Jiguraya was extremely angry at the moment.。

Qin Yu is now restrained by himself and can still laugh. This is simply a naked provocation.。

Of those people who were directly restrained by me in the past, none of them cried to heaven and earth, begging me to let them go.。

But in the end they all became his nourishment。

This guy Qin Feng is actually laughing now, as if he doesn't care about him at all. Attacking was treated as one thing, which was a huge blow to him.。

One can imagine the anger welling up in his heart now.。

“Is this all there is to it? "Qin Yu couldn't help but started teasing him when he saw his current expression.。

At this time, Jiguraya no longer wanted to continue chatting with Qin Yu.。

“Extreme killing!”

Under Jigulaya's words, the dark tentacles that were originally tied to Qin Yu suddenly tightened in different ways and emitted extremely huge freezing power.。

And the surface of Qin Yu's body is now covered with layers of ice on the street. The ultra-low temperature of the ice seems to freeze his soul into pieces.。

And at this time, as time goes by。

The ice on Qin Yu's body completely covered her whole body。

Jiguraya also walked out of those ice-broken spaces。

“You boy, this is retribution!”

Jiguraya said this with cold eyes at this moment, and he came to Qin Yu who had turned into an ice sculpture at this moment.。

“The person who was carrying a gun just now has turned into a block of ice. "When Jigulaya finished saying this, he stretched out his hand and touched Qin Yu's body directly.。

And when he planned to absorb Qin Yu's power at this time, he discovered that something was not right.。

“Why can't it be absorbed?”

Jiguraya desperately wanted to absorb Qin Yu's power at this time, but found that no matter how he absorbed Qin Yu's power, there was no way.。

Qin Yu, who was supposed to have been frozen into an ice sculpture, unable to move, and left to his own fate, suddenly laughed strangely across the ice sculpture.。

The moment Jiguraya saw Qin Yu laughing strangely, his whole heart couldn't help but twitch.。

When he wants to take a step back。

Qin Yu, who was originally frozen into an ice sculpture, suddenly let out a huge roar.。

As he roared, the ice blocks that were originally on his body were instantly shattered.。

Then the violent breath of God overflowed from the cracks。

Because Jiguraya was too close, he was instantly blown backwards by the powerful air wave, and then hit a planet not far away.。

Suddenly, a huge wave like a huge atomic bomb explosion was formed within a range of nearly tens of kilometers below the planet.。

At this moment, Qin Yu was standing thousands of feet high in the sky, overlooking the situation below, and a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.。

“With this little strength, I have to go out to compete, and I don’t even look at how much I weigh.。”

Qin Yu said this sentence with a proud smile at this time。

Feeling that he took a step forward, he disappeared from the same spot again in an instant. When he appeared, he was already under the planet.。

It's just that a huge hole has been formed under this star, with a depth of several thousand meters.。

And at the bottom of the deep pit, there was a figure lying。

That figure is Jiguraya。

He was a little embarrassed, with mud all over his body, and the arrogant attitude he had when he came here was gone.。


Jiguraya jumped out of the ruins in an instant and then looked at Qin Yu in front of him with a ghostly look.。

“You guy...I'm going to kill you。”

Jiguraya's self-esteem may have been greatly damaged at this time. Suddenly, he roared angrily and then said, everyone turned his whole body into a shadow and rushed directly towards Qin Yu's direction.。

Qin Yu saw Jiguraya's clenched fists as he rushed over, and he suddenly rushed over.。

In this way, the two of them did not use any rules at this moment and relied solely on their own physical fighting skills.。

At this time, the two people had bumped into each other countless times in the sky. As time went by, countless figures appeared in the sky.。

This planet without any life inhabited it has been blasted with deep craters everywhere.。

The surface of the entire planet seems to have formed a very large explosion zone.。

When Qin Yu saw this, he couldn't help but want to complain.。

I have to say that if this guy Jiguraya died with the power of law, his physical combat power alone would be quite amazing.。

When Qin Yu collided with him, he could also feel the scorching heat and ice energy from his fists concentrated on his fists. This was an unexpected surprise.。

“Physical strength is pretty good, but how long can you maintain this state? "A faint smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yu's mouth, and he suddenly accelerated his attack speed.。

Jigulaya suddenly felt a huge pressure, and was almost beaten by Qin Yu in a series of retreats.。

“Extremely cold hell!”

Jigulaya could hardly stand Qin Yu's attacks anymore.。

Suddenly, ice flames spurted out from his body, instantly burning the surrounding ground into nothingness.。

This was not directly burned into nothingness by the high temperature, but directly frozen to pieces by the cold temperature of several thousand degrees below zero.。

Because of his attack, Qin Yu couldn't help but take a step back to avoid his attack.。

At the same time, the God of Destruction in this universe was stunned.。

“How can this be? What happened? "Jigulaya's attack just now clearly hit Qin Yu.。

When he sensed it again, he found that Qin Yu had appeared on a stone not far away.。

Only now did Jigulaya realize that Qin Yu was faster than him.。

“It's teleportation... a troublesome ability!”

How could Jigulaya not know that the trick Qin Yu used just now was teleportation?。

He doesn't have the ability to move at such high speeds。

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to fly all the way here just now.。

Only now did Jiguraya realize how troublesome Qin Feng was in front of him.。

Previously, he asked Knoya for a hundred energy balls with the power of the God of Destruction, which were too cheap.

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