After Li Yi returned to the cave, he casually set up a ban in Zhu Yan's soul, and then threw this guy at the entrance of the cave, letting it wake up on its own.

He opened the chat group interface.

He found that the chat group is now quite lively.

Huashan Sect Leader Yue Buqun:"@Everyone! Ladies and Gentlemen, from today on, I, Yue, will be the most loyal believer of my God. My God is unparalleled in power. Everyone, please believe in my God quickly. If you can get the favor of my God, you will have endless fortune."

Tianxiahui leader Xiongba:"Sect Leader Yue, the my God you are talking about, do you mean the group leader? What happened to make you so excited?"

In Tianxiahui, Xiongba's eyes were faintly shining.

Yue Buqun's performance today was a little"abnormal".

He remembered that Yue Buqun was the first to download the"Incense Sacrifice Method".

Could it be that Yue Buqun really held a sacrifice and it came true?

Witch Wan Wan:"@Huashan Sect Leader Yue Buqun! Sect Leader Yue, you didn't really follow the method in the 'Incense Sacrifice Method' to sacrifice to the group leader brother?"

In the Yinkui Sect, Wan Wan sat up straight, looking at the chat interface with burning eyes.

She also downloaded the"Incense Sacrifice Method".

However, she did not set up an altar for the sacrifice.

It's not that she didn't trust Li Yi at all.

But, she didn't know that there was a trap. She did n't want to charge in front of him.

Northern Emperor Teng silently peeked at the screen.

Immortal King An Lan silently peeked at the screen.

Orochimaru silently peeked at the screen.

They also wanted to know the answer, and they were all waiting for Yue Buqun's reply.

Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan:"Yes, the group leader is now the only true god in my heart. I did perform the sacrifice according to the 'incense sacrifice method'. As for what happened, words cannot describe the excitement in my heart, nor can they describe the power of my god.

Fortunately, there is a function in the chat group to convert memories into videos.

Now I will record everything I experienced that day into a video and upload it to the group. You can watch it for yourself!" Yue

Buqun, the head of Huashan, has uploaded the video.

Qianqian, Xiongba, Wang Teng, Anlan, Dashewan and others downloaded the video to watch it as soon as possible.

After a while.

Everyone finished watching the video.

Wang Teng, Anlan, Dashewan were relatively calm, because they had similar means to raise a mountain a hundred feet out of thin air and make countless plants grow wildly in their world.

Of course, they just barely kept calm.

In fact, when they saw that Li Yi could really show his sainthood in other worlds and bring down good fortune, they were still extremely shocked.

This shows that Li Yi, the Great Celestial Lord of Central Primordial Taiyi, can really ignore the barriers between worlds, ignore the conflicts between world rules, and extend his power to other worlds.

This is enough to show how terrifying Li Yi is.

In their hearts, they couldn't help but feel awe for Li Yi.

Because, since Li Yi can extend his power to other worlds, then Li Yi can interfere with the operation of other worlds across endless worlds and time and space... and even kill people across boundaries!

"It is an incredible existence. I used to think that ninjutsu included all the secrets of this world... Now it seems that my mind is still too narrow."

In the Naruto world, Orochimaru is studying an experimental subject to see if it is suitable for planting the"Heavenly Curse Seal" to transform into a more powerful individual.

But now, he suddenly feels a little bored.

Even if the experimental subject he is studying is successfully transformed, all the power he possesses is not worth mentioning compared to Li Yi, the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable, as small as dust.

"……Perhaps, I should not cling to Ninjutsu, I should pursue the power of the group leader. That kind of power may allow me to truly achieve immortality!"

Orochimaru thought to himself.


After watching the video, the two people who reacted the most were Xianxian and Xiongba.

They were both from the martial arts world.

Where had they seen such a miracle?

"It's actually true. The group leader is really a supreme true god, and he can also descend to other worlds and bestow fortune."

Xianxian's face was full of excitement.

If she could get the gift from group leader Li Yi, then her Heavenly Demonic Technique would be perfected in an instant.


How could my vision be so short-sighted?

If I could get the reward from the group leader, why would I need to practice martial arts?

Wouldn't it be better to practice immortal arts directly?

"Hehe, Shi Feixuan, let's see how you can compete with me, Xianxian, in the future!"

Xianxian thought of her opponent Shi Feixuan, and couldn't help but fall into fantasy.

She imagined that she was having a decisive battle with Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan looked dignified, and with a serious face, she used the highest unique skill of Cihang Jingzhai,"Cihang Sword Canon", to kill her, the witch.

The momentum was fierce!

The sword energy was overwhelming!

But the beautiful Xianxian just glanced at the other party lightly, and just blew a breath of fairy air casually.

In an instant, the wind rose and the clouds surged, the sky was dark, and the so-called sword energy disappeared.

Shi Feixuan vomited blood with a look of astonishment on her face and flew backwards.

She looked at her, the beautiful Xianxian, in disbelief, as if asking, what kind of power is this? Thinking of such a scene, it might become come true.

Xianxian was so happy.

Xiongba was also very excited.

During this period, he left Tianxiahui.

It was not that he did nothing.

He mobilized all the forces of Tianxiahui at all costs at the first time, and found the Clay Buddha from the crowd, and then threatened the Clay Buddha to help him with the second fortune-telling.

As a result, the fortune-telling of the Clay Buddha was exactly the same as what Li Yi told him in the group in advance.

This time, he completely believed in Li Yi.

He thought that after a while, he would try the"incense and sacrifice method" to see whether Li Yi, the Central Hunyuan Taiyi Great Heavenly Venerable, would really respond to the sacrifice and send down miracles.

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