Zhulong had nothing to hide, and he didn't dare to.

Because he knows the strength gap between himself and Taihao, even if his strength breaks through again and reaches the quasi-sage stage, it won't be much better.

Maybe we can fight back a little more?

So instead of hiding it, it’s better not to hold anything back.

Anyway, he could only watch that opportunity.

After listening to Zhulong's words, Taihao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He was not doubting the truth or falsehood of Zhulong's words, but he was thinking about the details to see if he could analyze any clues from them.

When his cultivation has reached the realm of Taihao, every thought and every movement is consistent with the Tao, and everything cannot escape his perception. If Zhulong is lying, he can find the flaw without careful investigation.

In the prehistoric history, after the Long Han calamity, the three tribes withdrew from the stage of history. From being the protagonists of the world on the surface, they directly became a poor family. Why is this?

Because the strong men of the three tribes were almost dead in the calamity!

Not to mention quasi-sages, even Daluo is rare!

But there are exceptions to everything, and this Zhulong is an exception among the three tribes.

He is obviously a quasi-sage, but he has survived beyond the calamity!

Maybe there are other factors involved, such as Zhulong's time laws that are against the heavens, such as wanting to stay and take care of the Dragon Clan, but if there is no personality relationship, Taihao definitely doesn't believe it.

What's more, when the Dragon Clan was in such misery, he didn't appear!

This guy might just be greedy for life and afraid of death!

Therefore, Taihao doesn’t believe that he has the courage to deceive.

"According to Zhulong, he obtained a law fragment in the East China Sea, so he was able to understand the law of time! This is similar to my understanding of the law of force, but……"

"His fragment of the Law of Time seems to have been tampered with? Actually guiding him to a place of opportunity?"

"Could it be the remnant soul of some Chaos Demon God?"

Thinking of this, a figure of the Chaos Demon God appeared in Taihao's mind.

Although it is a figure, it is not a human form, but a stone plate that is so wide that it can cover countless worlds. There are scales on the stone plate, and the scales are between There is a faint Tao that is flowing. Every time the Tao moves, countless worlds rise and fall in chaos, either reborn or destroyed. This is the devil who controls time.


Taihao frowned slightly.

He has Pangu heritage, so he naturally knows how terrifying Shi Chen is.

Even if Pangu God is included, Shi Chen's strength can be ranked in the top three among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods! He is so powerful that he can no longer use it. To describe it as"defying the heaven", because if he is still alive, it is still unknown whether the ancient Tao of Heaven can still exist.

Even the reason why Pangu was exhausted and had irreparable Tao injuries is inseparable from him!

There are only a few monks who can master the law of time, and even fewer can manipulate the fragments of the law. Therefore

, if anyone can do it, only Shichen can do it!

Long glanced at it, and at the same time, he became more and more sure of his previous judgment.

This guy is really cautious (cowardly).

Such a big opportunity is right in front of him. Even if he breaks through to the quasi-sage, he won't go at that time. The demon really exists, and he also released the time fragments. After learning all this, I am afraid that he will die of depression.

As for the possible existence of the time demon, why he released the time fragments... No need to think about it, Taihao also knows the reason. resurrection

"The body of time must be dead and cannot die anymore, there is no doubt about this! I just don’t know how many of his remnant souls remain. If there are more, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to deal with.……"

The Seal of Creation that Taihao received on the top of Buzhou Mountain not only contained the scene of the creation of the world, but also included the scene of Pangu killing three thousand demon gods, because the creation of the sky and the killing of the demon gods were carried out at the same time.

From this perspective, we can also see how terrifying Pangu's strength is. He can do two almost unbelievable things at the same time, but he can still succeed in one and be close to success in the other.

So Taihao didn’t have much entanglement at all, he had already made his choice in his heart.

"The Great God Pangu can even kill the body of time. As his successor, if I am afraid of even a ray of remnant soul, wouldn’t it damage Pangu’s reputation? This opportunity in the East China Sea is determined by me, Tahoe!"

With this thought, Taihao no longer hesitated and prepared to go to the East China Sea.

But before leaving, he did not forget to pull Xiao Taotie along.

After all, going to the East China Sea does not conflict with preaching and dispelling evil spirits.

But at this moment, Xiao Taotie seemed a little a little bit Busy, she was busy eating, eating the star sand she vomited out when she was hit by the time spell...


Taihao had the urge to hold his forehead.

Is he so hungry?

At the moment, Taihao didn't care whether she was there or not. After finishing eating, he put her and Zhulong away with a wave of his hand, then used his magical power to strengthen the innate formation, and then turned around and left.

Even if Zhulong takes action again, it will be difficult for him to leave. Break open.

So Taihao can rest assured.

As for Feng Jiu, she is the gatekeeper.


Time flies, and thousands of years pass by in an instant.

When Taihao appeared from the void again, he had reached the East China Sea!

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