What a great profit!

Sure enough, opportunities are born in places where power is concentrated.

I ordered people to look for them in the tribe, but could only find two spiritual roots.

But after a walk, I found two superb beauties. They both have special roots. Could it be that the Golden Dragon of Luck has taken effect?

Ye Chen thought that it might be possible that the Golden Dragon of Luck can make people's luck better.

It seems that I have to go out more often in the future to try my luck.

Ye Chen looked at the two women and said,"You two don't have to worry. Since I have bought you, I will naturally treat you well in the future, and I will also help you practice."

"Thank you for your mercy, Immortal."

The girl who had attained enlightenment with Snow Lotus was grateful upon hearing this.

For her, as long as she was no longer trapped in the hands of the demon, she would be free.

The man's power in front of her was pure and vast, not like an evil demon, and he was also very handsome.

The human woman bowed and said,"Thank you for your mercy, Immortal. May I ask if you are a human?"

Ye Chen looked at the human woman with some surprise.

This woman not only had the realm of Lianxu Hedao, but was also so beautiful.

How could she be abducted by the demon, and he could tell at a glance that he was a human.

"Yes, I am a human cultivator."

Hearing Ye Chen's admission, the woman was immediately surprised.

But she quickly calmed down, bowed again and said:"If the immortal is a human, I am willing to follow"

"Interesting."Ye Chen was secretly surprised, so he asked:"What's your name, where are you from, how did you get abducted by that demon?"

The human woman said calmly:"Report to the immortal, my name is Chang'e, I am a member of the human tribe in the southern region of the prehistoric world. I was captured by the demon on the way to the ancestral land of the human race and abducted here."

Ye Chen was shocked, but he remained calm on the surface.


Could it be the Chang'e who flew to the moon?

As a Chinese, who doesn't care about that allusion!

But this is the prehistoric world, Chang'e's origin is mysterious.

And in the future, she will become the wife of the great wizard Houyi.

There are all kinds of causes and effects, which are difficult to explain.

Even behind Houyi shooting the sun and killing nine golden crows, there is the shadow of this woman.

For a time, Ye Chen was very entangled in his heart!

He didn't know whether buying this woman was a blessing or a curse.

Yu frowned and said:"You are quite courageous. You dare to cross the prehistoric world to that Shouyang Mountain alone. Why do you have this cultivation?"

Chang'e nodded:"I dare not deceive the immortal. I accidentally got a fairy's secret and practiced here on my own."

It seemed that there was no flaw in the answer.

Ye Chen did have doubts in his heart, so he could only wait until later.

So he nodded and looked at the other woman:"What's your name, who are you, and how did you get here?" It was basically the same, called Bai Xuelian.

This snow lotus got the Tao by chance, and knew the danger of the prehistoric world.

She was afraid that the powerful would search for it for medicine, so she was cautious and practiced alone in the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

But she had been working behind closed doors and could never make a breakthrough, so she went out once and was informed by the monster, who set a trap, captured her, and brought her here.

"We are in the same boat." Ye Chen nodded, secretly opened his eyes to observe the two women carefully, and found that they were no different from what they said, so he said:"I will also tell you the truth, my Taoist name is Xuanyuan, I am practicing in the blessed land of Qingzhulin not far from here, you two will wait for me to watch the demon clan ceremony, and then come back with me to get married." Get married!

The two women were shocked when they heard this, but thinking about their fate, it was half deserved.

After all, it cost so much, it is definitely impossible to help for free.

But they didn't expect Ye Chen to be so direct, to get married as soon as he got back, and to force them to marry at this time.

"this……"Bai Xuelian blushed, and hesitated to speak, feeling uneasy.

She was originally a girl, and her temperament was indeed very simple. Although Ye Chen was handsome, she was still very flustered when she thought about becoming his wife.

""My Lord, I have a request. If you can satisfy me, I am willing to repay you with my body and be your wife from now on. I will be loyal to you forever." Chang'e said

"Oh?" She actually negotiated with him. Ye Chen looked at Chang'e and said,"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Chang'e frowned and said sharply,"Please kill the demon who kidnapped me and Sister Xuelian, otherwise my heart will never be at peace. This hatred is irreconcilable."

"Sister Chang'e is right!" Bai Xuelian also knelt on the ground:"I beg the immortal to kill this official, otherwise I will not be at peace in my heart and will be in vain for the immortal's grace."

This girl is a person with a strong personality. Although her origin is questionable, she has excellent roots.

If she is really Chang'e in the prehistoric world, then hasn't he intercepted Houyi's wife?

Maybe he thought too much, and it was really the two golden dragons of luck in his body that caused the pregnancy to explode.

And the roots of these two women can be compared with Qingyue. Marrying them will definitely be a reward explosion.

If it affects the heart of Taoism and does not resolve the knot, it will indeed affect the future.

So Ye Chen thought about it and said,"Well, you will be my wife in the future, and I will help you settle this cause and effect."

Fortunately, Ye Chen kept a careful eye and imprinted the consciousness on the old Taoist.

As long as he is still in the royal court, he can't run away.

So he swept his consciousness and was in trouble!

He actually ran away!

And the speed is very fast!

This old ghost is so cautious!

"I'll be back soon. If you keep running, I can't catch up with you!"

Ye Chen tore through the void and fled.

Chang'e and Bai Xuelian were surprised.

The night of the prehistoric world fell.

A black bird flew into the void.

The speed was ridiculous. If Ye Chen hadn't comprehended the law of space and the fairy feather Taoist robe, he would not have been able to catch up with it. This person seemed to be in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but his flying talent was comparable to that of the late Golden Immortal.

No wonder he dared to wander in the prehistoric world. It felt that his body was the blood of an ancient demon bird.

"Daoist friend, stop chasing me. I will return the fairy jade, please let me go!"

The black bird screamed in shock and begged for mercy.

Ye Chen chased after it, his figure flashed, and he opened up time and space again, shortening the distance by ten thousand miles. In a blink of an eye, he was a hundred miles away from the black bird. If he didn't escape from the royal court, Ye Chen would have a hard time taking action.

But this man was so alert, and letting him go would cause endless trouble.

"Haha, where are you in a hurry to go? I just want to discuss business with you."

"Daoist friend, don't joke around. I can feel your murderous aura from thousands of miles away. As long as Daoist friend lets me go, I will never set foot in this land again!" The black bird screamed, and once again urged its own blood essence to fly away, and in an instant it was thousands of miles away.

"Dare to run!"Ye Chen's heart gradually became cold. This old bird really has some skills. It's a pity that he can't escape now. He broke through time and space again. The next second, Ye Chen appeared ten miles behind the black bird.

"Daoist friend, you really won't let me go!" Seeing that he couldn't escape, the black bird suddenly stopped in the air, revealing his Dharma body and transforming into a shadowy old Taoist.

He was really scared. Even if he showed his true body and flew into the air, he couldn't escape. This human cultivator was too scary.

So he sacrificed two black and white scissors-shaped magic weapons to

"There is no other way. If you don't die, my wife and concubine will be restless. You can go with peace of mind."Ye Chen put his hands behind his back and looked at this person coldly.

"Humph!" Yin Yi old Taoist sneered, his eyes sharp as an eagle, full of sarcasm:"Daoyou are really a sentimental man. For a few women, you actually killed a golden fairy monster like me. I am a Taoist wandering in the wild and thousands of plants, and I am not that easy to bully. Look at the magic treasure!"

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