The terrifying vitality and innate spiritual energy in the body had nowhere to vent.

All of it was fused with the supreme fighting spirit by magic power, and all 365 immortal orifices in the body were poured out.

The Yuanshen controlled the acquired merit spiritual fire, and the heat burned even the void, surrounding Ye Chen's body.

The extreme is the merit spiritual fire, and when it reaches the limit, a series of vague laws of fire emerge.

Even Ye Chen didn't notice this!

And when the sword light was exhausted, it was like a sword that broke the sky and slashed towards the law thunder dragon.


The moment it touched, the law thunder dragon slapped it with one claw.

The blood-colored destructive force defeated the sword light!

It flashed and bit towards Ye Chen's body.


Knowing that he could not defeat the Law Thunder Dragon, Ye Chen's figure flashed.

He drove the boundless fire cloud to cover the Thunder Dragon. The fire cloud, which was infinitely close to the law, burned the Thunder Dragon. The

Law Thunder Dragon let out a shrill wail, and Ye Chen was immediately overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the full power of this acquired merit spirit cloud had a significant effect.

"Yes, this treasure is made of merit. With the merit of heaven, it naturally has the ability to resist the thunder tribulation of heaven!"

Ye Chen immediately realized that he was going to kill him while he was sick.

He swung out a sword, carrying boundless sword intent and slashing at the dragon head.

Just as he was about to slash at the dragon head, the Law Thunder Dragon seemed to be enraged.

He actually broke free from the merit spirit fire and bit towards Ye Chen. He bit and swallowed the sword light, and came to Ye Chen in an instant, and his huge mouth was about to swallow him.

""It's bad!"

Ye Chen was shocked and had no time to dodge. His consciousness escaped into the darkness.

Instantly, the endless blood-colored thunder wrapped him up and entered the belly of the Thunder Dragon of Law.

His body exploded and became like charcoal.

Half of his face was peeled off, and there was no good part of his body.

He looked like a charred corpse.

The endless blood-colored thunder was still moving, attacking his internal organs, soul, primordial spirit, and 360 immortal orifices, devouring his magic power!

"In this life, I want to step onto the highest level and see the scenery. How can I die here!"

The violent vitality and innate spiritual energy in Dantian are constantly repairing, resisting, and stopping the power of the blood-colored thunder tribulation.

With an indelible will, Ye Chen used all his magic power to resist and breathed a sigh of relief.

Live to die!

The Qingyun Sword kept stirring, and in an instant, the sword light swung out a hundred swords. It pierced the body of the law thunder dragon frantically.

After the law was split and exploded, a path in the void was opened.

Ye Chen jumped out in an instant, looking at the scattered thunder, he waved his big hand with the merit spirit fire, and wiped it all out!

Standing proudly in the void, the wild wind swept across the world. Ye Chen held the Qingyun Sword and faced the sky with an unyielding will.

The brilliant vitality was repairing his body, and he was not afraid of Huang Zhongli's mana endurance!

The flesh was constantly nourished, and it was restored to its original state in a blink of an eye. The innate spiritual fruit Huang Zhongli was indeed mysterious, allowing Ye Chen to always maintain a strong combat effectiveness.

At this moment, he laughed at the way of heaven


Ye Chen was full of heroic spirit. At this moment, his mind and will were united, and his fighting spirit swept across the sky, as if he was mocking the thunder tribulation.


It seemed to feel Ye Chen's arrogance.

Three roars came from the center of the thundercloud!

In an instant, three law thunder dragons swam out.

Enveloped in the void with overwhelming destructive power, they fell towards Ye Chen from three directions.

After Ye Chen saw these three thunder dragons, he was no longer afraid.

Some of them were supreme fighting spirit, and they rushed towards the thunder dragon without retreating.

Protect the acquired merit spirit fire in front of him.

One person and one sword, fighting with the thunder dragon in the void gale!

This battle shattered the sky, and the law continued to repair the void.

Fighting with the thunder dragon was enough After half an hour, the Law Thunder Dragon finally dissipated.


A figure emerged in the void. It was Ye Chen's real body.

At this moment, he was like a human skeleton, with only a pair of eyeballs connected to the meridians and a small amount of flesh and blood left on his head, and blood-colored thunder was everywhere on his body.

This battle caused Ye Chen's body to collapse, his internal organs to shatter, and his blood to dry up. If it weren't for the Nine Revolutions of Xuanyuan Gong, which seized the fortune of heaven and earth and had supreme power to protect the original immortal orifice, his immortal orifice would not be destroyed, and his body could be reborn infinitely. He would have been swallowed by the Law Thunder Dragon, but this time he was dancing between life and death and almost died. Snap!

The Qingyun Sword collapsed at this time and turned into ashes.

After being devoured by the power of destruction several times, this acquired top-grade spiritual treasure could no longer bear it.

At the end of his life, a creaking sound came from the lower jaw of Ye Chen's skull.

He thought to himself what a pity, as he had often used the Qingyun Sword as a magic weapon since his debut.

He did not expect it to be destroyed in a thunderstorm.

The innate spiritual fruit Huang Zhong in the immortal orifice was still exerting its power, and the majestic innate spiritual energy seemed to have no end.

When he circulated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Origin Art, his body was constantly repairing, his bones and marrow were growing, his flesh, blood, meridians, and internal organs were repairing visibly, and even blood was being produced.

This was the incomparably overbearing benefit of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Origin Art, which far exceeded the physical cultivation method of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

The Pangu Authentic Art was not Are you kidding? Even the Heavenly Dao is afraid of this skill.

As long as the blood and bone marrow are still there, the body can be reborn.

When you reach the Golden Immortal Realm, you will be immortal and reborn in a thought!



When Ye Chen was repairing and upgrading.

The Five Mysterious Immortal Killing Tribulation was in turmoil again.

The Five Laws Thunder Dragon was born.

At this moment, the creatures within a radius of tens of millions of miles were trembling with fear. No matter what kind of creatures were crawling, even the powerful liches tens of millions of miles away felt uneasy. At this moment, the wind stopped, and the world was strangely quiet, but Ye Chen knew that this was the calm before the storm. The strongest calamity cloud of the Five Mysterious Immortal Killing Tribulation was waiting for a fatal blow.

"The acquired merit spiritual fire, or the time of nurturing is too short."

Raising his hand, Ye Chen surrounded the spiritual fire in front of him.

At this moment, the spiritual fire was sluggish, as if it would go out at any time.

But Ye Chen did not collect it. This fire was born with him and moved with him.

If he could survive this thunder tribulation this time, he would also get great benefits.

He sent out a magic power to support the merit spiritual fire, and the scorching temperature swept the void again. The spiritual fire turned into a foot long, and at this moment the flame had been infected with the power of destruction, and the blood was filled.

The law of fire was only at the last moment, and this discovery made Ye Chen excited.

But he knew that the acquired spiritual fire alone could not withstand it.

"Dinghai Shenzhu, it's your turn."

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