Modern society.

Live streaming.

When seeing Alicia’s home.

A group of people had a happy birthday party.

Huang Lingzhou’s face also showed a bright smile.

“Xia’er can have so many friends.”

“It’s really good.”

Her eyes were full of relief.

Even if.

This is not Bai Xia’s birthday, but Alicia’s birthday.

But watching Bai Xia’s interaction with so many people, you know how popular he is with others.

As a mother.

In addition to hoping that his child can grow up safely, he naturally hopes that he can have a group of good friends and be able to accompany him to live happily every day.

And this group of friends is not the so-called fox dog friends.

If you look at it through the eyes of modern society.

Researchers working hard to combat disasters.

Warriors who are at the forefront of the fight against disaster.

They can all be called heroes!


“Even if you look at it with the evaluation of that world.”

“They’re all out-and-out heroes!”

Huang Lingzhou thought in his heart.

After watching the picture play for so long, she also understood the meaning of the fire moth in that world.

Even if.

Due to the secret confrontation between the high-level officials of various countries and the high-level of the fire-chasing moth, the media’s evaluation was slightly biased.

But thanks to Bai Xia’s initial appearance, it laid a good publicity foundation for the fire moth.

Even ordinary people will think that the Moth of Fire is a heroic organization that saves the world.

And Bai Xia and others in this organization.

And how can it not be a hero!

Although Huang Lingzhou really doesn’t want his children to become heroes, after all, this term represents danger and… Dead.

But it’s like the moderator said.

“Researchers do logistical work in the station, so there are no dangers or problems.”

This made Huang Lingzhou feel a little relieved. “Five Nine Seven”

Don’t worry about your son’s life.

And in the live broadcast room.

The audience was also affected by the joyful atmosphere of the birthday party.

Some people even started discussing.

Do you want to find a time to get together with friends to share the recent happy events?


Just when many people are looking forward to what surprising magic will be performed by Velvi at this Alicia birthday party.

Suddenly, there was a collapse energy device.

Let everyone start scolding the street.


“How can this special pen collapse come at this time!”

“I really don’t want Nima’s horse!”


[Alicia’s birthday party was interrupted]

[The moment the Avalanche Energy Device sounds, it means that the Fire Moth has entered a combat state]

[And for all those present]

[Their responsibilities are heavier than those of ordinary fighters, and they need to appear in the forefront position for the first time]

[Even if it’s Suzu, Sakura doesn’t have time to send her back]

[After asking Cang Xuan and Danzhu to help take care of it]

[Sakura rushed to the battle department with everyone]

[And the head of the combat department also seems to know why Bai Xia and the others appeared together]

[She first showed a helpless expression at Alicia, and then set her eyes on the satellite map in front of her]

【Since there are a lot of auxiliary equipment installed on the Star Dome train】

[The picture that appears in front of everyone’s eyes is naturally clearer and more complete]

“Thanks to the help of the Star Dome train.”

“We found out a little earlier this time where the collapse might be.”

“Although the collapse energy of that area now has not reached the concentration of the Law Being.”


“Judging from the feedback from that data, and the weird improvement of the collapse energy.”

“This area is bound to become the area of the sixth collapse outbreak!”

The head of the combat department told everyone a fairly good news.

Be able to detect areas that are about to erupt in advance.

This is a big improvement from before.

“Sure enough.”

“It can easily analyze the movement of molecules, and it can also be applied to collapse energy.”

“This genius’s invention is really no problem!”

There was a hint of happiness on Sylvie’s face.

And the head of the combat department also arranged for personnel to start going to the place where the collapse was about to break out.

This may also be the first time Kevin has faced the lawyer!

“Don’t worry.”

“The lawyer is not that strong.”

“Don’t let your mentality be influenced.”

Alicia said with a smile at Kevin.

Kevin, on the other hand, nodded silently with a cold face, but from his subconscious reaction, it can be seen that this warrior, who is still a shy big boy, is still somewhat nervous.

Sakura simply wiped the two long knives on her waist, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

“Come back safely.”

Bai Xia looked at Sakura and said in a deep voice.


[Transport plane quickly travels to the area where the collapse is about to break out]

[Getting there from the station of the Fire Moth]

【Up to 10 minutes to arrive】

[But Bai Xia still shook his head slightly]

“It seems. “】

[“The research and development of the Second God Key still has to be completed as soon as possible. “】

“Although ten minutes is already fast. “】

“But it will still delay a lot of time. “】

[Bai Xia thought in his heart]

【Although said】

[The semi-finished product of the Second God Key they made has been barely able to be used, but the ability that can be used is only partial, and it is not perfect enough]

[The other half-finished product, that is, the armor that allows humans to become lawyers, which Mei calls the Blank Key, is also to the point of barely using it]


[In the midst of this sixth collapse]

[They still don’t come in handy directly]

[Even if they have been brought to the combat department by Vilvie]

[But it’s just a backhand left behind to evacuate accidents]

[It won’t really be used]

“Weapons that can go wrong at any time are the greatest threat to soldiers on the battlefield. “】

[Bai Xia always remembers this sentence]

[May seems to have noticed this too]

[An urgent look also appeared on her face]

[This collapse that will come at any time will not give them so much time to prepare for everything]

“The area is already evacuating.”


“From that data estimate.”

“Ten minutes at most.”

“Collapse will come completely.”

“It’s simply not enough for people to flee.”

“I can only hope that Kevin and they can solve the lawyer as soon as possible.”

The head of the combat department, after a call, said a not very good news.

Judging by the satellite map.

That area is a city cluster composed of three major cities, and although the population does not exceed 100 million, it is also tens of millions.

In such a short time.

Even Superman did not have time to evacuate the population.

“That’s the original intention of the Fusion Warrior Program.”

“Let the fusion warriors with strong strength quickly solve the lawyer.”

“That’s it.”

“Then the loss and damage will be minimized.”

“It is no longer necessary to rely on weapons of mass destruction, as in previous times.”

Mebius spoke at this time.

As the first collapse, they are very aware of the consequences of those weapons of mass destruction.

Especially in the third collapse, it is necessary to contain the Thunder Law with missiles so that the fighters can approach her and carry out the decapitation plan.

The resources and losses paid can be described as helpless.

And now.

In addition to Alicia and Sakura, there is also the existence of a fusion warrior like Kevin.

As long as she can be killed in advance before the lawyer causes a large range of losses, the impact will inevitably be much smaller than before.

“Wait until the Second God Key created by the core of the Void Law is completed.”

“We will even have a lot less time to rush to the battlefield.”

“That loss will also be kept within a very low range.”

Vilvie also spoke at this time.

This series of news also made the head of the combat department smile on his face.

“So that later, when facing the lawyer.”

“It should be a lot easier.”

The head of the combat department thought in his mind.

[The area where this collapse will break out is a city agglomeration]

[And the people here after hearing the sound of the siren]

[Almost everyone left their work and ran towards the nearest shelter]

【Although said】

[Those high-level leaders of the Fire Moth did not pass the shelter plan, nor did they plan to cooperate with other countries] [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]


[Not all countries will be so short-sighted]

[For example, the country behind the urban agglomeration that is about to break out this time has already begun to build shelters in various cities after the third advent of the Lawyer]

[It doesn’t care what other countries think]

[It is only responsible for the security of its own people]


[It also holds drills on weekdays so that people can enter the shelter quickly and safely]

[And the people living in this urban agglomeration also understand the importance of this kind of thing, and they also cooperate with the practice on weekdays]


[Even the members of the Fire Moth didn’t think of it]

[When they reached the sky above the urban agglomeration and prepared to take precautions, they found that there seemed to be no movement in the urban agglomeration below]

[Kevin almost thought that this was the collapse that broke out and killed all the people in this city agglomeration]

[This white-haired boy, who was still a little humble, suddenly surged with anger in his heart, and wanted to go to the lawyer to settle the account]


[Bai Xia’s voice came out in his earphones in time]

“Don’t worry.”


“The people in this urban agglomeration just ran to the shelter.”

“I wasn’t killed by the Lawyer.”

“On the contrary.”

“The Law One is about to begin to be born.”

“Your mission has only just begun.”

Bai Xia said calmly in the communication equipment.

This was supposed to be the job of the head of the combat department.


This time, along with the large-scale Honkai disaster, there are many smaller Honkai disasters, as if they are blooming all over the world at the same time…

She was so busy that she couldn’t stop, so she had to ask Bai Xia to help command.


This is also based on the feedback of that data information to judge where the lawyer will be born, and where the emperor-level collapsed beast born with the lawyer will be born.

Then arrange for manpower to deal with it.

And Bai Xia’s familiarity with this information is still more familiar than the head of the combat department.

After all.

This is the program he designed.

It would be fitting that he would be in charge.


Kevin replied.

Bai Xia clearly felt it.

He seemed relieved.

And Alicia’s voice also sounded in the communication device.


“I can actually hear the voice of my best friend.”

“Later, dear friend, you can arrange for me to face the lawyer!”

“This will be my best birthday present!”

Alicia is still so full of sunshine.

However, Bai Xia did not make small talk with her.


The device in front of him was showing that there were three areas that were generating a strong collapse energy reaction, corresponding to the three major cities that made up this city agglomeration!

“What’s the situation?”

“One lawyer and two incarnated emperor-level Collapse Beasts?”

Bai Xia frowned.

But he made arrangements immediately.

Let Alicia, Kevin, and Sakura each go to an area.

“The distance between these three areas is still quite far.”


“Whether it is facing the Law Breaker or facing the Emperor-level Collapse Beast, you can only rely on yourself.”

“Please be careful.”

Bai Xia communicates through communication equipment.


[Under the command of Bai Xia]

[The three went to different areas]

[And this extremely rare, or rather, first occurrence, also made Mebius’s brows wrinkle slightly]

“It is a lawyer and two companions of the emperor-level Collapse Beast. “】

“Still. “】

[“Two lawyers, and an accompanying emperor-level collapsed beast? “】

[Mebius’s face is full of puzzlement]

[From the concentration of that collapse energy, it can be seen that the things born from this will not be weak]

[As for why not guess the three lawyers]

【This kind of thing】

[If it really happens… That is really the end of the natural disaster for mankind.]

“It should just be a lawyer. “】

[“No matter how you say it is an emperor-level Collapse Beast, it also belongs to the category of Collapse Beast. “】

“The concentration of this collapse energy is much higher than before. “】

“But it is unlikely that two lawyers. “】

[Bai Xia looked at the data in front of him and said in a deep voice]

[And his heart is a little lucky]

[Fortunately, the fusion warrior plan has achieved results]


[Of the three areas that broke out at the same time, one area can only be used by ordinary soldiers, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of people who will be damaged]

[And if the area you are going to is still facing the lawyer, the probability of death will be infinitely higher]

“Even if the failure rate of the fusion warrior plan is still high. “】

“But looking at 4.4 can only continue. “】

“We can’t guarantee that next time, the number of broken beasts born with the Law Breaker will increase again. “】

[Mei pushed the frame on the bridge of her nose and said in a calm tone]

[Honkai will not give them time to prepare]

[Bai Xia’s gaze is carefully watching the fluctuation of that data]

【Half a minute later】

[When I saw that there were two areas of collapse energy fluctuations, maintained at a relatively stable threshold, and the third one, although still climbing, the speed was also significantly reduced]

[Bai Xia was slightly relieved]

“Bad news.”

“Kevin, there will be a lawyer in your area.”

Bai Xia’s voice was very calm.

Display through that city surveillance.

He noticed that Kevin’s face showed a dignified look.


“It’s not me who is assigned to the lawyer!”

“Best friend, you ruined my best birthday present!”

Alicia’s voice also sounded in the communication device.

“The collapse energy values of the three regions just now are not much different, and I can’t be sure which is the area where the Law Breaker descends.”


“Your birthday present.”

“I’ll only make it up when you come back.”

Bai Xia knew.

Alicia guessed that Kevin should be very nervous, so she deliberately lightened the atmosphere like that, and he naturally followed the words.


“The good news is.”

“The fluctuation of the Collapse Energy of the Law Breaker is only a little higher than that of the Emperor-level Collapse Beast.”

“It proves that she was born after she was born.”

“It will take a while to grow.”

“So Kevin, the opponent you’re going to face… Not strong. ”

Bai Xia brought the topic back again.

Kevin in that picture also nodded slightly.

“I’ll kill her as soon as possible.”

Kevin replied.

This will be his first battle against the Lawbreaker as a fusion warrior!.

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