The two of them were very happy.

Mrs. Yin was not as excited as before, but she looked at Yang Jian with tears in her eyes.

"Master Mu Yi, can you let Nezha stay with us for a few more years?"

"It's been three years since we were pregnant, and he's only been born for less than half a month. Nezha is still young and can't leave his parents, and I can't leave him either."

"Wait until he's a little older in a few years, and can distinguish right from wrong and understand reason, and then take him away?"

"I still need to discuss this with the master, please give me some time!"

Hearing this, coupled with the pitiful look of Mrs. Yin with tears in her eyes, Yang Jian suddenly couldn't do anything, and was in a panic.

In this life, except for seeing his mother cry, his experience of communicating with the opposite sex is almost zero!

Yang Jian waved his hands hastily, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Madam Yin, you misunderstood. I didn't say I would take Nezha away?"

"Don't worry. I will only stay in Chentangguan for three years. If Madam Yin allows, I will stay in your house to teach Nezha and prevent him from going astray!"

After these words came out, Madam Yin couldn't believe it. There is such a good thing?

The key is that immortals generally like to live in seclusion and will never enter the world to get involved in cause and effect, especially when the Three Realms are rumored to have a catastrophe, and if they are not careful, they may die!

At this time, suddenly encountering an immortal from the Chan Sect to teach Nezha, isn't this a great thing?

Madam Yin hurried forward and grabbed Yang Jian's arm.

"Does Master Mu Yi really mean what he said?"

"Come back to my house quickly, and I will treat you as a distinguished guest!"

Suddenly encountering such a good thing, Mrs. Yin naturally did not want to let the opportunity slip away, and hurriedly invited Yang Jian and Xiaotian Dog into the house!

After serving tea, they talked about the birth of Nezha.

Originally, the Li family was worried because the baby had not been born for three years. Even if they invited the two teachers of Jinzha and Muzha to see, they did not know what was going on, so they could only wait patiently.

Just half a month ago, a fire fell from the sky at night, and Nezha was born!

The child was no different from an ordinary baby when he landed, but before the couple could be happy, they saw that the child was growing up. In just half an hour, he was already a three-year-old running around!

This was not a big deal. The next day, he was already speaking human language and could cast spells!

The two charred wing rooms that Nezha saw just now were burned by him on the second day after he was born. If they hadn't cultivated themselves, they really couldn't control the evil fire.

Since that day, the whole Chentangguan Pass has been restless!

Nezha is not a bad person, but he is born with supernatural power. He doesn't know how he was born with so many magic weapons. He is used to controlling the fire element, which makes it difficult for ordinary people to get close to him. Even if it's not intentional, he has damaged many farmhouses and farmers!

This is really hard for Yin Shiniang and Li Jing, who have to follow behind every day to clean up their butts.

The people complained bitterly. If it weren't for the good reputation that Li Jing and his wife had accumulated in their daily lives, they would probably have rebelled. They could only accept the compensation money reluctantly.

The Li family was also generous. No matter what was damaged, they paid three times the compensation, which was considered to be not criticized.

However, Nezha's reputation was completely rotten. No matter where he appeared, everyone would avoid him, and the child was depressed for a long time.

Yin Shi Niang sighed helplessly as she spoke.

"Alas, when the master was here, he was still somewhat dignified over Nezha and could control him."

"But three days ago, the 72 princes of Beihai rebelled, and the war was urgent. The king summoned the generals in the court to Chaoge to discuss matters. I heard that the Marquis of Jizhou, the Marquis of Xibo, and the Marquis of Dongbo had all gone, so the master did not dare to neglect him."

"Look, just three days after he left, Nezha couldn't be contained anymore. He jumped out of the wall while I was not prepared!"

When Yang Jian heard this, he also remembered that there was indeed a military order that was passed to Guanjiangkou.

"The king has been in power for seven years, and the weather has always been good, the country has been peaceful, and the people are safe. Why did the princes of Beihai rebel this time?"

"Could it be that even the general will lead troops to quell the rebellion?"

This is not because Yang Jian cares about the government, but because he is afraid that this sudden war will implicate Nezha!

If Li Jing goes to the front line, his family may not be spared!

After all, he should share his worries with his master. If the king has an order, even Li Jing can hardly refuse it.

Yin Shiniang was also worried and shook her head slowly.

"The master left in a hurry, and I don't know what happened."

"But the princes of Beihai are under the command of Yuan Futong. It is said that there is a gathering of demons, so they are so arrogant!"

Beihai, if we talk about it now, it is Bohai!

Chentangguan Town

Guarding the coast of the East China Sea, Chaoge firmly sits on the Central Plains, the three can be said to be in a tripartite situation!

As for Xibohou and Jizhouhou, they are too far away, so once troops are sent, the most likely thing is to ask Chentangguan for reinforcement, so that the Beihai princes can be punished as quickly as possible!

As for military affairs, Yang Jian does not know, but he has also read the general situation of the world in the book!

The master repeatedly reminded that they are not allowed to participate in the disputes among the countries after Wangcha, and he must ensure that Nezha is not involved in it!

Yin Shi Niang saw that Yang Jian also frowned, but comforted herself and chuckled.

"Is the immortal master also worried about this?"

"It doesn't matter, there is still Brother Wen Zhong of Jiejiao in the court. Master Yuanshi once praised: Although he heard the fruit of Chaoyuan, he has not realized the truth of Zhiyi!"

"With Brother Wen Zhong's ability, even if he wants the master to send troops, it's just a gesture."

Yang Jian was slightly stunned.

"Wen Zhong?"

Yang Jian had heard of this man. He was the number one god in the Shang Dynasty and the father-in-law of the current king!

This was only his status in the mortal court. If we talk about his origin, he was the direct disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother, one of the four direct disciples of the Jiejiao Tongtian Sect Master!

Although he was a third-generation disciple, we could tell from Yuanshi Tianzun's praise that he had only practiced Taoism for fifty years and had achieved the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of the Head and the Five Qis Returning to the Origin. He was only one step away from becoming a quasi-saint!

Dealing with some mere rebellious princes was a mortal's job and not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this man in power, Yang Jian nodded slightly. Even if he was going to go to war, he would not let Li Jing lead the army. It would be a stretch for him to even be a vanguard general, so he did not have to worry about it.

At this moment, a round of flames suddenly fell from the sky outside!


In an instant, a naked red figure crashed into the yard, and smoke and dust rose!

Then a cheerful voice came into the house.

"Mother, look what I caught for you!"

"Big fish from the East China Sea, let's eat fish tonight!"

The voice was getting closer and closer, and suddenly Nezha ran in happily holding the tail of a shark, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw Yang Jian with a smile on his face, looking like he deserved a beating!

Nezha stopped laughing immediately and looked Yang Jian up and down.

Although he didn't cultivate his soul, his innate spiritual perception also made him feel that this person was very powerful and definitely not simple!

"Who are you?"

Yang Jian smiled indifferently, having expected this scene.

"I am Mu Yi, and I came here to help you practice."


Before Yang Jian finished speaking, a fire dragon suddenly rushed in front of him, and then Nezha soared into the air and shot down.

"Go to your stinky Taoist priest!"

"I won't go back to be used by you!"

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