Soon, he got up from the bed and saw Bai Shi Taozi cleaning the house. Bai Ziyu looked guilty and said,"Taozi, what happened this morning?..."

"Ah~, I suddenly forgot that there is soup cooking in the kitchen, I'll go and have a look!"

Looking at the girl who fled in panic, Bai Ziyu couldn't help feeling helpless.

Is it that serious? I won't eat people?!

But he could understand why the other party would do this!

After all, he learned from chatting with the other party that her mother was bedridden all year round, and her thirteen-year-old brother was still in elementary school. The burden of the family was on her father's shoulders.

Children of poor families grow up early, so after going to college, she never asked her family for a penny.

She relied on part-time jobs to get through four years of college.

At her peak, she worked three jobs in a row.

In addition to keeping"two or three zero" for her tuition and daily expenses, the rest of the money she earned was mailed back home.

In this case, she naturally had no time to fall in love.

This also led to the fact that although she was 22 years old, she was still a A rookie with no emotional experience.

Therefore, after the misunderstanding in the morning, the other party showed such a bewildered look.

The whole morning passed slowly in such an awkward atmosphere between the two.

In the afternoon, after ordering him to stay at home, Bai Ziyu came to the gate of Qingteng Women's College.

Soon, with the ringing of the school bell, a large number of young and beautiful girls gushed out.

All you can see are JK short skirts, and their legs are dazzlingly white under the refraction of the sun.

Many of them went to the luxury cars parked on the side of the road and threw themselves into the arms of men who were older than their fathers.

The relationship between them can be imagined even with your knees.

In his previous life, Bai Ziyu had heard that in front of some universities, a bottle of mineral water would be placed on the top of some cars.

I never thought that after traveling to this dilapidated world, I could actually witness such a scene with my own eyes. It was really worth the trip!

At this time, several girls saw Bai Ziyu's car, and a gleam of light flashed in their beautiful eyes.

Although there was no mineral water on the roof of the other party's car, how could they know if they didn't try it? What if it worked?

If it really worked, I wouldn't have to worry about my pocket money next month!

It's a pity that flowers have intentions, but flowing water is ruthless.

After trying for a while without success, they had to leave in embarrassment.

After a long while, Bai Ziyu, who was the target of his trip, finally rolled down the window, waved his hand and greeted:"Hino Yuri!"

The girl who was talking to Himino Yuri frowned slightly when she heard the call:"Yuri, it seems someone is calling you again!"

"Is there any?"

Hearing this, Himeno Yuri stopped and listened carefully.

"Himeno Yuri!"

"Someone is really looking for me, who is it?"

She turned her head in confusion and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar boy waving at her.

At this time, she also noticed the other party's companion and immediately exclaimed:"Wow~, what a handsome boy, Yuri, could this be your boyfriend?!"

"We have only met once, we are not even friends!"

"Really? Then why did she specially come to the entrance of the college to wait for you?! We are good sisters. If you have a boyfriend, you can't hide it!"

"Oh~, it’s really not like that, I’ll go ask him what he wants to talk to me about, and we’ll talk later!"

Seeing that the other party was gradually surrounded by other women, Himeno Yuri said hurriedly, and then walked up quickly.

Squeezing in front of Bai Ziyu, the girl asked in confusion:"Mr. Hanyu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"It’s not convenient here, let’s go somewhere else!"


Faced with such a proposal, Himeno Yuri hesitated, after all, they had only met once.

Although her father praised her yesterday, what if the other party had ill intentions?...

But then, Bai Ziyu's words made her face change slightly:"It's about Minister Ji Ye."

"Father?! Okay!"

Finally, after hesitating for a moment, the girl nodded and agreed.

"This Yuri, she said he wasn't her boyfriend, but she left with him."

"Ah~, I'm so angry. She even hid her boyfriend from me, her best friend. This is unforgivable. I must let her treat me to a meal tomorrow."

Looking at the car going away, a girl kicked the ground lightly and muttered with resentment.

In a remote park, the girl saw Bai Ziyu parked his car here, and her heart was in her throat.

What does he want to do?!

At this time, Bai Ziyu smiled lightly:"Ms. Yuri, I have something I want to show you!"

As he said that, his hand gradually reached down.

Seeing that he was about to..., Himeno Yuri immediately unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out of the car.

But the car door had been locked by Bai Ziyu.

Feeling Bai Ziyu approaching, the girl curled up tightly, closed her eyes, and waved her arms:"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

"Miss Yuri, open your eyes, I have something to show you!"

"Baka! I don't want to see your ugly thing, let me go quickly, or I will call the police..."


After being scolded for no apparent reason, Bai Ziyu felt completely confused!

No, I just wanted to show you some documents, what's so ugly about that?!

But then, he came to his senses and was speechless for a moment.

No? I was just about to open the storage compartment to take out the documents. Hey~

Seeing that the other party had misunderstood, Bai Ziyu hurriedly explained:"Ms. Yuri, you misunderstood. I just..."

When faced with the explanation, the girl's reaction was: I don't want to listen! I don't want to listen!

In the end, Bai Ziyu was forced to take other measures.



The girl was suddenly attacked and struggled violently. During this struggle, she subconsciously opened her eyes.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Bai Ziyu did not push his luck, although the taste was really good.

After opening her eyes, she found that the other party did not reveal that ugly thing, and the girl breathed a sigh of relief. But then

, she remembered that he had just kissed her forcefully.

She wanted to blame him, but she couldn't.

After all, if she hadn't misunderstood, if she had listened to his explanation, this situation would not have happened.

But if she didn't blame him, what she lost was her first kiss!

She originally wanted to leave it to him....But now it's gone, gone!

Just when the girl was in a dilemma, Bai Ziyu handed over a document.

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