Nuwa became a saint, but Laozi and Yuanshi were very dissatisfied with this.

Laozi considered himself the eldest brother of the group, but now he was surpassed by his junior sister. He felt very uncomfortable, but he could do nothing about it.

After some consideration, he decided to go outside the thirty-three heavens to see how Nuwa became a saint and whether it would help him become a saint.

Laozi was already like this, and Yuanshi was even more unbearable. After hearing the news that Nuwa became a saint, Yuanshi's face turned ashen and his eyes were filled with anger.

Yuanshi always believed that Laozi was the first to become a saint, which was nothing to him. After all, Laozi was born much earlier than him and was the eldest brother of the group.

After that, it would be his turn to become a saint, but now he was surpassed by Nuwa. You must know that among the people who were destined to become saints by Hongjun Daozu, Nuwa's cultivation can be regarded as the lowest.

Moreover, Yuanshi had always looked down on the demon race, and had always described them as people who were born from eggs and covered in fur and armor. Now, such a person who was born from eggs and was born from wetness had become a saint before him. Wasn't this a slap in his face?

How could the arrogant Yuanshi bear this? Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but get angry, and his eyes looked fiercely at the sky, as if he was staring at Nuwa outside the thirty-three heavens.

Yuanshi Tianzun's jealousy was the strongest, and his jealousy was burning, making Yuanshi's hair stand on end.

Tongtian was calm and didn't think so much. He looked at his second brother curiously and said,"Since Junior Sister Nuwa has achieved enlightenment, we should go and congratulate her!" After the three of them discussed it, they headed outside the thirty-three heavens.

Yuanshi certainly didn't want to go, but in the face of the saint's power, everything had to be compromised, and he also wanted to know how Nuwa became a saint, so that he could get inspiration from it and become a saint as soon as possible.

Jieyin and Zhunti were also shocked by Nuwa's sainthood.

In fact, the two of them also thought that Laozi would be the first to become a saint. After all, Laozi was the one with the highest cultivation among the crowd, and his comprehension was also extremely high. However, they never expected that it was Nuwa, who had the lowest cultivation and the lowest comprehension among them, who became a saint.

This made the two of them shocked, but also a little happy. In this way, Laozi would definitely be dissatisfied with this, and who knows, several other people who were destined to become saints would also have ideas about this.

Several saints in the East would be at odds and even conflict because of this, so their chance in the West would come.

When the two of them thought of this, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly, then prepared gifts and went to the Thirty-three Heavens for pilgrimage.

There were also many great gods in the prehistoric times, who were also very surprised by this matter, but Laozi and Yuanshi were helpless about this matter. What could they say? They could only prepare gifts. Otherwise, if they made the saint unhappy, they would immediately turn into ashes!

A few days later, in the chaos outside the thirty-three heavens, Nuwa stood quietly in the chaos with her eyes closed. Dozens of people stood around her, including Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Jieyin, Zhunti, Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, Zhenyuanzi, and many other great gods.

Everyone came to congratulate Nuwa on her sainthood. After talking to everyone, Nuwa said,"Today I am going to open up a small world outside the chaos for my presence. Now is the time for me to open it up!"

Nuwa took out the red hydrangea and used the strength of a saint. The red hydrangea turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the thirty-three heavens, broke through the chaos, and opened up a small world in the chaos.

Although Nuwa was a saint, her strength was not as good as Pangu. Being able to open up a small world in the chaos was already her limit.

In the small world, earth, water, wind, and fire were raging. Nuwa directed the red hydrangea to continuously break up the generated earth, water, wind, and fire. The earth, water, wind, and fire were born and destroyed, and then destroyed and born again. Gradually, all things in the world were born in that small world.

Mountains and rivers were formed in that small world, with a largest peak in the middle, and an ancient palace located in it. The palace was inscribed with"Wuhuang Palace", which was Nuwa's dojo.

"This world will be called Wahuang Heaven from now on."

Nuwa said to the great gods behind her calmly. When a saint speaks, he naturally carries an irresistible majesty.

"Yes! Goddess Nuwa!"Some quasi-saints who had no hope of becoming saints responded. However, the few people chosen by Hongjun to become saints in the future just nodded.

"I will preach in the Yuwa Palace. Those who are predestined can come and listen. All Taoist friends can listen together."

The first sentence of Nuwa spread throughout the prehistoric world, but the second sentence was for the people around her.

The few people who came here were all people who had heard the Tao in Zixiao Palace. Even if Nuwa became a saint, she could only be called a Taoist friend.

"Let's go together!" Everyone responded.

Listening to the saint's teachings is also good for improving their own Taoism, so everyone will not miss this opportunity in vain.

It is rumored that Nuwa Niangniang will preach in Wahuang Palace.

Naturally, some people in the prehistoric world came to the Thirty-three Heavens.

Most of these people are from the demon clan, but they dare not enter the chaos.

When the number of people reaches a certain level, Nuwa Niangniang will release the light of guidance and lead the people who come to listen to the teachings to Wahuang Heaven.

These people entered Wahuang Heaven, but could not enter Wahuang Palace. How could they see the saint just by saying so? These people could only find a seat in Wahuang Heaven and start listening to the teachings.

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