The waves were so strong that the water was too strong.

"Oh, Gou Wa's father!"

"Why are there such big waves out of nowhere? Did you see what happened?"

"Didn't Gou Wa's father take people to go fishing? I said hello to him when I left the village. In just a short time, he was gone?"

"It was such a strong wave that the boat was smashed!"

"What kind of wave is this? I think someone did it on purpose!"

On the beach, fishermen near Chentangguan heard the bad news and rushed over.

Seeing the fishing boat smashed by the waves and five scared children who could only cry, everyone was stunned!

The wreckage of the broken fishing boat was everywhere. Two strong men were lying on the beach with pale faces. Fortunately, they were still breathing. Someone called a doctor to save their lives!

However, two women were holding their children and kneeling on the ground crying loudly!

"Why did you leave like this? What will happen to this family!"

"God damn it, give me back my man's life!"

Seeing their mother crying, the two children who were already scared cried even harder. No matter how people around them asked, they couldn't tell what happened!

Gou Wa's mother cried with red eyes, and suddenly pushed her son away.

"It's all your fault. It's because you were greedy and insisted on going to the sea, killing your father!"

"Tell me, how did your father die!"

Gou Wa was so scared that he wet his pants and trembled when he saw that his mother not only did not comfort him, but also looked ferocious.

"Mom, don't blame me, really don't blame me!"

"My father was swept away by the waves, Nezha, Nezha has..."

Before Gou Wa finished speaking, his mother and the onlookers were instantly furious!

"What, Nezha again!"

"I knew he was not a good guy, and would bring us disaster sooner or later!"

"Hey, this time it's two lives!"

At this time, Gou Wa's mother happened to see Madam Yin rushing over with the guards, and suddenly she pushed through the crowd like crazy, grabbed Madam Yin's arm, her eyes red, and yelled crazily.

"Nezha is a murderer! Give me back my man's life!"

"It's all because of your good son. Before, we were almost killed by the immortal's mountain, and now he is causing trouble and drowning my man!"

"Why did you give birth to this monster!"

Madam Yin heard that something happened on the beach, and just rushed over. She didn't know what happened at all, but she was grabbed tightly!

When she first saw the hideous face of Gou Wa's mother and her arm that was slightly painful from being clenched, she was stunned.

"Aunt, what did you say?"

"Impossible, it's definitely not my Nezha who harmed people, who said that?"

"Nezha, where are you, Nezha?"

Mrs. Yin believed in Nezha, but when she saw so many crazy fishermen, she panicked and was afraid that Nezha would be stimulated, so she immediately started looking for Nezha.

However, she never expected that her action would instantly anger Gou Wa's mother.

Gou Wa's mother was heartbroken and tears welled up in her eyes.

"It was Nezha who killed people, he is a monster!"

"Give me back my man's life!"

In such a coastal place, a strong man who can go out to sea to fish is the real pillar and the support of the family!

Gou Wa's father is a famous fisherman in the surrounding area, and he is also a good swimmer!

It was incredible for a man like this to be swept away by the waves and drowned!

As Gou Wa's mother started to make a fuss, another village woman whose husband had died cried even more sadly and sat on the ground and wailed.

"What evil have we done in Chentangguan!"

"A monster that was born only three years ago has brought us danger again and again. My father, you died unjustly!"

Seeing these two pairs of orphans and widows, the children crying sadly and the mothers heartbroken, the other fishermen around were immediately infected. Everyone pointed at Mrs. Yin and started to be impolite in their words!

Gou Wa didn't finish what he said before. He was young to begin with, and this time he was so scared that he couldn't say anything.

An old woman carrying a basket flashed a trace of contempt in her eyes and smacked her lips repeatedly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, he's the general's son. He didn't have a child for three years, so he knew how to do magic when he was born. What's the big deal about him making trouble and killing two people today!"

"Let's do it tomorrow. That little monster will tear my bones apart!"

After hearing this, another old woman

The fishermen also believed it.

"Madam Yin, you can't ignore Nezha when the general is not at home!"

"Last time he offended the gods, and this time he killed people. What about next time?"

The fishermen around were more excited and timid than each other. They immediately surrounded Madam Yin and the guards she brought with her and accused them one after another!

Madam Yin had no way to defend herself, and there was a dog-waving mother who held her arm tightly and asked for an explanation.

For a while, the scene was in chaos!

Several children knew that it was Nezha who saved them. Seeing this scene, they were so scared that they waved their hands repeatedly. They were really just crying and couldn't tell the truth at all!

Even if there were a few people who had doubts and believed in Nezha, they were drowned by the spit of most fishermen.


However, at this moment, a red figure suddenly flew back from the sea, carrying two strong men soaked in sea water in one hand, and landed on the beach swaying from east to west!

Nezha tried his best to rescue two fishermen from the vast sea. Fortunately, they were still breathing. He threw them directly on the beach and sat down tiredly!

When they saw that Gou Wa's father and another man were rescued, the two crying women didn't care about so much and hurriedly came over nervously.

When they found that their men were still alive, they burst into tears of joy!

When the fishermen around saw this scene, they completely forgot that they had just blamed Nezha. They smiled happily, as if they had forgotten that it was Nezha who rescued people.

Nezha didn't hear what everyone said before. Seeing everyone so happy, he thought they saw him saving people and welcomed him.

In his little mind, he just felt a little happy that he was recognized by others.

"Hey, don't worry, aunt, uncle and the others just choked on their saliva, it's okay."

"I just..."

Nezha was about to step forward, but before he could get close, Gou Wa's mother suddenly turned around and pushed him away!

"Get out! You monster!"

The defenseless Nezha was pushed out and fell on the beach. Madam Yin rushed over to hug Nezha with a look of heartache!

Nezha opened his mouth in astonishment and looked innocently at the red-eyed Gou Wa's mother who scolded him harshly. He didn't know why he was scolded for saving people?

When he looked at other people, he didn't know why everyone's smiling faces disappeared when they looked at him. They were all replaced by disgust, fear, and contempt. It was like a sharp knife stabbed into his heart!

"I, I'm not a monster..."

"Why do you look at me like this? What did I do wrong?"

Nezha didn't know what happened here after he left to save people.

Seeing Nezha's panicked expression, Mrs. Yin felt a sharp pain in her heart and picked Nezha up directly.

"No, Nezha, you didn't do anything wrong. You are not a monster. You are your mother's son!"

After saying that, Mrs. Yin didn't want to argue with those fishermen at all. Seeing Nezha's innocent and panicked expression, her heart as a mother was about to be crushed!

Now he just wanted to take Nezha away from this place quickly.

Seeing Mrs. Yin holding Nezha away, the fishermen were still whispering and pointing at Nezha. Some people even came forward to comfort Goudan's mother and several other people.

Little Nezha was lying in his mother's arms and happened to see the following scene.

He didn't understand why everyone looked at him with such fear and disgust?

Obviously, he saved people!

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