The energy left behind after the hunting evil spirit dies has a cold feeling to it.

Even if ordinary people cannot use it for observation, they still feel a sudden chill in their backs.

It's like sweating all over from exercising and the cold wind getting into your clothes.

Everyone in the entire carriage shook their heads, looking quite happy.

And that cold energy started working immediately after it penetrated into the eyes.

However, everyone's qualifications are different, so the energy requirements for opening the Yin and Yang Eyes are also different.

People with exceptionally good qualifications, such as Yotsuya Miko, can even complete their awakening on their own.

Those with poor qualifications may need to spend more than ten times the cold energy of ordinary people to successfully open the Yin and Yang Eyes.

Lu Ming's consciousness swept over and he already knew it in his mind.

"There are forty-six people in a carriage, maybe twelve of them will have their Yin and Yang eyes activated?"

"This ratio is already quite high, and there are still twenty-four of them that are just one step away. They only need to absorb a little more cold energy, and they will be able to start smoothly."

Of course, there is such a high ratio, mainly because the cold energy in the body of the hunting evil spirit is very full, almost ten times as much as that of ordinary evil spirits. If it were a less sophisticated evil spirit, for example, on the street The kind that wanders around can only force two or three people with relatively good qualifications to open their yin and yang eyes.

"Use humans to feed evil spirits, and use evil spirits to feed humans in return"

"Aren’t the emergency self-rescue measures in this world just raising gu?"

"Either humans will learn to hunt evil spirits, or the evil spirits will eat enough humans and eventually become something similar to the mountain god in the original plot.

Lu Ming thought to himself.

He finally understood that in order to save himself, the world had gone completely crazy.

However, according to common sense, this low-demon world like the one Eri-ri lives in should not have world consciousness.

This is also one of the exceptions

"Could it be that some alien god was passing by and driving the world crazy?"

Subconsciously, he glanced out the window. The sky that should have been clear became increasingly gloomy, and the east faintly revealed a bleak blood color.

Lu Ming licked the corners of his lips, feeling that the water in this world seemed to have become deeper.

Tram After arriving at the station, everyone got off the machine.

There will be a period of buffering before the Yin Yang Eyes are turned on. It will take about two or three hours to successfully transform the human eyes. If the energy is not enough during the process, the transformation work will be stopped immediately.


Therefore, even if Lu Ming concludes that the twelve"lucky ones" who can successfully open the Yin and Yang Eyes will still have a normal perspective at the moment, it is estimated that they will not be fully awakened until they are almost back home.

This is a good thing, at least. Because he woke up halfway and was frightened, he directly attracted a whole street of evil spirits.

"Lu Ming Lu Ming, where should we go next?"

It was Lu Ming who suggested going out for a stroll, so Yinglili asked his opinion of course.

Lu Ming thought for a moment and said,"I remember that there is an Inari God Shrine here, right?"

"Then go to Inari Shrine and have a look."

The deeper the water in the world becomes, the more interested Lu Ming becomes.

He is no longer just having fun, but is getting serious.

You must know that this time Lu Ming does not have the advantage of foresight.

The changes in Yinglili's world were completely unexpected. Why did the world change?

Where did those big cocoons come from?

Where did the weak world consciousness come from?

Lu Ming has no thoughts at the moment..

All he can do is to look around and look for some clues.

And those high-level spirits who occupy the shrine and call themselves"gods" are undoubtedly Lu Ming's best choice at the moment. From the looks of it, it is not difficult to deduce that these so-called"gods" have quite good intelligence.


, it is much more reliable to find them than to find stupid evil spirits on the street.

The girls naturally had no objections to Ming's words.

The Inari Shrine happened to be not far from the station, so the four of them simply walked there.

Yotsumiko and Harano were both in good physical condition, and only Eiri was a loser. , she started to sweat even after walking for a long time.

Her physical fitness was really poor. After all, she was a homebody and didn’t usually go out for exercise.

"Lu Mingme.............I can't walk anymore..............."

The panting Yinglili pressed half of her body on Lu Ming, and the delicious fragrance of the girl's body penetrated into his nose.

Lu Ming thought it was too troublesome for her to do this, so he simply carried the little golden retriever on his back.

I usually joke about Eiri and Ripei, saying that she is tough.

In reality, it feels exactly like that.

Yinglili has a typical pear-shaped figure. Except for her chest, which is slightly regrettable, other parts are still very tall.

The hips are wider than the shoulders, and the power is boundless.

It belongs to the top luxury car model.

Lu Ming's hands almost sunk into the tender meat.

"He also said that it doesn't matter to you. Lu Ming, you and Ying Lili are indeed a couple, right?"

Yangno, who had recovered, returned to his natural self and immediately started teasing.

If it were a boy of the same age, he would probably have explained it with a blushing face.

But Lu Ming would not be like that.

He glanced at Yangno sideways and said,"Yinglili. But for those of you who have paid, if you are willing to pay, Yangno, I can also carry you on my back."

"remuneration? It certainly can’t be money anyway, right?"

"You are smart. As for what it is, think about it yourself."

How about saying that Yangno is the elder sister and Pingno is the younger sister?

The two sisters have similar IQs, but they are really far apart in other aspects.

At least in terms of emotional intelligence, Yangno has at least dumped Pingno ten blocks away from him.

It's not just money. What?

Could it be?...............

Yang Nai, who fell behind, thought of a certain possibility, especially when he saw the area where Lu Ming's palm was placed, he became more and more sure of his guess.

The short-haired girl blushed slightly and secretly glanced at Lu Ming's back.

I thought to myself: I won't let you succeed, at least not now.

Then, he put on his usual warm smile and chased after me.

The Inari Shrine that Lu Minglai visited was not very large, but it looked very new on the outside. It must have been renovated not long ago.

Stepping across the red-painted torii gate, the chirping of birds in my ears suddenly disappeared.

Only the wind blew through the woods on both sides of the stone steps, and the sound of"rustling" continued for a moment.

It gives people a very weird feeling.

It is as if you have entered a deep primeval forest. In the unknown depths, there is a predator at the top of the food chain, staring eagerly at any time, ready to launch a fatal blow.

This feeling makes people who turn on the yin and yang eyes even more Have experience.

The faces of the three girls were already a little unsightly, and they instinctively wanted to escape.

Especially Yotsuya Miko, she saw that the shrine halfway up the mountain was filled with blood.

There are also evil spirits wandering around wearing priest clothes.

If nothing unexpected happens, all the priests here are probably dead.....................

"It looks a bit sinister."

Lu Ming touched his chin and commented.

To be precise, it's not a little evil, but very evil (for Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The moment they just crossed the torii gate, Inari God actually He had already launched an attack.

But before he even got close to Lu Ming, he was dispersed by the aura of the real God of the Underworld. It was actually quite funny that the evil spirit dared to attack after seeing the God of Hades.

I don’t know how to evaluate

"Could it be that he has been domineering for a long time and really thinks of himself as a god?"

"Really stupid."

Stepping up the last step and walking to the door of the shrine.

Lu Ming's eyes were filled with fire. He no longer concealed his aura and made a grasping gesture with one hand........

He shouted softly:"Get out of here."

Then, the divine power circulated and sealed the entire mountain in an instant.

Only then did Inari God realize that he had kicked the iron plate, but found that he could not escape even if he wanted to escape.

Where is the divine power of the real God of Hades? How can a small high-level spiritual body resist it?

Lu Ming grabbed the fox-like Inari God like a chicken and took it out of the statue.

The big white-haired fox had many red lines on its body and was very large.

The shoulder height is more than three meters, and including the tail, the body length is well over ten meters.[]

It looks quite a bit like a divine horse.

At this moment, its humanized golden pupils were full of fear.

The look it looked at Lu Ming was full of disbelief.

"Turns out to be a real god?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Our world has just begun. How could a real god appear so early?"

The big fox spoke, and the voice was deafening, making Erili, Yotsugamiko, and Yangno all cover their ears.

"Who asked you to speak?"

Lu Ming kicked the big fox over. This was the result of him holding back his strength.

Otherwise, he would have just kicked the mountain down.

Even so, the big fox was still seriously injured, and his spirit body was a little bit injured. It was dim.

If Lu Ming dared to touch it again, it would really die on the spot.

"Next I ask, you answer"


The footsteps approached slowly. At the moment when the big fox had just stood up, Lu Ming pressed his palm into the air and pressed down its head, which was as big as the head of a truck. It was unmatched.

This was a power beyond imagination. It was so abominable. Ah! Why did such a monster appear so early?

The big fox immediately made a judgment in his heart, recognized the gap between himself and Lu Ming, and honestly accepted his fate.

"Noble gods, just ask whatever you want to ask, and I will definitely know everything and tell you everything."

"First question, what do you mean by the great world you just mentioned?"

"Don't you know?"

"Nonsense, if I knew it, why would I ask you?"

How come you are a god and don't even know what the"Great World" is?

The big fox felt strange in his heart, but he answered quickly, for fear that the invincible god in front of him would slap him to death.

"You must have felt that the planet is undergoing changes, right? There is an invasion from outsiders. If the world wants to protect itself, it can only rely on us."

"The rules are changing, and the death energy between heaven and earth is becoming more intense."

"Therefore, 1.0 we all agree that in a few years, or at most ten years, a real god will be born, and there will probably be more than one."

The death energy in the mouth of the big fox is actually the cold energy.

The names are different, but in essence A kind of thing.

Lu Ming nodded slightly and asked:"The second question is, even if you can become gods in a few years, how should you solve the big cocoons in the city?"

Hearing this, the big fox asked strangely:"Why do we need to deal with those big cocoons?"

"The gap between our strength and those of outsiders is visible to the naked eye. The most important thing is to keep a low profile and preserve ourselves."

"What's more, outsiders will not harvest all the life in the lake at once. They will only harvest part of it."

"After harvesting, they will naturally return to their cocoons and continue sleeping."

Sustainable development, right?

Sure enough, not many of these advanced life forms are stupid.

The big fox only wants to get benefits and does not want to contribute.

The big cocoon will not kill too many at once. The main thing is to have a long flow of water.

Only humans And the low- level evil spirits are the most unlucky, being exploited by both sides.

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