsuka and Eiri, as well as some edited videos made by the group members when they had nothing to do.

The first one to bear the brunt was the battle between Lu Ming and Artexu Universe Starry Sky.

And after obtaining the Star Cup, Lu Ming recreated the universe with every move he made.

"This, this, this......................"

Kesha, who is full of temperament as a royal sister and has a mature style in her movements, can't stand it anymore.

Let's not talk about rebuilding the universe. Even destroying the star with one blow is terrifying enough.

Today's angel civilization is the most powerful. The weapons were only barely capable of destroying planets.

She suppressed the shock in her heart and continued to look down.

I saw the video uploaded by Alicia again about ship girls.

The scene where beautiful girls or big sisters with different styles transformed into ferocious space battleships across the sky with a wave of their hands.

It also caused a great shock to Keisha's little heart.

The black hole cannon and star destroyer cannon loaded on the ship girls are no joke.

If this fleet comes to Mero Star, I am afraid it will not be able to destroy the ashes of the entire angel civilization. Yang, if I also had such a fleet..................There is no need for a whole fleet. Even if he only has such a battleship, Hua Ye won't have anything to worry about, right?

Thinking about it together, Kesha couldn't help but start thinking about it.

Especially when she saw that many people in the group were seeking help from the group member whose ID was"I want to call him Desert Death God outside."

Kesha couldn't help but think - (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Can I also let this god named"Lu Ming" come to my world to help me?

What price do I have to pay to get him to help?

Nothing is free in this world.

Keisha naturally understood this truth. She could not ask Lu Ming to help her just by talking in vain.

Instead, he thought about the bargaining chips he could offer.

Then, Kesha was embarrassed to find that except for her own beauty, she seemed to have nothing that could impress Lu Ming.

What's even more embarrassing is that Kesha thinks that Lu Ming really doesn't necessarily like her.

After all, as a god, what kind of beauty do you want and can’t find?

"He Xi, Liang Bing."

After thinking for a moment, Kesha said to her two friends:"I seem to have found a way to help us defeat Hua Ye."

"What is the solution?"

"I can say it, but you must not be afraid. Hearing this

, He Xi and Liang Bing looked at each other and said in unison:"We are angels, we will not be afraid." What do you want to say?���Sarah, just say it."

"Well, I really said it"

"Say it"

"In fact, I just joined a chat group that connects all heavens and all realms. You should all understand the concept of all heavens and all realms, right? In that group, there is also a god named Lu Ming. He seems to be very kind and willing to solve the problems of the group members.............................."



"I didn't laugh, you continue."

Facing Kesha's faint look, Liang Bing covered her mouth, for fear that she would laugh out loud.[]

And He Xi sighed and said bluntly:"Kesha, I know you want to reassure us, but don't tell us such a lame reason? Do you want to tell us that you are going to ask that god for help?"

"Stop joking, can you be serious?"

"I'm not kidding, please wait a moment, I will prove it to you."

Kesha's voice was a little higher.....

She is not yet the incarnation of that order in the future, the famous Sky Blade King.

Seeing that her friend didn't believe in her, Kesha was naturally a little dissatisfied.

It just so happened that someone in the group was Aite himself.

So Kesha simply followed the conversation and got closer to the group members.

Yinglili: [Welcome newcomers to the group]

Alicia: [Welcome, welcome. Now that you have joined this big family, everyone is one of our own~]

Zhongli: [Welcome newcomers. ]

Spiderzi: [Welcome the new boss, the group status will be reduced by one. Crying Cat.jgp]

Jibril: [Welcome the new guy, why don't you say anything? I will maintain absolute order]

Fujimaru Ritsuka: [Welcome newcomers..................And Lu Ming, even if a new guy comes, you can’t leave me alone.]

Lu Ming: [Don’t worry, do you think I look like that kind of person? Can I promise to help you solve your trouble first? ]

Fujimaru Ritsuka: [Okay, okay, Lu Ming, I love you so much~]

Eirili: [Ritsuka, please stop acting like a spoiled brat. I get goosebumps all over when I see you acting like a spoiled brat.................】

Fujimaru Ritsuka: [It has nothing to do with you]

Kesha: [Hello everyone, my name is Kesha and I am an angel. ]

Alicia: [A new person has appeared and his identity is so special. He is actually an angel from mythology. If Aponia sees you, she will be very happy.]

Kesha: [Why would you be very happy when you see me? ]

Alicia: [Because in our world, there is a sect that claims that angels are apostles of gods, and Aponya happens to be a believer in that sect. 】

Kesha: 【That’s it.................But I'm sorry, I am not an apostle of God. Our angel race is just a special race in the universe. ]

Yinglili: [Is that so? That angel civilization must be very developed, right? 5.3]

Kesha: [It should be pretty good. We should be the most powerful civilization in the galaxy where Mero Star is located. But that is the glory of male angels, we female angels can just...

Seeing this, Lu Ming has clearly known the true identity of the new member - one of the three angel kings in the Super Seminary, Sky Blade King Kesha.

And from what she said It is not difficult to judge from his words that Kesha at this time may not have been tainted by that piece of shit Hua Ye. is perfect, pure Kesha

"Little Nasha."

Lu Ming chuckled. Although it is a pity that Angel Yan has not been born in this era, it is enough to have the three angel kings.

What's more, the technology of the Kamigawa civilization is also very simple.

It has almost developed to the extreme.

They are not gods themselves, but Being able to create gods with technology. This alone is enough for Lu Ming to go to the world of super gods.

Also, he is very interested in the"Void Plane"

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