So the two men and one woman carefully observed what the tribesmen needed and what they should do!

Su Chen sat cross-legged quietly on a big rock. When Nuwa saw Su Chen here, she naturally couldn't leave, and she also watched here.

This sitting lasted for several years, and Nuwa also watched the development of the female tribe with peace of mind.

One of them went back and carefully observed what the human race needed to change. The human race ate the meat of small animals raw, and they were completely powerless when they encountered powerful animals!

One day, a lightning suddenly struck from the sky, and a piece of dead wood was instantly ignited by lightning, and then burned some animals to death, scaring many animals to flee!

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and thought to himself:"My human race has no magic power and can't beat wild beasts, but we can rely on fire!"

Suddenly a fragrance filled the air, and he ran directly to the side of the fire and found that a wild beast had been burned to death. The disaster roasted the meat of the wild beast very fragrant, and he couldn't help but eat it!

But he didn't even enter the fire scene, and there was still a step away, so he couldn't get the meat of the wild beast!

So he looked around and found a dead branch. He picked the meat of the beast. The dead branch was instantly ignited. He was very happy and thought:"It turns out that dead branches can start fires!"

After getting the body of the beast, it was already roasted and smelled fragrant. So he immediately picked a leg to eat. It tasted very delicious, much better than raw meat!

So he couldn't help laughing:"Haha! That's great. It turns out that my human race has fire. Fire can make food, defend against beasts, and keep warm."

So after eating, he found a dead branch, lit the fire and ran back, but the fire went out before he ran back. Then, when he returned, he still couldn't bring it back to the human race and was destroyed!

Later, the wood struck by lightning also went out. The fire was gone. He was very distressed and didn't know what to do!

Suddenly, he remembered that the Virgin Mary said that if he didn't understand, he could ask her, so he hurried over and saw Nuwa sitting cross-legged on the bluestone. He quickly knelt down and said:"Virgin Mary, I have something to ask!"

The human race had just been born and didn't have so many complicated languages. If you have something to say, just say it directly, simply and clearly!

Nuwa asked,"Have you found what the human race lacks?"

He immediately said,"My human race lacks fire. Fire can keep out the cold, can make delicious food, and can defend against wild beasts, but I don't know how to get fire. Please tell me, Holy Mother!"

Nuwa was also very happy, so she said,"All things in the world are five elements. The five elements are mutually generated and restrained. The five elements are gold, water, wood, fire, and earth. They are generated in sequence, and gold, wood, earth, water, and fire are cyclically restrained. If you live, you can find the answer from them!"

So he thanked Nuwa, and then returned to the human race to think hard about how to get fire.

Suddenly he remembered something and murmured,"The last time the fire started, it was because the wood was struck by lightning to get fire. This time I should have no fire!"

So he found two pieces of wood and hit them, but there was no sign of fire. When he touched them, they were just a little hot.

Suddenly, he found that water was overflowing from the broken part, and suddenly he realized something, so he said:"The Holy Mother said that water overcomes fire, and this wood with water must not catch fire!"

So he found dry wood and started to hit it, but it still didn't catch fire, but because he kept rubbing the wood with his hands, it got hot!

He suddenly thought to himself:"Hitting doesn't work, but rubbing should work!"

So he kept rubbing two dry woods, and smoke came out after a while, but it was not enough to make a fire, so he immediately changed to drilling, and soon sawdust came out of the wood, and the heat ignited the sawdust, and a small flame was instantly born!

At this time, Nuwa appeared in front of him with satisfaction, and then said:"Okay, you created the first fire of the human race, I will name you Suirenshi!"

Suirenshi was overjoyed to see the Holy Mother, and then raised the torch to the sky and shouted:"I, Suirenshi, drilled wood to make fire today, becoming the first fire of the human race. From now on, the human race will bid farewell to eating raw meat and drinking blood and enter the era of fire!" The human race is the protagonist of the future heaven and earth, and the way of heaven is touched, and merits are instantly descended, and 20% is given to Nuwa!

One percent was added to the first fire, and instantly this fire became a meritorious holy weapon, the holy fire of the human race!

Seventy percent entered Suirenshi's body, and Suirenshi Suirenshi went from a mortal to a Daluo Jinxian like a rocket, which was simply amazing!

Nuwa nodded with relief and said,"Suirenshi, as a human, you should protect the human race in the tribe!"

Suirenshi hurriedly thanked Nuwa, then ran back to the human tribe and began to teach the way to start fire and roast food, so that the human race would no longer eat wild beasts!

Torches can also be used to keep warm in winter!

Another man was also looking for what the human race needed. At this time, the human race was sleeping in the wilderness. Suddenly, a heavy rain came. The torrential rain instantly soaked all the human race, and the torches were extinguished!

Sometimes at night, if you don't pay attention, the human race will be taken away by wild beasts, and there is no safety at night!

At this time, he found that a wild beast had drilled into a tree hole, which was not exposed to rain, and there was only one hole, which was very safe.

So he got inspiration and started looking for a tree hole, but when he found a tree hole, he couldn't get in at all. There was no tree hole that big, and he didn't know what to do!

Suddenly he remembered the words of the Virgin Mary, that if he didn't understand something, he could go to her, so he hurried to find Nuwa!

Seeing Nuwa sitting cross-legged on the bluestone, he knelt down hurriedly:"Greetings, Virgin Mary, I have something I don't understand and want to ask you!"

Nuwa nodded and said:"Do you know what the human race needs?"

He nodded quickly and said:"My human race has no place to hide when it rains heavily, and there are wild beasts attacking us when we sleep at night! My human race needs a tree hole, but I found a tree hole and couldn't get in at all, so I came to ask the Virgin Mary for help!"

Nuwa said:"One tree won't work, you can plant more trees!"

After hearing Nuwa's explanation, he suddenly got inspiration, so he hurried back, thinking:"The Virgin Mary is right, one tree won't work, so I'll get a lot of trees to block the wind and rain!" So he experimented He picked up some similar tree trunks and stuck them in the ground. Slowly, he had inserted a row of them. He thought with great joy,"The sides should also be filled!"

Soon he filled up the two sides, and then said to himself,"The front should also be filled, leaving a gap for me to enter at the beginning!"

So he left a gap, and then said with great joy,"Haha, this will protect me from wild beasts!"

Suddenly, raindrops fell and dripped on his face. He looked up at the sky and said,"The top should also be covered to block the wind and rain!"

So he hurriedly found some branches to cover it, but the raindrops still fell in. He hurriedly pulled out some thatch and spread it on top. After entering, no raindrops fell in.

At this time, Nuwa came over and said,"Yes, you built the first house for the human race. I will give you the name Youchao!"

Youchao hurriedly knelt down to pay homage to Nuwa, and then shouted loudly:"Youchao built the first house for the human race. From now on, the human race will bid farewell to the era of sleeping in the wilderness!"

In an instant, the Heavenly Dao felt it and bestowed merit on Youchao, and he also entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian. At the same time, his house became a golden and glittering holy artifact of merit, and then instantly shrank and flew into Youchao's hands!

Nuwa nodded with satisfaction and said,"As the ancestor of the human race, go and teach the human race to build houses!"

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