Now Yuan Feng knew that even if he sold himself, he could not pay off the karma, but he needed the technique very much.

Because he had no way out and could not figure out the way to practice in 100,000 years, Yuan Feng had no choice but to compromise.

But he still had to practice. There is a saying that too many debts do not worry, and too many lice do not itch.

Yuan Feng already owed Su Chen a lot of karma, and he did not care if he owed more.

Yuan Feng sighed and said,"Well, I can only rely on the future!"

Su Chen could not avoid these karma debts. Su Chen could not care, but karma is karma. If it is not resolved, it will hinder Yuan Feng's practice. It is not serious now, and Su Chen does not care.

If Yuan Feng owes Su Chen karma, and Su Chen asks for karma, then Yuan Feng will be entangled by the inner demon and it will be difficult for him to practice.

The karma owed is like someone grabbing your tail. Fortunately, Su Chen does not want it now and does not care, but Yuan Feng is not at ease.

The two people are equals, which means that Yuan Feng is destined not to become Su Chen's disciple, which means that karma will be repaid sooner or later.

Su Chen said:"Let's put the matter of cause and effect aside for now, Fellow Daoist Yuanfeng, since you are here today, I will teach you the Primal Chaos Art. This Primal Chaos Art can be practiced from the Golden Immortal stage all the way to the Primal Chaos stage. I have divided it into nine stages, namely the Nine Heavens. Once you can see the Nine Heavens, the Primal Chaos world will change!"

Upon hearing Su Chen's heroic words, Yuanfeng was immediately in awe:"What a great saying! Once you can see the Nine Heavens, the Primal Chaos world will change. Please tell me which Nine Heavens you are talking about!"

Su Chen said solemnly:"To attain the Primal Chaos, there are three corpses. Fellow Daoist Yuanfeng, please listen carefully."

Yuanfeng immediately sat upright and said:"Fellow Daoist Qinglian, please speak!"

Su Chen's method is to rush into the nine heavens, which is different from Hongjun's method of beheading the three corpses, but the similarity is that they are both because of the problem of the three corpses.

Su Chen must first explain the problem of the three corpses clearly, and then talk about how to practice.

"The three corpses are poisons. There are three corpse gods in the human body, named the Three Poisons. The upper corpse is named Peng Ju, who controls the good and evil of the upper part of the body; the middle corpse is named Peng Zan, who controls the good and evil of the middle part of the body; and the lower corpse is named Peng Jiao, who controls the good and evil of the lower part of the body."

"The upper corpse lives in the Yuzhen Pass, the middle corpse lives in the Jiaji Pass, and the lower corpse lives in the Weilu Pass. Every Gengshen and Jiazi year, they report good and evil. There are also nine poisons that cause great harm, blocking the three passes and nine orifices, so that the true yang cannot rise."

"The nine Gu have their own names. The first is Fu Gu, which resides in Yuzhen acupoint; the second is Long Gu, which resides in Tianzhu acupoint; the third is Bai Gu, which resides in Taodao acupoint; the fourth is Rou Gu, which resides in Shendao acupoint; the fifth is Chi Gu, which resides in Jiaji acupoint;"

"The sixth is the Ge Gu, which lives in the Xuanshu acupoint; the seventh is the Fei Gu, which lives in the Mingmen acupoint; the eighth is the Wei Gu, which lives in the Longhu acupoint; the ninth is the Xiao Gu, which lives in the Weilu acupoint.

The three corpses live in the three gates, and the nine Gu live in the nine acupoints, with many changes.

","It is unpredictable, turns into beauty, makes one dream of nocturnal essence, turns into illusion, and causes troubles when sleeping, making it difficult for cultivators to achieve the great way of life.


Su Chen explained the harm of the three corpses one by one, and Yuan Feng realized what the real problem that hindered his cultivation was, and suddenly his mind was opened.

Su Chen first explained what the reasons for hindering cultivation were, and then the real sermon came.

Su Chen continued:"From the Daluo Jinxian to Hunyuan, the real obstacle is the three corpses, so I created the method of Chongxiao, which is divided into nine skies, also called nine layers of heaven. Those who break through the ninth layer of heaven can prove Hunyuan!"

Yuan Feng asked hurriedly:"Which nine layers of heaven are they?"

"There are nine realms: Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Bixiao, Danxiao, Jingxiao, Yuxiao, Zhenxiao, Zixiao, and Taixiao. These nine realms are all closely related to the Three Corpses."

Hongjun's beheading of the Three Corpses was ruthless and unrighteous to the end, just like a living dead, but Su Chen's way is not like that. It will not be like the state of no good, no evil, and no obsession after beheading the Three Corpses of obsession.

Hongjun's way is a ruthless way, while Su Chen's way is a compassionate way.

Although Su Chen and Hongjun both comprehended the Jade Disc of Self-Creation and shared the same view that the Three Corpses are harmful to cultivation, their cultivation directions are really diametrically opposed.

Su Chen has the experience of personally observing the Great Dao, and Pangu is cultivating the Great Dao of compassion.

If Pangu was ruthless and inaction, how could he die to complete the world?

If Pangu was ruthless and inaction, how could there be a remarkably colorful world.

Hongjun's way is to obey the Way of Heaven. After beheading the Three Corpses, you can find that it is a complete obedience. Follow the Way of Heaven, obey the Way of Heaven, and therefore do nothing. This is a negative way

, represented by"behead". The meaning of"behead", as the name implies, is to cut off, cut off, etc. Su Chen's way is different. It is a positive way, represented by the word"rush", the will to move forward, surrender, and rush forward. Therefore, Su Chen's way is not a way of neither good nor evil and inaction, but a way of affection with good, evil, and affection. The next ten thousand years were the time when Su Chen preached to Yuan Feng alone.

In ten thousand years, Su Chen's preaching also improved his own way a lot. Where there were flaws, Su Chen repaired them all during his preaching.

Hongjun's way is to behead the three corpses, which means to behead the good, the evil, and the obsession, and then the way can be achieved.

Su Chen's way is to find the good corpse in the Shenxiao period and realize the way The period of the good corpse, the Qingxiao period is the period of breaking through, and the Bixiao period is the period of subjugation.

The Danxiao period is the period of understanding the evil corpse, the Jingxiao period is the period of breaking through, and the Yuxiao period is the period of subjugating the evil corpse.

At the Zhenxiao period, both good and evil are perfect, and the magic power is extremely deep.

Entering the period of finding obsession, the Zixiao period has already broken through the obstacles of obsession, and the future is smooth. In the Taixiao period, the obsession has been completely subdued by oneself, and the magic power of the three corpses is all perfect!

The Taixiao realm is very important, and the difficulty is much greater than the sum of the difficulties of the other eight Xiaos.

When you reach this realm, it means that the magic power of the three corpses is perfect, and the road of the avenue is transparent. Every time you break through a Xiao, the soul will have a new orifice.

When you reach the Taixiao period, the nine orifices of the soul have been formed. , this period has come to the stage of impacting Hunyuan.

And this period also means that there is no way out. If you succeed, you will be Hunyuan, and if you fail, you will have no chance. You must gather the magic power of the nine orifices and three corpses, and the indomitable will to directly break through the Taixiao period and achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If you fail, you will lose the opportunity to enter Hunyuan, because the nine orifices are opened up, and there is the source of enlightenment formed by itself in the nine orifices.

If you fail, the source of enlightenment will dissipate, and there will be no other chance to prove Hunyuan except reincarnation and recultivation.

As for how difficult it is, Su Chen is still unknown, because Su Chen has not yet proved Hunyuan.

Of course, it is definitely not easy to prove Hunyuan, but there is also a chance, and Hongjun's beheading of corpses seems to have no chance.

In principle, you have obeyed the way of heaven, so what are you proving Hunyuan!

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