Hongjun impatiently asked Tiandao for 100% of his power to destroy Su Chen. But

Su Chen said that if he gave Hongjun 100% of his power, Tiandao would surely be devoured!

The Eye of Tiandao was still so ruthless and indifferent, but the Eye of Tiandao did not make any other moves.

Now the Eye of Tiandao found that neither of these two people could be missing. Without Qinglian, Hongjun would hold the power and would attack Tiandao sooner or later because Hongjun was ambitious.

Without Hongjun, Tiandao would become incomplete again, and Qinglian would be a greater threat.

Unknowingly, a balance appeared.

Seeing this, the corners of Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Daoist Hongjun, I am leaving now!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he instantly disappeared into the endless void. Seeing Su Chen walk away openly, Hongjun was so angry that his long nails almost dug into his flesh.

Hongjun didn't understand why he wanted to sell the Tongtian plan and how Qinglian knew about it.

The Eye of Heaven did not change at all, but at this time, the Eye of Heaven was more vigilant against Hongjun.

This time, Hongjun failed to gain anything by stealing a chicken, and not only did he not use Heaven's fear of Qinglian to eliminate Qinglian.

On the contrary, because of Qinglian's words, Heaven even feared Hongjun. The strategic significance of this incident is huge.

After Su Chen returned to the secret room, he felt very comfortable and smiled unconsciously.

At the moment Su Chen continued to retreat. When he reached the critical point of cultivation, Hongjun came to disturb him. It was really hateful. Fortunately, Su Chen quickly entered the state and began to push the road to the Heavenly Dao Realm.

When Shennong was at home revising the"Hundred Herbal Classics", he could not help but neglect his family.

Shennong had a daughter named Jingwei, nicknamed Nuwa, who was the most beloved by Shennong, but she was also very sensible.

Seeing that her father was busy, Jingwei did not disturb him and only played with the children in the tribe.

One day, Jingwei went out to play, but saw an older child riding a younger child as a horse.

The children were tired and climbed down, but the older child was still unwilling to give up.

Jingwei walked over, pointed at the older child's forehead and angrily scolded:"You are too shameless. What's the point of bullying a child?"

The older child saw that Jingwei was a little girl, born thin and weak, and did not take her seriously at all.

He jumped off the child's back, walked up to Jingwei and said:"I am the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Who are you? How dare you control me!"

When Jingwei heard him say this, she said,"What's so great about the son of the Dragon King? I am the daughter of Shennong, the leader of the human race."

When the third prince of the Dragon King heard that Jingwei was the daughter of the leader of the human race, he thought that he was indeed no match for her on land, so he glared at Jingwei and left.

A few days later, Jingwei went to the sea to swim and was having a lot of fun. He happened to be discovered by the third prince of the Dragon King.

He swam over and said to Jingwei,"You bullied me on land that day, and today you ran to the East China Sea. Let's see how arrogant you are. Admit your mistake quickly, otherwise I will stir up a storm and drown you."

Jingwei said stubbornly,"I am not wrong, what's there to admit."

Seeing that Jingwei was stubborn and had no intention of admitting defeat, the third prince of the Dragon King immediately stirred the sea water and set off a storm.

Seeing that Jingwei was about to die under the rolling waves.

At this time, a man in brocade clothes suddenly appeared in front of Jingwei.

Seeing the surging waves coming, the man in brocade clothes snorted coldly, and suddenly a colorful divine light appeared behind him.

The waves subsided in an instant, and the man in brocade clothes carried Jingwei out of the water.

At this time, Ao Bing, the third prince of the East China Sea, came to the man in brocade clothes and asked fiercely:"Who are you? How dare you interfere in the affairs of my dragon clan?" When the man in brocade clothes saw Ao Bing, he immediately felt boundless disgust in his heart.

"Dragons are just reptiles. My name is Kong Xuan. Remember, get out of here quickly or I will pull out your dragon tendons!"

Ao Bing saw that Kong Xuan had an extraordinary bearing and powerful magic power, and knew that he was not someone to be trifled with. He immediately gave Kong Xuan a vicious look and returned to the sea.

Kong Xuan came out of Penglai Island. Just when he was interested in flying in the East China Sea, he saw Jingwei and decided to save her immediately.

Kong Xuan had the method of observing the aura. Seeing that Jingwei had an extraordinary bearing and luck, he came.

Jingwei saw that the evil dragon had left and hurriedly said,"Thank you, big brother, for saving me. That evil dragon was too bad!"

Kong Xuan smiled and said,"What's your name and who is your father?"

Jingwei hurriedly said,"My father is Shennong, the leader of the human race, and my name is Jingwei."

After hearing what Jingwei said, Kong Xuan was stunned:"I didn't expect it to be the child of the emperor. No wonder he has luck."

Jingwei stared at Kong Xuan curiously and asked,"Big brother, are you a great immortal? Can I worship you as my teacher?"

"Become my disciple?"

Kong Xuan was a little stunned. Kong Xuan just came out to relax and never thought of accepting a disciple.

However, seeing Jingwei's expectant eyes, Kong Xuan nodded:"Okay! I will accept you as my disciple."

After hearing this, Jingwei was overjoyed:"Disciple Jingwei, meet the master!"

After Kong Xuan accepted Jingwei as a disciple, he decided to stay in the human race for a while and teach Jingwei the skills.

Jingwei also studied hard, because Shennong was too busy, so he didn't pay attention to this matter.

Ten thousand miles north of the human capital Chendu, there was a medium-sized human tribe named Youxiong, which was near the Ji River. The monarch was named Shaodian.

He had two wives, one was Nvdeng and the other was Fubao. They were sisters and daughters of Youqiao.

One night, Fubao saw a flash of lightning surrounding the pivot star of the Big Dipper.

Then, the pivot star fell down, and Fubao became pregnant by induction. After twenty-four months of pregnancy, a child was born. This child had just been born , a Taoist priest came to the outside of Youxiong tribe.

The guards naturally reported the Taoist priest’s visit to the tribe leader Shaodian. Shaodian heard that a cultivator had arrived and did not dare to neglect him. He put down his child and hurried to greet him.

When he arrived at the gate of the tribe, Shaodian saw a cultivator in a moon-white Taoist robe with an extraordinary appearance. Shaodian hurriedly saluted.

This Taoist priest was Guangchengzi. According to the order of Yuanshi Tianzun, he came down the mountain to accept the Emperor as his disciple in the envious and jealous eyes of many fellow disciples. Guangchengzi bowed to Shaodian.

He said with some arrogance:"I am Guangchengzi, the eldest disciple of Pangu Yuqing Saint Yuanshi Tianzun. Today I have come to accept Linger as my disciple. There is no need to be polite, tribe leader."

When Shaodian heard this, he knew that Yuanshi Saint was the junior brother of Taiqing Saint, and that Tianhuang and the current co-lord were all disciples of Taiqing Saint.

Shaodian was overjoyed and invited Guangchengzi into the big tent. When they arrived at the big tent, Shaodian asked Guangchengzi to take the seat, and he sat at the bottom, and ordered his clansmen to call Fubao to bring the newborn baby.

Not long after, Fubao came to the big tent holding a child. Guangchengzi, who was talking to Shaodian, couldn't help but cast his eyes on the child and nodded with satisfaction.

"The natural Taoist fetus is really a piece of unpolished jade."

Fubao didn't know what was going on, but Shaodian had heard that the saint's disciple was coming to recruit a disciple.

He hurried forward and said,"This child is newborn, please give him a name, Immortal." Fubao, who was standing next to him, was also a smart person. When he heard Shaodian call out the word"Immortal", he hurriedly looked at Guangchengzi.

At this time, Guangchengzi said,"This child has a fate with me. He was born near Xuanyuan Hill and was named Xuanyuan. Today, I am here to recruit a disciple. This child should be my personal disciple. I wonder what the clan leader thinks?"

After saying that, he looked at Shaodian and Fubao indifferently.

Shaodian's expression was happy, and then changed again. He asked anxiously,"The Immortal is willing to accept him as a disciple, and I will naturally be more than happy. But, does the Immortal want to take him back to the mountains to practice?" Guangchengzi said,

"Don't worry, clan leader, Xuanyuan is the successor of the tribe, and I will stay here to teach Xuanyuan instead of taking him back to the mountains to teach."

Shaodian's expression relaxed when he heard this. After all, no one wants to be separated from their newborn child.

Guangchengzi stayed in Youxiong tribe and waited for Xuanyuan to grow up.

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