As the saying goes, money can make you a god.

Under the temptation of Tiamat's salary, Theresa forgave Lu Ming without a backbone, and colluded with him on the spot, without any trace of the resentment she had before.

Unfortunately, the white-haired loli still underestimated Lu Ming's bottom line.

He has always been a traitor to his thieves.

Just after walking out of the school principal's office,

Lu Ming took out his personal terminal from his pocket, found Ji Zi's avatar, and clicked on it to send a message.

"According to reliable information, the principal has recently received another illegal income. I hope Major Jizi will investigate it strictly."

Jizi replied immediately."OK"gesture.

She must have taken this to heart.

Don't blame Lu Ming for being immoral. It's really Theresa who has no self-control.

Whenever she has money in her pocket, she slacks off. She hides in the office all day long.

She reads Homo comics, drinks bitter melon juice, and eats small cakes.

It won't work without someone supervising her.

What if Theresa really ruins St. Freya Academy?

Therefore, Lu Ming felt that he did this entirely for her own good.

""Principal, oh, principal, I think you should work harder."

Tiamat, who witnessed how Lu Ming fooled Theresa and how he cheated other cheaters, felt for the first time that the human species was really scary. They were calling each other brothers one second, but sold out their brothers without hesitation the next.

Even the low-intelligence monsters in the Type-Moon world would not do such a thing.

After thinking for a moment, Tiamat, who liked Theresa as a cute"child", suddenly said,"Lu Ming, isn't it a bit bad for you to do this?"

"That child wants my salary, just give it to her. I don’t need that kind of thing anyway."

This is what a mother is. She only knows how to give without asking for anything in return. Tiamat, she is so sincere. I cried my heart out. At this moment, the birdman was deeply moved by the holy light of Tiamat.

He was very moved and said,"In fact, I did this for the good of the academy principal. And Tiamat, don’t look at her as being so small."

"In fact, Theresa is already over 40 years old, more than twice my age."

Lu Ming 510's original intention was to tell Tiamat that Theresa was no longer a child, and you don't have to feel so sorry for her.

But Tiamat's concept is completely different from that of normal humans.

The original mother turned her head to look at Lu Ming, blinking her starry eyes in confusion and said:"Theresa is only in her 40s, isn't she a child?""

Ah this.............

Lu Ming was speechless for a moment.

Tiamat felt that Theresa was a child and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her.

After all, this person already existed at the beginning of creation.

The age is probably not much different than that of Earth, not much different.

What's more, judging from Oyuexia's growth and development time.

It is very likely that Teresa is really in her infancy.

It will take another ten thousand years for her to grow into the appearance of a sixteen-year-old girl and completely get rid of her lolita body shape.

In other words, Theresa's growth rate is more than 600 times slower than that of normal humans.

Thinking along this line of thinking, Lu Ming was shocked to find that the white-haired old woman in her forties was only about two and a half years old at most when converted into human years.

This is no longer as simple as smelting copper...................

Lu Ming fell into deep thought

"Perhaps, I should be more tolerant of Theresa?"

A similar thought flashed through his mind. Lu Ming shook his head and convinced himself with a strange angle.——

"Just because she is still a child, she must be disciplined more strictly, otherwise she will be fine when she grows up.?"

"That’s right, I’m doing this all for your own good! Teresa"

Education should start from childhood, what great people say is always correct. Lu Ming believed it deeply. At the same time, Teresa in the principal's office sneezed without being asked, feeling all over her body. There was a chill. She looked at the air conditioner that was not turned on strangely and said to herself:"I don't think the principal has a cold, right?" Why do you sneeze suddenly?


"It must be because I haven't been drinking enough bitter melon juice recently."

"Fortunately, once Tiamat passes the review, I will have an extra income."

Thinking of this, the white-haired loli smiled again.

"Hehe, Jizi, Jizi, you can’t think of it, right? Do you really think that since my private money has been confiscated, there is nothing I can do about it?"

""Humph, don't forget that I am the principal of St. Freya."

The Valkyrie review at the Tianming Headquarters is actually just a project for Lu Ming.

After all, Otto has to coax Lu Ming, where are the people below? Dare to cause trouble?

Not to mention that Tiamat's strength is already up to par. Even if Lu Ming pointed at a pig and said it had S-level strength,

Otto would have to smile and nod in agreement,"This pig is really extraordinary."

With big fists, you can do whatever you want. Unfortunately, Lu Ming is the person with the biggest fists in the Honkai World.

Everything must be cleared for him and run according to his will.

This is the second time when the supreme power returns to St. Freya Academy. On the same day, Lu Ming took Tiamat to the Tianming Headquarters.

When the Valkyrie in charge of the test looked at the"monster", Tiamat walked out of the test battle simulation cabin with a calm expression.

"this person...............So strong"

"Did you see it? The emperor-level Honkai beast was killed by her with just one punch"

"This kind of combat capability is probably no less than that of Lady Bianca, right?"

"It’s hard to say whether I can beat Lady Bianca or not. Anyway, you can definitely kill me with one punch................"

The whispers of the surrounding Valkyries did not affect the original mother goddess at all.

On the contrary, she also loves these pure-hearted Valkyries very much.

If Lu Ming hadn't agreed before coming here not to"recognize her daughter" everywhere, Tiamat would probably have been unable to restrain her overflowing motherly nature.

Despite this, she was still very happy and excited at this moment.

Like a little bear who stole some honey.

Because the Valkyries looked at her with basically positive emotions such as surprise, admiration, and admiration.

This made Tiamat, who had always been hostile and disliked, experience unprecedented happiness.

It is estimated that even if Lu Ming wanted to drive her back to the Moon World, Tiamat would not be willing to leave.

"My friend, you really brought me another surprise."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Valkyries separated to make way.

Archbishop Otto stepped forward, looked at Tiamat with interest, and introduced himself:" hello beautiful lady"

"My name is Otto Apokalis, and on behalf of all destiny, I welcome you."

The God of Pure Love is very polite and a gentleman.

But Tiamat is not very interested in him.

Human evil often has the ability to see through people's hearts. In Tiamat's eyes, Otto's soul is very pure..

Pure to the point of not being human.

Generally, such people are either saints or disasters.

In addition, Lu Ming reminded him not to talk to Otto, so Tiamat just nodded in response to Tia. Matt responded coldly, and Otto didn't care.

As long as he was willing to join Destiny, Otto wouldn't care about such trivial matters.

General, he patted the young man's shoulder and said with a smile:"Is Miss Tiamat a compatriot you brought from your hometown?"

"No, I can't even go back to my hometown, so how can I bring people here?"

Lu Ming and Otto walked side by side, saying as they walked:"She comes from a world with a very complicated worldview, and I can't explain it to you in just a few words."

"It is enough for you to know that in that world, Tiamat was revered as the Original Mother Goddess and the Creator God."

Hearing this, Otto let out a"huh", and his heart was filled with the importance he attached to Tiamat.

Not everyone can afford to be given such a lofty title without the corresponding strength, the original mother goddess and the creation god. , it just makes people laugh

"That's really amazing, my friend. The surprise you brought me this time is really a bit too big."[]

"Strength is just incidental, Tiamat's real value is more than that."

Walking all the way to Otto's exclusive biological laboratory, Lu Ming picked up the samples on the table and placed them in front of his eyes.

His dark eyes, as deep as the night sky, looked at Otto through the clear container.

"Tiamat's power is to create"

"Although it is very random, maybe one day she will be able to create a life form with ultra-high Honkai energy resistance."

"As the world's top scholar, I think Otto, you should understand what I mean."

Of course Otto understands that if such life forms can really be created, humans can transplant their excellent genes through research and obtain equivalent Honkai energy resistance.

By then, Honkai Impact will no longer be a threat.

Instead, it will become The greatest treasure that drives mankind forward

"Also, if you run into any trouble while I'm away, you can ask Tiamat to help you."

"In this world, no one can be her opponent except for the end."

It's hard to say about the ancestor Kevin in the succubus state.

He is also a surface-washing player. He has never really played against Tiamat, and Lu Ming can't judge.

But Tiamat will definitely not lose. It

's a great fight. In a tie, it is almost impossible for Ancestor Kevin to kill Tiamat without the ability similar to the Karmic Fire Underworld (Before the fight, Tiamat can just create some creatures and throw them at the earth. The immortality of Xingyue is quite good. (cheap)

"Understand, my friend, I will not be polite to you or Miss Tiamat when necessary."

Otto now understands how great it is to have a strong ally.

He doesn't have to worry about anything, and he doesn't have to be afraid of anything. He just needs to walk towards the goal step by step, and Lu Ming can easily solve any troubles he encounters along the way. a feeling of..................

It's so cool.

After meeting Lu Ming, Otto expressed the same feeling as Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Unconsciously, he went further and further on the road of lying down.

"One more thing, the Oceania branch is secretly conducting research on artificial hermits.................Otto, do you know?"

I randomly found two swivel chairs and pulled Tiamat to sit down. The busy Uncle Lu Ming finally remembered Wendy who beat up Shiyuan, Zhenyan and Zhenshi, Emperor Wen

, and Donkey Er from Changkong City. Fox, you can pick it up if you have time.

After all, the Key of Corrosion is quite useful in certain worldviews.

"Of course I know."

Otto sat opposite Lu Ming and Tiamat and said with a smile:"Is there anything in this world that can be hidden from my eyes??"

"It's a good thing that my subordinates are enterprising. They want to try other possibilities. As the archbishop, why should I stop them?"

Hidden under Otto's elegant appearance is an indifferent heart.

Apart from Kallen and useful people, he doesn't care too much about everything else. He even thinks it's a waste of time to take a second look at them.

Lu Ming knew that he was like this, so he said straight to the point:"A friend of mine should be very interested in the Artificial Law Maker Project. You ask the people from the Oceania branch to send Wendy to St. Freya's Academy. This little thing should be no problem, right?"

"Haha, of course there is no problem. My friend, I have already said that destiny is not only mine, but also yours. No matter how you want to exercise this power, I will express my approval"

"I want to see someone tonight"


During the conversation between the two people who stood at the top of the world, Wendy's fate changed drastically at this moment.

The fate that she could not resist was just a matter of words for Lu Ming. It was so simple and understated.

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