Although repairing the sea eye and repairing the earth veins are two different things, they have many similarities.

With the experience of repairing the earth veins in the West, and now Huang Long's Taoism is higher, a seed of the Great Way of Earth has condensed in the Qingyun.

Now repairing the sea eye can be said to be handy. In less than a hundred years, the sea eye was repaired.

Endless soil poured into the sea eye, completely filling the hole on the seabed and integrating with the thick earth.

This does not mean that as long as the hole in the sea eye is filled with soil, it is considered to be repaired.

If things were so simple, how could the dragon clan be trapped in the four seas?

Even if the dragon clan is not good at earth-related magical powers, it is impossible to mobilize soil to fill a few holes?

The real difficulty in repairing the sea eye is to make the soil filled in the sea eye completely integrated with the earth.

If this cannot be done, even if the sea is filled, the sea eye can still spray seawater and push all the objects above away!

Only when the soil in the sea eye is completely integrated with the earth, the land where the sea eye is located is restored to its original state, and the sea eye is suppressed by the power of the earth in the prehistoric times, can the sea eye be considered to be repaired.

However, this method can only be used on a small scale, and it is absolutely impossible to solve the problems of all sea eyes.

After all, the sea eye is the concrete manifestation of the "water" element, and it is the same substance as the "earth" element represented by the power of the earth, and it is one of the four basic elements that make up the prehistoric world.

No matter how heavy the power of the earth in the prehistoric times is, once too many sea eyes are suppressed, it may cause backlash from the sea water.

Moreover, the prehistoric world exists instinctively, and the way of heaven is the most obvious concrete manifestation.

The earth will inevitably feel the impact of suppressing too many sea eyes and refuse to suppress more sea eyes.

That is, Huang Long took advantage of this loophole when others had not discovered it yet, so he was able to use this method to repair the sea eye.

After this, even if Huang Long didn't say it himself, the dragon clan would find this method sooner or later. When the time comes, it will not be so convenient to use this method to repair the sea eye.

The dragon clan is just not good at earth-related magical powers, and they don't have the memory of the traverser. Many seemingly simple things, but because of a cognitive problem, they didn't think of this method.

However, there are many powerful dragons. They just didn't think of this method, not that they can't do it.

Once they know this method and are willing to pay enough, it is estimated that it will not take thousands of years to repair all the sea eyes that can be repaired.

Therefore, taking advantage of this time node, Huang Long must repair as many sea eyes as possible and seek merit again.

Now that only a small sea eye has been repaired, it is obviously unrealistic to expect merit to come.

Time is running out, Huang Long immediately got up and prepared to fly to the next sea eye.

When he just arrived at Yunmeng Fairy Island and Qingyu went to West Kunlun, Huang Long explored the nearby sea area.

He knew exactly where the sea eye was, how big it was, and whether there were any aquatic creatures responsible for suppressing it.

In order to repair as many sea eyes as possible before the dragons discovered them, so as to gain merit.

If the dragons had not discovered the repair method after the merit, Huang Long might be able to use this repair method to gain an extra merit.

In order to slow down the time for the dragons to discover this method and gain more benefits for himself.

Before Huang Long left, he left an illusion array around the sea eye and used the Netherworld Lightless Umbrella to erase the traces he left nearby.

In this way, Huang Long wandered around the West Sea, repairing one sea eye after another that was not suppressed by anyone, and his understanding of the Great Way of Earth and the Great Way of Water was also increasing day by day.

At the same time.

As the scale and speed of the expansion of the power of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun, the Temple of the Sun, became larger and larger, the turmoil caused in the prehistoric world became larger and larger.

Since the matter of the common master of heaven and earth involves the secrets of heaven, it is impossible for people who are not proficient in deduction or hold the treasure to know this.

Therefore, Di Jun did not mention the matter of the demon race to the outside world, but used the Sun Temple as the name of the force.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Sun Temple, due to insufficient manpower and Bai Ze's proposal, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi focused on conquering the Daluo Jinxian.

When the Sun Temple took shape, Di Jun took advantage of Bai Ze's proposal.

He ordered the division of troops into ten routes, letting Kunpeng and the nine demon generals lead an army each, and launched a larger-scale expedition against the prehistoric world.

At the beginning, the army of the Sun Temple only targeted some small races.

Those who obey me will live!

Those who oppose me will die!

There is no room for negotiation.

However, as the scale of the expedition expands, it is inevitable that disputes will arise with the forces of the great supernatural powers.

Such a large force has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and there are great supernatural powers sitting in, so it is not afraid of the Sun Temple.

Gradually, the expansion speed of the Sun Temple slowed down because of these major forces.

However, the prestige of the Sun Temple in the prehistoric world was not affected, but became even greater.

Because in the battle with these major forces, the death of the Golden Immortal occurred!

It was for this reason that many major forces in the prehistoric world began to unite with each other and form alliances one after another.

The remaining small and medium-sized races either chose to surrender after the arrival of the Sun Temple's army.

Or before that, choose to join the alliance of some big forces.

Only a very small number of people who can't think of it will choose to fight to the death with the Sun Temple.

However, more small and medium-sized races choose to go to Zifuzhou or Xikunlun.

For these races who come to surrender, the Queen Mother of the West still has the same rhetoric.

'Xikunlun is a sacred place for female immortals, and it is not convenient to accept you.'

In this way, most races are rejected and they go to the area next to Xikunlun on their own.

However, the size of this area is limited, and she will not interfere with which races can be accommodated.

In order to get some blessings from the Queen Mother of the West, there are also many fights here.

Dong Wanggong is still overjoyed for these races who come to surrender, and he does not refuse anyone.

However, he is also a congenital great power in the late stage of Daluo Jinxian after all. No matter how high he thinks of himself, he gradually feels uneasy.

The influence of the Sun Temple is increasing day by day. If it goes on like this, it will inevitably affect his authority and become a big worry.

In order to avoid this, Dong Wanggong immediately called a group of confidants to work together for decades and discuss a series of related policies.

A few months later, countless immortals, divided into dozens of teams, flew out of Zifuzhou.

Among these immortals, there are Golden Immortals, Taiyi Golden Immortals, and more than a dozen Daluo Golden Immortals in charge of the team.

After leaving Zifuzhou, the immortals under Dong Wanggong began to plunder the natural treasures of all parts of the prehistoric world and conquer small and medium-sized races one by one.

In this regard, the alliance of major forces and the Temple of the Sun tacitly chose to ignore it.

On the one hand, it was to give face to the Saint Hongjun. After all, Dong Wanggong was the head of the male immortals appointed by the saint and the orthodox of the prehistoric world.

On the other hand, it was not the time to make enemies with Dong Wanggong.

As leaders, they were all smart.

Even if Donghuang Taiyi was very unhappy, he chose to hold back his anger under the persuasion of Dijun, which was pitiful for the opponents who fought with him. The number of Daluo Golden Immortals who fell in his hands was also increasing day by day.

In this way, the prehistoric world quickly passed more than two thousand years in the bloody storm.

This day.

Bai Ze suddenly had an idea, and his instinct to avoid danger seemed to sense when, after some deductions, he found a special race without a physical body in the North Sea.

Then he planned for more than ten years, let this race offend a team of the Temple of the Sun, and slowly drove them towards the West Sea.

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