In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun had the Jade Disc of Creation on his head, feeling extremely anxious.

"What should I do? Now the Heavenly Dao has begun to guard against me. Once Qinglian breaks through, I will have no way to survive. What should I do?"

"He is approaching the Heavenly Dao Realm. Once he reaches the late Heavenly Dao, he will definitely come to kill me. Time is running out for me, but I don’t have a complete Jade Disc of Creation, but he has two. For now, the only way to kill him is to devour the Heavenly Dao and merge with it. However, the karma owed to the Heavenly Dao must be repaid as soon as possible!"

Hongjun was anxious and restless.

Ever since Hongjun saw Qinglian had two Jade Discs of Creation and Pangu's power law, it was only a matter of time before he could cultivate to the late Heavenly Dao Realm.

After reaching the late Heavenly Dao Realm, Qinglian would definitely come to find him.

Hongjun only had one Jade Disc of Creation, so he was doomed to be stuck and unable to cultivate to the late Heavenly Dao Realm.

For now, there was only one way out, to completely merge with the Heavenly Dao and use the power of the Heavenly Dao to resist Qinglian.

As long as he merged with the Heavenly Dao before Qinglian entered the late Heavenly Dao Realm, and joined forces with Yang Mei, then killing Qinglian would not be a problem.

When Hongjun was getting anxious, a voice came from outside. It was Haotian's voice.

"Master, you let your disciples take charge of the Heavenly Court and manage all living things in the prehistoric world. However, no one in the prehistoric world obeys the management of the Heavenly Court, especially the disciples of various sects, who treat me, the Emperor of Heaven, as nothing.……"

"I have failed the master's expectations. I would rather resign from this position and return to the master's side to serve him.……"

The voice was as sad as it could be, as miserable as it could be, as if all the suffering in the world was inflicted upon itself.

"I already know your business, go!"

After dozens of breaths, a long voice came from the tightly closed Zixiao Palace, and then a strange wind arose for no reason, and in the blink of an eye, Haotian was swept up and sent back to the heaven...

Yuanshi Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain was extremely angry, and now Yuanshi urgently needed to vent his anger.

"Haotian, this little boy actually played tricks on the saint. If I don’t punish you, how can I let you know that saints cannot be desecrated?"

After all, Haotian is Hongjun's boy, and Yuanshi cannot directly punish Haotian.

Then Yuanshi Tianzun turned his attention to Yunhua, Haotian's sister.

Yuanshi knew that Haotian loved his sister the most, and even let him take charge of the Haotian Mirror. Yuanshi decided to let Yunhua secretly marry a mortal, which made Haotian lose face.

Fairy Yunhua lived in this cold heavenly palace all day long, and was very lonely.

During the Peach Festival, Fairy Yunhua was very happy to see that everyone sent all kinds of gifts, and she fiddled with them all day long.

At the same time, she also became curious about the human world, so she used the Haotian Mirror to observe it. Fairy Yunhua took a look. She was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery of the human world, but just appreciating it was not enough, so she wanted to see it for herself.

So her mortal heart moved, took the Haotian Mirror, and secretly went down to the human world.

As soon as she went down to the human world, she suddenly met three women, who were the three Xiaos who had just returned from the Peach Festival.

Yunxiao stopped Yunhua and smiled,"But is it the sister of the Emperor of Heaven, Fairy Yunhua?"

Yunhua nodded and said,"That's right, I wonder who the three fairies are?""

Yun Xiao smiled and said,"The three of us are disciples of Penglai Island. We are here to attend the Peach Festival on the orders of our uncle to invite Fairy Yunhua to Penglai Island."

"Penglai Island? But I don’t have Yuanyuan with Penglai Island?"

Yunhua was a little naive and curious.

Yunxiao smiled and said,"You practiced the skills of Penglai Island, how can you not have Yuanyuan!"

"Ah! My skills have been there since I transformed."

Yunxiao said with a smile:"Before you transformed, your uncle gave you the skills. Your brother must know it! Uncle wants to see you, come with us!"

Sanxiao was a little amused. The Qinglian Patriarch was so famous. Whoever wanted to meet the Qinglian Patriarch would be so happy. What a great opportunity it was, but there were people who didn't go.

Of course, Yunhua didn't really not want to go, but Yunhua didn't understand it at all.

Yunhua was naive, and immediately came to Penglai Island with Sanxiao.

After seeing Yunhua, Su Chen said:"Are you Yunhua?"

Yunhua nodded quickly:"Yes, I am Yunhua! Ancestor, why are you looking for me?"

"I came to you to save you!" Su Chen said calmly!

"Save me?" Yunhua was confused!

Su Chen nodded:"Your brother offended Yuanshi, and it was Yuanshi who arranged for you to go to the mortal world. You and I have a connection, so I ordered Sanxiao to bring you here. Stay in Penglai Island for a while first. When your worldly desires fade away, you can leave!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yunhua immediately felt embarrassed and lowered her head.

Su Chen continued:"I met Haotian before you transformed. Seeing that you were about to transform, I taught you the skills. This is your fate. You have been practicing my Penglai Island method, but your progress is not good. Ask Yunxiao and the other two more during this period of time! Go!"

Su Chen asked Yunxiao to arrange Yunhua, and then he stopped caring.

Yuanshi Tianzun originally planned to teach Haotian a lesson by letting Yunhua secretly marry a mortal and give birth to a child, and then let his disciples take Yunhua's child as a disciple.

Yuanshi's plan was good, but something went wrong, Yunhua disappeared.

Yuanshi was stunned and hurriedly calculated, but no matter how he calculated, there was no clue, as if this person disappeared out of thin air.

"What's going on? Why is Yunhua gone?"

Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes wide, incredulous.

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