Everyone was in an uproar.

The chief of the tribe, Yunhe, frowned and his eyes flickered.

He glanced at the bonfires rising around him and the expressions of his tribesmen. He was a little hesitant in his heart. At this time, a confidant of the tribe came forward and told him what happened during the day.

The chief knew that he would also notice the celestial phenomenon when he returned today, but because it was not in the center and disappeared quickly, he did not take it seriously. But when he heard from his tribesmen that a member of his tribe drilled wood to make fire, which caused the merits of the heaven to descend, he was also surprised and doubtful.

So he patted Shanyue on the shoulder and said,"Be patient."

Shanyue stopped talking after hearing this, because he knew that the chief would give him the first explanation.

Chief Yunhe stepped forward and took a closer look at Ye Chen. But he could not see any demonic aura. Although the acquired human race is not as good as the witch race and the demon race.

But his wisdom was not weak.

In this period when the innate spiritual energy was dissipating, some people in the human race also had some special abilities, such as wisdom eyes, five senses far beyond ordinary people, and telepathy.

It was not surprising that this chief was born with a pair of wisdom eyes, which could see the evil spirits, distinguish the plants and mountains, and predict the future.

���He was able to become the chief because of his danger, but he could not guarantee whether Ye Chen was possessed by a monster.

There were countless powerful people in this prehistoric world, and the human race survived in the cracks by being cautious.

Ye Chen just stood there and watched with the chief.

After all, he was his wife's father.

In his memory, the chief Yunhe had a pair of wise eyes and could distinguish the good and evil of monsters.

He treated the tribe members very well and was a qualified leader.

On the contrary, Shanyue, relying on his natural supernatural power, was unruly in the tribe.

The original body had a very bad impression of him, and the two had no intersection.

However, for a seriously ill person, Shanyue felt that he would drag down the entire tribe, so he had always disliked him.

"Elder, is it true?" After observing for a while, Yunhe looked at the elder uncertainly for confirmation. After all, the elder was the think tank of the tribe. His opinion was very important, and he had seen it all since he was a child.

As an eyewitness, the elder said without hesitation:"Yunhe, I saw everything with my own eyes, there is no mistake, this is a blessing for our tribe, let Shanyue apologize to the adults quickly."

Yunhe hesitated, he believed that the elder would not lie.

But a weak and sick tribesman could suddenly drill wood to make fire and gain merit from the way of heaven.

This is what made him doubtful, but with his current knowledge, how could he tell the difference.

So he thought about it, stepped forward and said to the elder:"If this is true, my tribe should be prosperous, but it happened suddenly. The prehistoric monsters often transform into humans, and it is not uncommon for them to devour my people. It is better to be careful."


The tribesmen were surprised and suspicious when they heard what the chief said.

Indeed, there was a big monster that transformed into a human and devoured the human race.

Today's events were too weird for them to understand.

Maybe it was really the work of the monsters, possessing the human race.

Even the elders were a little doubtful and looked at Ye Chen.

Is this old thing still an uncivilized primitive man?

Ye Chen cursed in his heart when he heard this. If it weren't for his daughter. He really wanted to punch him to death, but before Ye Chen could say anything, Shanyue, the first warrior of the tribe, stood up.

He strode forward and shouted:"Chief, elders, we will know whether he is a monster or not by trying it!"

Everyone looked at Shanyue with surprised eyes.

Ye Chen knew that this was someone who robbed his woman, and the other party was very unhappy. There was no point in arguing with him. In this era, whoever has the bigger fist is justice.

But the clay man still had some temper, so he looked at Shanyue and said:"How do you want to prove it?"

As a warrior who fights with wild beasts all day long and walks between death, he has seen too many tribesmen fall into the mouths of monsters.

Naturally, he has a way to distinguish, so he sneered:"Whether it is true or not, let's have a competition and we will know after a try!"

Shanyue, as the first warrior of the tribe, is also a gifted person.

Not only is he born with supernatural powers, but he also has a talent that ordinary people do not have, an extremely keen sense of smell.

Whenever monsters and goblins use their magic power, he can smell the evil spirit. If Ye Chen takes action and uses magic, he will definitely be exposed.

After these words came out, the other tribesmen were speechless, but just looked at Ye Chen quietly.

After all, they were not sure whether Ye Chen was possessed by the monster clan.

After all, the fear of the monster clan has penetrated into the soul.

And the elder did not stand up at this time.

Things have come to this point.

Ye Chen looked at Shanyue coldly:"Since you want to try, I will follow your wish."

Even teenagers can lift a hundred pounds.

Adult men can lift four or five hundred pounds. Warriors like Shanyue are born with supernatural powers.

They can lift one or two thousand pounds, as can be seen from the fact that he carried the black bear's corpse.

However, Ye Chen has his own confidence. Under the transformation of the golden light of merit, he has been reborn.

Except for the lack of cultivation, his strength is definitely far beyond that of humans. He feels that he has the strength of ten thousand pounds!

He doesn't take a mere acquired human seriously at all.


Shanyue shouted, and immediately strode forward, gathering all his strength. He punched out fiercely, and the air made a sonic boom.

He used all his strength in this punch, and even a black bear would be crushed to death.

This kid had no martial ethics and attacked suddenly. It seemed that no matter whether it was a demon or not, if he had been hit by this punch before, he would have been directly crippled. However, facing such a punch, Ye Chen did not intend to hold back. He was the last to arrive and punched out!


The moment the fists touched, there was a sound of bone fracture.

Then we saw Shanyue's huge body, and he flew dozens of meters away.

He rolled in the haystack and let out a heart-wrenching wail.

His right arm was directly shattered and fractured, and he had no strength to fight.

He defeated the first warrior with one punch, and crushed him!

"This, one punch beats the mountain!"

"Such a terrifying power. When did he become so strong?"

"Were you a sickly person before?"

"Could it be that he is really a god who has received merits from heaven?"

This scene shocked all the tribesmen, especially those who had just returned from hunting.

This was Shanyue, the strongest warrior in the tribe. In terms of strength, he was second only to the chief, but in front of Ye Chen, he couldn't even take a single punch. They looked at Ye Chen in disbelief, full of awe and admiration. The strong can win respect in any era.

Ye Chen defeated Shanyue simply with his strength, and there was no demonic fluctuation in his body. At this moment, everyone knew that Ye Chen was really a god who had received merits from heaven and had been reborn!

The chief who was watching on the sidelines glanced at Shanyue in the distance, retracted his gaze, and immediately knelt on the ground:"My lord, calm down. Shanyue is also for the safety of the tribe. I hope you will spare his life."

Ye Chen put his fist away and stood up. He was extremely happy at this moment. He thought to himself that the golden light of merit was really a good thing!

Relying solely on his strength, he was not afraid of ordinary monsters. What's more, he was protected by the acquired merit spirit fire. If there really was a big monster, he would set fire to it.

He needed more merit. Ye Chen hesitated about the chief's plea. After thinking about it, he felt that he should give him some face. After all, he still had a lot of things to do. The most important thing was to marry someone's daughter, who would be his future father-in-law after all.

Ye Chen said,"If you question me, you may be exempted from the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living crime. You will be expelled from the tribe."

Everyone thought it was reasonable. After all, offending a great contributor to the human race was a serious crime.

Not killing him was already a special favor, and exiling him to a world where monsters were rampant, the result was self-evident.

Soon someone dragged Shanyue away and exiled him to the wild.

After a storm, the chief personally led the way for Ye Chen.

He had no objection to his daughter's choice. After all, the one who could defeat Shanyue with one punch and bring fire to the tribe must be a great man of the human race. He didn't have time to curry favor with him, and soon he recognized the reality and treated him with the same fear of gods as the elders. When Ye Chen and Yue'er entered the bridal chamber,

Ye Chen's new home is still a cave, but it is a luxurious version of a cave.

The interior space is very large, with soft animal skins as beds and animal bones as decorations. It makes no difference to Ye Chen. The most important thing is that the bed is big enough.

At this moment, a fire started in the stone cave, illuminating the dark night and making the humid environment a little drier.

Yue'er sat on the stone bed, blushing and lowering her head, not daring to look directly at Ye Chen.

Beside the fire, Ye Chen added some firewood and felt that it was time to get down to business.

He still had some knots in his heart, after all, that Shanyue made a fuss.

So after sitting down, he asked,"Are you and Shanyue in love?"

Hearing this, she trembled, and his eyes were tearful and red.

Ye Chen was stunned. Could it be that he really broke up the couple?

Why don't I let you cry? I am a normal man after all. If you are unwilling.

I am too lazy to marry him. With his current background, he can live a good life in the future.

What woman can't he get?

"What? You compromised because of my power. No need to. If you have someone you love, I can let you go."

"No... no." Yue'er opened her red lips and explained anxiously,"I grew up with Shanyue, but I have no feelings for him. It's just that my father has been trying to bring us together. It's not my intention."

So that's it.

As long as you don't have someone else in your heart

, it's fine. Since you've become my woman, you must be devoted to her.

Although there is no sense of ceremony, Ye Chen still decided to go through the process.

Nodding, he said,"Well, in that case, you are truly my wife, and from now on you will support your husband and children, manage the household virtuously, and live in harmony with me."

Although she didn't understand, she could probably understand the meaning. Yue'er bit her plump red lips and nodded shyly,"I agree."

Ye Chen got a satisfactory answer, and his mood was floating.

At this moment, the light from the fire shone on Yue'er's beautiful cheeks, dyeing them pink. The exquisite animal skin coat could not cover the whiteness of her body. Her flawless and moist belly revealed her slender waist. The straight long legs that could not be covered by the animal skirt aroused endless reverie and made people want to find out.

Ye Chen, who was about to do his business, took Yue'er's slender jade fingers.

Suddenly, a cold mechanical metal sound rang out.


"Detecting the host marrying a wife, the system of having many children and many blessings is activated"

"Binding successful."

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