At this moment, Taihao was extremely terrified.

He felt that he might have glimpsed some shocking secret, one that even the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods knew very little about.

This shocked Taihao.

And the level of shock is no less than when I just realized the great truth.

"If there is chaos outside of chaos, what does everything that happened in the prehistoric world count?"

"Do kids play house?"

This description is not an exaggeration.

Because compared with chaos, or even the world outside chaos, the prehistoric era is really not worth mentioning.

After all, from the beginning to the end of the prehistoric period, there were only ten Hunyuan, and the number of Chaos Light Hunyuan powerhouses was, It has to be measured in hundreds, not to mention the powerful ones above Hunyuan!

If it extends outwards, the level is not to say higher than Chaos, but at least it is not much different.

In comparison, Honghuang has no cards!

"If there really is another Chaos, could it be that the one who opened the sky was not Pangu, or one of the forces, but another of the three thousand avenues?"

"If that were the case, wouldn't there be at least three thousand in the outer chaos?"

"Just because���For every law, there may be such a world of chaos, so is it possible to prove each of the three thousand laws?"

At this time, Taihao's thoughts were like lightning.

One conjecture after another appeared in his mind, some were rejected, and some were left behind.

He was like those scientists on the earth in his previous life. Through the few clues he got, little by little,

Taihao has always had doubts about the places he can't reach yet, and he still can't figure out why there are three thousand roads. , instead of three thousand and one, or more.

This is definitely not something that can be explained by a sentence that has a special meaning and is then completed in Taihao's mind.

"All laws may not appear all at once. Because no matter what it is, there may be no end, but there must be a starting point!"

"The reason why there are only three thousand avenues is because only three thousand side followers have been promoted!"

"So what if there are heretics who have transformed? Wouldn't that turn into three thousand...and one?"

Suddenly, Taihao seemed to understand something.

He seemed to understand why the spokesperson of heaven must find an unprecedented way.

"Everything will eventually perish, only the Great Way will last forever!"

"The prehistoric era wants to be promoted and transformed! To survive the next immeasurable calamity! To exist forever!"

"The only way is to be promoted to the great road! Become a part of the Three Thousand...Zero One Avenue, otherwise even if you survive one immeasurable calamity, you will not be able to escape the second or third.……"

"But only monks who create new laws can do this kind of thing. Otherwise, no matter how strong it is, it will be just a tributary of other laws!"

"If that's the case, then wouldn't the method I'm opening up now become a... side-track?"

Thinking of this, Taihao couldn't help but became speechless.

He never thought that the truth of the matter might be this.

At the same time, he also roughly understood what calamity is, why there is calamity, and why calamity arises.

If the avenue is compared to the main river, then every law of promotion should be able to find a tributary in it.

The convergence of three thousand tributaries is the main body of the avenue that remains unchanged, but there is a steady stream of left paths.

The side streams want to converge here like three thousand tributaries, but the width of the path into the main river is limited.

When it reaches the limit, it will surge, overflow, and explode every time on the branches leading to the avenue.

When a wave crest occurs, side streams will be thrown out of the river, and then evaporate and disappear, and then be wiped out.

But the river will not only have wave crests, but also flood peaks!

Generally, countless side streams will be thrown out and then disappear!

This is an immeasurable calamity!

"In other words, Honghuang just experienced a wave crest?"

"Because the prehistoric level is high enough, when the wave peak comes, at most there will be wear and tear, that is, it will become weaker every time, but it will not be thrown out of the river!"

"Unless the flood peak, that is, immeasurable calamity comes!"

Although he has just realized that the world is vast, Taihao feels a lot more relaxed and has figured it out a lot.

Because a long time ago, he had some bad associations through some clues, thinking that the reason why the prehistoric world would become weaker a little bit , so that the catastrophe of the end of the law was caused by an unknown existence manipulating everything behind the scenes to achieve some kind of ulterior secret, and he even thought that that existence was not even willing to recite its name.

, he was afraid that he would be aware of it, so he had been a little wary until now.

It turned out that he was overthinking it!

No matter how strong he is, it’s hard to be stronger than Pangu, let alone Dao

"But if I can advance all the way, I might be able to meet them on the branch rivers and compete for that rare and difficult chance!"

"This is an opportunity to jump onto the main road!"

"This is a Dao dispute! The battle of avenues!"

In a moment of thought, Taihao's Taoist heart became more firm and complete.

He was determined to go to chaos, or even beyond chaos, to see a wider world instead of being trapped in the wilderness. Because of several"wave crests", and A bunch of Hunyuan are fighting over each other.

That's too petty.

Although there are still some questions that have not been solved, such as why Pangu opened up the world and why the three thousand demon gods blocked it. What's the relationship?

Why do the three thousand demon gods still appear in Dao, etc. But at least

Taihao has solved a lot of doubts.


"If nothing else goes wrong, when my Yuanling exits this state, there will be something that will cut off Luo Hu's method, which is the branch that Luo Hu opened up!"

At this moment, the luck lingering around Taihao has not dissipated, and it seems that it must be bound to him.

When Taihao exited from the enlightenment state, he did not focus on the luck, but relied on it in an instant The rise of luck brought about the quasi-Hunyuan strength, and I barely noticed a black and terrifying big millstone that seemed to be able to take away all the person's true spirit, soul, body, and blood!

"The Great Moment of Destruction?"

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