Taihao didn't stay in Chaos for too long. After realizing that Hongjun might have a problem, he felt a sense of urgency!

The urgency of enlightenment!

Regardless of whether the previous speculation was true or false.

But one thing is always true, that is to improve your cultivation and strength!

"As long as the strength is sufficient, no matter how deep Hongjun's plan is, what's the problem? Even if you have a direct showdown with him, it won't be a big deal!"

In an instant, Taihao is no longer entangled.

He is not afraid of Hongjun's plan.

No matter whether Hongjun has succeeded in the prehistoric history.

Anyway, for now, he has nothing to do with Taihao, otherwise he won't He would give the opportunity so directly, trying to lure Taihao to chaos.

"However, these are still my guesses at the moment. If the judgment is wrong, it will have a great impact on future judgments!"

"If Honghuang is not good, he will not be able to stay!"

"Therefore, it must be proved, or at least certain clues must be grasped, otherwise it is just fantasy and nonsense!"

Then the question comes.

How to prove this guess?

Taihao's thoughts surged. In a very short time, he will come up with a way, and it is very feasible.

Taihao thought of preaching in Zixiao Palace.

Ancient history Above, after Hongjun becomes a saint, he will preach three times in Zixiao Palace to educate all sentient beings on behalf of heaven.

If you want to find evidence, Zixiao Palace is the best choice, because as long as Hongjun has other purposes, it is impossible. If you pass down the tradition without reservation, you will definitely have some reservations!

It just so happens that Taihao knew that Hongjun would conceal the method of killing corpses in history!

He did not tell Zixiao Sanqian that it was best to use the same technique to kill corpses. Otherwise, after the three corpses are chopped off, they will face the dilemma of being unable to merge into one.

And the three corpses chopped with the same origin spirit treasure will definitely be stronger than those from different origins.

It is precisely because no one knows this in ancient history! , so that the Age of Ending Dharma has come, and only Hongjun and three corpses merge into one, and even his eldest disciple Taiqing Laozi cannot achieve perfection.

"If Hongjun's three corpses were united into one after he preached, then it is understandable that he did not inform the three thousand guests."

"But when I was in the early tribulation of Longhan, I had a discussion with Hongjun."

"In that discussion, I directly pointed out that in the method of the three corpses, it is best to use the same source of spiritual treasures, otherwise there will be gaps, and I also used this to gain his cultivation insights.……" so!

If he still didn't tell the secret of the three corpses during this sermon, then Taihao wouldn't have to guess. It's almost certain that Hongjun had ulterior motives!

After thinking about this, Taihao felt quite emotional

"Unexpectedly, a discussion before a meeting of tens of dollars would be the key to affecting the future direction of the prehistoric era?"

"If it hadn't been for that sermon, I'd probably have a headache right now."

But with all the emotion, there is still a small problem that needs to be solved.

That is the Zixiao Palace, he can't go!

At least during the sermon, it is impossible

"If I don’t have enlightenment, even if Hongjun invites me, I won’t go!"

"If I become enlightened, even if I want to go again, Hongjun will refuse!"


Because Hongjun will worry about him ruining the place!

But if there is no one he can trust when he is preaching, it will be difficult for Taihao to understand what Hongjun said.

After all, that is the whole prehistoric place, the closest to the way of heaven.

Even if Taihao attains enlightenment, there is still a gap between him and the prehistoric Heavenly Dao.

"Therefore, I must place an undercover agent in Zixiao Palace’?"

Taihao had a strange expression.

Because he thought about it and found that he only had one person who could arrange it.

That is……


"I thought that after accepting Nuwa as a registered disciple, she might not go to Zixiao Palace again, but I didn't expect that after going round and round, she still couldn't escape the great trend!"

"Could it be that this is also related to causality and destiny?"

Small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be violated.

As a future destined saint, things related to Nuwa can definitely be regarded as a great trend.

So she is destined to go to Zixiao Palace.

Otherwise, she will not be able to obtain the Hongmeng Purple Qi..

Without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, how can one become a saint?

"No matter, let’s take it one step at a time. Although it is difficult to resist the general trend now, when I realize the Tao in the chaos and transcend the prehistoric times, even if this general trend is difficult to change, it may not be impossible to change it!"

In the time it took to think, Taihao had returned from chaos to the primeval world.

But just when he was about to find Nuwa and explain to her, a strange fluctuation interrupted what he wanted to do.

"Opportunity? wrong! It seems like it belongs to me!"

Tahao looked surprised.

"I actually have a treasure left in the wilderness?"

"And I don’t know it myself?"

"what's the situation?"

Even Taihao was a little confused for a moment.

But then, he figured out the reason with his fingers and his expression became enlightened.

"It’s actually the Ancestral Dragon Pearl!"

"No wonder this happens. If it is the Ancestral Dragon Ball, it makes sense!"

When Long Han measured the calamity, Zulong used his own dragon beads and part of the inventory in the Dragon Clan's treasure house to allow Taihao to help the Dragon Clan after the calamity was measured.

But after the calamity was measured, the Zulong Pearl disappeared..

So much so that Taihao also forgot to take care of the Dragon Clan. At this moment, the Ancestral Dragon Pearl appeared. Taihao roughly figured out why the Ancestral Dragon Pearl suddenly appeared because its mission was completed, which was to save the prehistoric world after the calamity. Evil spirit.

According to the ancient history, the Ancestral Dragon Pearl would not be given away just to get a promise, so the Ancestral Dragon Pearl would not be born at all. Differently, Zulong entrusted his dragon ball to Taihao, so it is not difficult to understand that the treasured dragon ball appeared not long ago.

However, when Taihao investigated the ancestral dragon ball, he couldn't help but laugh and cry because he found it. , this treasure that belongs to him is actually being fought over by a group of monks?

There are even many famous ones among them, such as Jieyin and Zhunti.

The next moment, Taihao's expression turned slightly. Accident

"Huh? Why is there still fuso?"

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