Di Jun and Tai Yi left disappointed, as they did not get the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

After returning to the Lingxiao Palace, the atmosphere in the Lingxiao Palace was very tense, and everyone looked at Di Jun and Tai Yi solemnly!

The search for the purple qi failed this time, and the demon clan was also facing a huge crisis.

Di Jun first said:"Now that the six saints have returned, there are still great powers such as Hongjun Daozu, Qinglian Laozu, and Yuanfeng Laozu in the prehistoric world. If our demon clan cannot have someone to prove the Tao, it will decline rapidly. Do you have any way to solve the current predicament!"

Bai Ze sighed:"In any case, this is a dead end. The six saints are now all back in their positions. Pangu and the Three Pure Ones are dissatisfied with our demon clan in charge of the heaven. Facing the saints, we are like ants. Although Nuwa is the saint of our demon clan, she is ultimately no match for the Five Saints. We... We need to find a way out!"

Fuxi pondered for a moment and said,"How about trying to find a solution from Patriarch Qinglian?"

Kunpeng snorted coldly,"Patriarch Qinglian, I have had contact with him a long time ago.

During the period of the three ancient tribes, Patriarch Qinglian and Patriarch Yuanfeng were the first group of people who dominated the prehistoric world.

However, they were inexplicably beaten back by the Dragon Clan and the Qilin Clan.

It was not until the outbreak of the quantitative catastrophe that I realized that Patriarch Qinglian had known about the quantitative catastrophe a long time ago and took this opportunity to withdraw from the prehistoric world and not suffer from the cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao.


Speaking of the ancient quantitative catastrophe, everyone was curious.

Di Jun hurriedly said,"Please ask the demon master to tell us about the ancient things! This Patriarch Qinglian is so powerful?"

Kunpeng nodded,"Of course he is powerful. It is said that the Taoist almost fell at the hands of Patriarch Qinglian. This matter was widely circulated among the prehistoric powers at that time."


Suddenly, everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect that Daozu almost fell. This is amazing.

Kunpeng continued,"Until now, Daozu has still achieved the Dao, and he didn't need to find Qinglian Patriarch to settle the cause and effect. You can imagine that Qinglian Patriarch is far from being as simple as we imagined. Moreover, Qinglian Patriarch can make Yuanfeng prove the Dao, which shows that Qinglian Patriarch has the method of proving the Dao of Hunyuan!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded continuously,"Yes, that's right!"

Di Jun frowned and asked,"Why is Qinglian Patriarch Hunyuan, and Daozu is a saint? What's the difference?"

Kunpeng smiled slightly,"The difference is that Daozu controls the Heavenly Dao. The disciples of Daozu who prove the Dao, their souls are entrusted to the Heavenly Dao, so they are naturally saints. The six saints of Daozu's disciples all entered the way of saints because of the Hongmeng purple qi. How do you feel about the power compared to Yuanfeng Patriarch's proof of the Dao?"

After hearing Kunpeng's words, everyone fell into deep thought.

Fuxi murmured,"The difference in power is too big to compare!"

Dijun asked in shock,"How could this be?" Kunpeng felt relieved when he saw that everyone looked like a country bumpkin. He was the ancestor, and being the demon master of these younger generations, Kunpeng was so frustrated.

A plan arose in Kunpeng's mind, and Kunpeng planned to completely destroy the demon clan.

Kunpeng was not a member of the demon clan, but a congenital clan. He was just trying to gain some merit by being a demon master.

Because of his bird body, he ended up with yellow mud falling off his crotch. It was shit if not shit.

Kunpeng also cursed in his heart:"I met you demon clan, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes. Not only did I lose my saintly position, but I also became a minister of the demon clan. I'm so embarrassed!"

If Kunpeng was given another chance, he would never invent any demon text or be a demon master. He must be determined to be his own ancestor. As long as he has no relationship with the demon clan, he will not be excluded when he occupies a seat.

That's right, if Kunpeng had behaved like a proud ancestor, this wouldn't have happened.

Yuanshi Tianzun wouldn't have squeezed him, because what Yuanshi Tianzun looked down upon was the demon race. Although Kunpeng was also a flying bird, he belonged to an innate race like the Phoenix race.

Secondly, if it had nothing to do with the demon race, then Dijun and Taiyi wouldn't have squeezed him, and Kunpeng's seat could have remained.

But he got involved with the demon race, lowering his status, and ended up like this.

Kunpeng felt remorseful, but there was no regret medicine in the prehistoric world.

Now Kunpeng's heart was filled with a strong plan for revenge.

Seeing that everyone was wondering why the gap between the saint and Hunyuan was so huge, Kunpeng came up with a plan.

"Yes, you all have seen, why is there such a big gap between the saints and Hunyuan? Daozu once said that there are three thousand great ways, and each one can prove Hunyuan, but what great ways did the six saints comprehend? Before becoming saints, the six saints were all quasi-saints like us, and they were instantly raised to saints. Isn't this forcing things to grow? Is this the right way?"

When Kunpeng said this, everyone nodded.

Taiyi had a bad temper and snorted coldly:"That's it. Before the six saints proved the way, their cultivation was not as good as mine and my elder brother, but now they have become saints in an instant. This is totally unreasonable."

Kunpeng sighed and said:"Yes, quasi-saints are also ants in the eyes of saints. We are too far away from saints and Hunyuan. Even saints are far from being our enemies. In my opinion, saints are not Hunyuan, but because of the Hongmeng purple air, they can exert the same magic power as Hunyuan!"

After hearing everyone's analysis, everyone suddenly realized that this was how the distinction was made. Now they understood.

Di Jun asked,"So, Daozu, Qinglian Patriarch, Yuanfeng are all Hunyuan, and the Six Saints are all saints!

" Kunpeng nodded,"Yes, that's right.

Of course, Hunyuan will not be indestructible for all eternity, and the reason why it is indestructible is that the saint's soul is in the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is immortal, so it will naturally be indestructible for all eternity.

The soul of the Hunyuan realm belongs to oneself, so there will be a higher direction.

I think that proving the way to Hunyuan is more difficult than proving the way to saints, but it is the real way of cultivation!



Kunpeng���These words woke everyone up, and now everyone understood the real difference between Hunyuan and saints.

However, Hongjun’s teachings changed the concepts, and everyone had not experienced these things, so they took them as golden rules.

But Kunpeng was different. Kunpeng was extremely smart, born early, and good at observation. He found the differences between Hongjun and the Qinglian Patriarch and summed up these principles.

Di Jun hurriedly asked:"Then, Master Demon, what should we do?"

Now Di Jun has begun to value Kunpeng and speak respectfully.

Kunpeng thought for a while and said:"The best strategy is to worship the Qinglian Patriarch as a teacher. The middle strategy is to find the Jade Disc of Creation mentioned by the Taoist Ancestor. The worst strategy is to destroy the witch clan and unify the prehistoric world!"

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